A message from the folks at the non-profit Radio Heritage Foundation

NEW 'pirate' Radio Hauraki Competition
Visit www.radioheritage.net to enter

Wow, wasn't that a lot of fun!!! A BIG THANKS to everyone who sent in
their entry for the first 'pirate' Radio Hauraki competition or who
signed up to the 'new' 1480 Club........

Amazing how far the Radio Hauraki story has gone around the
world...you've written in from the UK, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands,
South Africa, India, Taiwan, Australia, Canada, USA and....New

And, some of you also wrote about your own personal Radio Hauraki
memories..these are fantastic, and we'll put them up on the website a
bit later down the track. Got some memories of your own to share?
Just add them to your entry for the NEW competition...see below for

One ex-Hauraki 'Good Guy' has whispered in our ears that, although
'Born Free' by Matt Munro is widely regarded as the first song played
on the ship, there were some test broadcasts a few days earlier and a
certain song by 'The Sandpipers' was actually the very first song
ever played!!!!

Separating facts from fiction and urban legend isn't easy. 

But, who's the winner I hear you shouting!!! Who picked 'Born Free'
as the answer, and is our first winner.....and the answer is [drum

Chris Faulkner of Holyhead, Wales, UK. Well done Chris.
Congratulations, and your prize will be on its way to you in the next
week or so.

Next competition I hear you shouting!!! We want another competition!!!

OK, just visit www.radioheritage.net and you'll see the great prize
we've got lined up for you this time. It's a rare CD 'A Fresh Pacific
Wind', the story of Radio Hauraki 1966-1970. Compiled by David Miller
this has got the greatest interviews and stories about 'pirate' Radio
Hauraki you'll ever find in one place..........

And, you'll find the easy to answer question there as well. It's so
simple that our prize co-ordinator says we're giving it away....of
course we are, she finds them, we give 'em away to good
homes....because we're the official 'pirate' Home of the Good Guys!!!!

For the next few days you can also listen to our special radio
heritage documentary all about 'pirate' Radio Hauraki....you can also
hear old jingles, listen to some funny old adverts, and lots of great
Kiwi pop music from the 1960's....

Visit our friends at Radio New Zealand International [www.rnzi.com]
and find 'More Audio', click on this to find 'Mailbox' and download
the July 24 program...and you can rejoin the swinging sixties with
'Baby Boomer Radio, the Radio Revolution'....

Remember, to enter the new competition, visit www.radioheritage.net
and send us an email with 'pirate Radio Hauraki' in the subject line,
your name and address, the answer to the very easy
question.....closing date for entries is August 31 2006. One entry
per person please. Open worldwide!!

Want to improve your chances of winning? YES PLEASE!!!! Easy, send
this email to your friends and ask them to enter....and ask them to
include your name in their entry.....we'll be watching, and will have
something special for one lucky person who gets their name included
in a friends entry!!

So, thanks for joining us here at the official 'pirate' Radio Hauraki
40th reunion pages.....and get your entries in to win the CD 'A Fresh
Pacific Wind'........

The Good Guys at 'pirate' Radio Hauraki

PS.....we'd love to hear about your memories of the original 'pirate'
Radio Hauraki...and if you're too young to remember....ask Mum and
Dad...Aunt or Uncle....the guys in the pub.....or just imagine
yourself in the 1960's and make it all up!!!!!We'll never know!!!!   

Radio Heritage Foundation

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