Radio Progreso 750 in // with 890 through WSB. New ! Progreso-890 it's self is 
very nicely audible with an instrumental bolero with nice guitar. Venezuela-750 
was very threshold earlier and I "thought" I got extremely threshold spanish on 
780, but it was audible at maybe 0.1% (keep in mind that a S = 2 of the SINPO 
code is of 40% of listenability and a S = 1 is a 20% of listenability, so that 
makes up how pretty much imaginary-level the reception of Coro-780 was). On the 
other hand, RCN-760,a ltough very weak, was clear enough for me, to be able to 
pick up "ciento mil...", the number of pesos a thing costs, during an ad and I 
TAPED it. I would be glad to send it to LatinMWDX or to anyone interested. In 
the begininng, on will hear a recording of WJR then I switched the ferrite bar 
antenna to the N/S to null Detroit-Michigan and pick up Barranquilla, Colombia 
on 760 AM.

Unbelievable condx for that late in the 2005-2006 DX season (which is 
officially ended). It's the SECOND time only I get RCN-760 in May, once before 
in 2001.

They seemed to have fútbol / soccer. I'm almosts ure they had, since I could 
hear a very excited announcer at unreadable level. I must need something better 
than my Sanyo MCD-S830 for chassing MW Latins during the off-season months.

Last, but certainly not least, in my last Spanish report, I forgot to mention I 
heard some intriguing old-fashionned music which sounded Cuban on 640. Couldn't 
tell if //890, since it faded down way under the annoying WCBS-880 
adjacent-channel interference.

And, Caicos-530 VERY loud as ever. BUT, nothing on 555 N/S (Basseterre, St. 
Kitts) or on 585 E/W (Madrid). I didn't checked 1134, but I guess they would be 
more regular.

Domestic-DX wise, 70's music, mainly soul or smooth R&B on 600 in WICC/Cuba 
null. Could be CKAT, but the last time I listened to them, they were C&W.

May good DX be with you !
Bogdan Chiochiu
"La jalousie est un grand pieux dans l'évolution spirituelle !"

Estoy continuando a escuchar America Latina por aquí. Una nueva captación es 
Radio Progreso en los 750, con música cubana (mambo, yo creo) en // con los 890.

RCN Barranquilla fue bastante clara para poder entender "mil cientos..." 
durante una publicidad, pero el fútbol, auqnue el locutor habla más rápido y 
está casi-gritando, no puedo entender nada - ¡más débil! Tengo una grabación de 
este emisora.

Voy a dejear usted, pero si podrían escuchar algo desde Canada podría ser 
interesante. ¿ Es la captación de Canada posible en Cuba o Venezuela por onda 
media ? No podí sintonizar nada canadiensce durante mi giro por Santa Lucia, un 
pueblo cercano de Camagüey y de Nuevitas.

¡ Pasa una noche MUY BONITA y tienen las mejoras captciones que la querida 
ionosfera puede ofrecir !
Bogdan Alejandro Chiochiu
"La jalousie est un grand pieux dans l'évolution spirituelle !"
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