I am not sure if SWL's are aware yet of a new SW station in Santa Cruz,
Bolivia. On Dec. 18, 2005, Ray Rising (CP6RR), Julio Andino and myself put
Radio Logos on 6165 kHz. Antenna is an NVIP [near vertical incidence] antenna
using four half wave dipoles and is presently fed with a 5 kW AM transmitter.
They also have a 1 kW transmitter but technical problems keep it off the air
for now. The transmitter/ antenna is on the same plot of land as RCN [Radio
Centenario La Nueva] which has been broadcasting on 4865 kHz for a number of

When I returned to Canada on Dec 23, the crew of Radio Logos were still
building a control studio at the transmitter site so initial programming is
mostly a satellite feed from ALAS in Spanish with hours of transmit the same as
RCN on 4865. However the eventual plan is to produce more local programming
including indigenous language programming. 

I have attached a couple pictures of the antenna system, which was my
responsibility. Sincerely, (Wayne Borthwick, VA7GF, Grand Forks, BC, Canada,

Tnx, Wayne, news to us! Pix posted in the dxldyg photo files, STATION SCENES.
The 4865 hours per WRTH 2006 are: M-F 09-01, Sat & Sun 11-23 UT. RN - Bonaire
will be the major obstacle here, on 6165 from 2300 straight thru until 0700,
but maybe would be audible before 2300 if Croatia & Chad permit; there does not
seem to be much scheduled on 6165 on the darkside from 0900 until RN comes back
on at 1100-1130. Who will be first do DX and ID it? The antenna, of course, is
designed to minimize long-range propagation. Bonaire probably bothers it in
Bolivia in the 23-01 period (Glenn Hauser, UT Jan 23, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

Glenn, You are correct in the problem with RN. Before the station went on the
air I monitored 6165 one evening in Sta. Cruz and RN was quite strong. On a
short trip I made to Cochabamba Dec. 19-21 I monitored Radio Logos at the Mosoj
Chaski transmitter site and found it strong all day with signal strength equal
to the 49M station Radio Santa Cruz. Will query Ray to get the station call
sign and contact info for you (Wayne Borthwick, Jan 23, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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