J. D., You could have read the original, hopefully with accents intact, via

Apparently my summary was not enough? Here`s a loose translation:

I don`t know if you are aware, but REE has a policy of not QSLing, which is too
bad. I didn`t know this when I sent them a reception report.

So today I recevied e-mail from Pilar Salvador Marco, informing me that REE has
not sent out QSL cards for years. Despite this, Pilar confirmed my report
but only with partial data, frequency and SINPO.

Even tho it was partial data, I consider myself victorious in receiving
confirmation of my reception of REE.

Translated by Glenn Hauser

--- "J.D. Stephens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> With all the strange characters that got inserted in
> the below message before it made it to the HCDX list,
> I need help figuring out just WHAT the QSL policy of
> REE is.  Can someone decipher (in English) ??
> 73  -  JD Stephens
> > QUESTION: Has anyone received a QSL out of Radio
> Exterior de Espana 
> (any
> > transmitter) in the last few years?
> This appeared recently on the Brazilian radioescutas
> list; he got a 
> reply by
> e-mail with partial data which he considers a QSL
> despite their policy:
> ** SPAIN. Ol? amigos! N?o sei se voc?s sabem, mas a
> R?dio Exterior de 
> Espa?a
> n?o mais envia cart?es QSL confirmando informes de
> recep??o, o que ? 
> uma pena.
> Bom, acontece que eu n?o sabia disso e recentemente
> enviei a esta 
> emissora um
> informe de recep??o.
> Eis que hoje recebi um e-mail de Pilar Salvador Marco,
> me informando 
> que h?
> anos a R?dio Exterior de Espanha n?o envia mais
> cart?es QSL.
> Mesmo a emissora n?o mais enviando QSLs, a Pilar
> Salvador confirmou meu 
> informe
> de recep??o por e-mail, apenas colocando dados
> parciais do meu informe 
> de
> recep??o (freq??ncia escutada e c?digo SINPO).
> Mesmo tendo recebido um e-mail partial data, me
> considero um vitorioso 
> por ter
> recebido uma confirma??o da minha escuta da R?dio
> Exterior de Espanha. 
> 73s
> J.D. Stephens
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alternate)

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