"UK Theme to be dropped by Radio 4"

The UK Theme has been broadcast daily at 0530 GMT

BBC Radio 4 is to axe the UK Theme, the opening music it has played for 33
years, in changes to its schedule.

The theme is a five-minute medley of tunes including Danny Boy, What Shall
We Do With The Drunken Sailor?, Scotland the Brave and Rule Britannia.
It will be replaced by a news briefing and extended shipping forecast.

Radio 4 controller Mark Damazer predicted there would be some protest at the
decision to lose the medley, which will take effect in April. (You bet there
will be much more than "some protest"!!... Mike)

"I know there are some people who will regret the passing of the UK Theme,"
he said. (Definitely!!... Mike)

"But I believe the bulk of the audience will be better served by a pacy news
briefing, read by one of Radio 4's team of news readers." (what absolute

Written by Austrian composer Fritz Spiegl, the UK Theme also includes
popular tunes Men of Harlech, Greensleeves, Londonderry Air and Early One

It has been broadcast daily at 0530 GMT to signal the switchover from the
World Service to BBC Radio 4.

Farming Today and Prayer for the Day will not be affected by the changes.

(RECORD IT WHILE YOU CAN, its stood the test of 33 YEARS - its WONDERFUL and
so quintessentially British, why do things have to change??...PLEASE email
"Feedback" and the BBC DG and whoever you can find at the BBC ....PLEASE
DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN...thanks...Mike)


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