Good Evening !

We went to the Romanian restaurant Rustik in Sainte-Adèle once again.
We quitted the place at 5 PM. Here is what we heard of interest:

Domestic DX:

1320 CKEC, New Glasgow, NS 1706 EST - Man with forecast and mention of New
Glasgow. Good and mixing with a station that had woman talk. Surprising
considering the absolute lack of TAs at home QTH of Pierrefonds on my Sanyo
MCD-S830 barefoot. (Chiochiu-car-QC)

1600 unID 1702 EST - Woman hosting a talk-show and giving phone numbers over
the air. Over / under WUNR wich had man with religious comments (in SS, of
course). Definitively not my NYC AMer, WWRL, unless a format change. Would
be difficult to get this air with horrendous splash from CFAV-1570 or less
awful splash from much weaker CJWI-1610. (Chiochiu-car-QC)

Pan-American DX (maybe):

750 unID, maybe HJDK ??? 2216 UTC - Tropical music with mention of "amor" in
the lyrics. Very poor with 1 or 2 other stations even weaker underneath. One
of them was WSB. Too poor to be sure if the rhythm and style was salsa or
cumbia. Definitively not merengue which is much more rhythmic. I'm not aware
from all the DX logs I read over the years that it is a Spanish domestic.
RCR is usually news-talk, I don't know if they have tropical music on Sunday
evenings. Caracol Medellín is suspected, altough 760 had WJR not RCN
Barranquilla and around 5 PM is a bit early for Colombia, isnt'it ?

1610 unID, 2213 UTC - Nx program, man announcer with "cinco de la tarde..."
TCs, so in the same EST zone as Montreal. Also heard in the Laurentians this
summer, at Labelle cottage, but wasn't too interested in DXing at the time,
so couldn't ID them. All the legal US stations here are TIS, so a pirate or
Argentina ? (Chiochiu-car-QC)

Indeed like a few of you confirmed, WABC have oldies on Sat. nights now.

Conditions, generally speaking, continue to be very poor and I was surprised
to hear an apparent Latin on 750 and an apparent low-power Spanish US pirate
on 1610 in the car while driving away from Sainte-Adèle.

Hope to get to bed early for waking around 4 AM for SWLing to Mexico-6010.

Be the good DX stuff with you !
Bogdan Chiochiu

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