Welcome to listen SWR's September 2006 transmission -24 hours on 1602 KHz MW 
and on SW's....!

Reception reports are higly appreciated and specially important is info of best 
and worsiest times on each frequency as well knowlegde of source and type of 
interference- this info will help us much when planning our winter schedule. 
All correct reports with handlig cost  of 2 Euro/2 IRC's (correctly stamped!) 
will be verified with our QSL-card. 

Postal address for reports is SWR,  POBox 99, 34801 Virrat Finland. More info 
can be found: http://www.swradio.net

Programe schedule (times local Finnish time)
00-02 TrickyTrevs Music for lovers
02-07 SWR crew - open studio 
07-08 Science corner by Esa.
8-10 Huomenta-Good Morning Virrat by Häkä
10-11 Luontopläjäys. Lähderetki. 2. esitys
11-12 Kotimainen musiikkihetki. Irvin Goodman
12-13 Radio news by Rick Random & Radiolehtikatsaus
13-14 SWR Crew
14-16 TrickyTrev Crazy Show.
16-18 EDXC Special. Kolme vuosikymmentä kokouksia Suomessa.
18-19 Pohjanmaa vuonna nolla. Olavi Letku ja Tenho Liiteri
19-20 Progressive rock and other strange things by Esa
20-21 SWR Crew
21-22 Saunan lämmitys - varming up the Sauna by Häkä
22-23 SWR Crew
23-24 Closing seremony by Häkä 

Here's our A06 schedule for this transmission day:


24 hours 1602 kHz

48 MB
00-01 (21-22 UTC) 6170 kHz
01-06 (22-03 UTC) 5980 kHz
06-19 (03-16 UTC) 6170 kHz
19-21 (16-18 UTC) 5980 kHz
21-24 (18-21 UTC) 6170 kHz 

25 MB
00-09 (21-06 UTC) 11720 kHz
09-14 (06-11 UTC) 11690 kHz
14-21 (11-18 UTC) 11720 kHz
21-24 (18-21 UTC) 11690 kHz


Alpo Heinonen
Scandinavian Weekend Radio
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