Harold Frodge wrote in Cumbre DX:
6844/U, 2310-2313:03*, 16-Mar; VERY INTERESTING! M alternating in LL &
     EE about Somalia; "...the coalition forces are working with crimi-
     nals...", "...the coalition forces will find you, it is only a
     matter of time". All cmtry; no 2-way. SIO=2+43- (Frodge-MI)

Interesting, this must be Coalition Maritime Forces broadcast
to Somali pirates. Reported earlier on 9223U in HCDX, see below.
73, Jari Savolainen

HCDX Feb 14, 2006:

"Hallo Jari,
On the 7th of Feb I phoned Maarten van Delft here in The Netherlands, who
told me about his interesting reception that afternoon.

9223USB 1600-1610UTC: non-native English messages, probably pre-recorded
with warning against involvement in pirate actions off Somalia. "If you want
a long happy life with your family, stop taking part in these illegal
actions. We know who you are and where to find you". Several times the
Coalition Maritime Forces were mentioned and a telephone number and e-mail
address in Bahrain with a request to give information about these pirates.

This was in English and very similar to your observations.
Quite interesting!!
Max van Arnhem
The Netherlands"

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