** CANADA. Another wrong frequency from Sackville. Sat Oct 14 at 2053-2057* I
found R. Netherlands in English on 17760, instead of scheduled 17660.
Unfortunately, this was right next to RCI/CBC itself on 17765, and there was a
big het between them. I hope the respective transmitters and associated
equipment were not damaged by the unintended proximity. RN via Bonaire was //
on 17735, 15315 and to Africa weaker 17810, but slightly out of synch with
Sackville, just a reverb apart. Close of transmission did not mention any
frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CZECH REPUBLIC [non]. I checked out the closing of the 1400 broadcast
Saturday October 14 on 15350 via Sackville; the final item was about Bollywood
in Prague, and then they said goodbye until the weekend. Wait a minute! This is
Saturday. It IS the weekend, already. Could this have been a stale Friday
broadcast? Yes! Checking the audio archive at http://www.radio.cz/en/listen
this was the one labeled Friday October 13 at 1300. So the 1400 programs are
running a day late; why? BTW, two daily English broadcasts, one at 1300 and one
at 1600 are in the audio archives, so I assume that means there are two
separate semihours each day with different content. Do they alternate thruout
the SW broadcast day, or what? Why don`t they make this clear? No, the program
schedule does not show two sets for each day: http://www.radio.cz/en/programme
altho ICE apparently pre-empts other programs on certain Saturday broadcasts,
which ones, not shown on this page. Too many shows to fit into one semi-hour?
Some of them are monthly or fortnightly, but they don`t say exactly WHICH weeks
they are on. Why don`t they make all this clear? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** FRANCE [non]. I keep expecting to hear 6120 at 1400 via Japan back in
Vietnamese as originally scheduled, but so far English has continued, Oct 14 at
1400 with timesignal 5 and a half seconds late (I had just synchronized my
watch with WWV), indicating a rather circuitous program feed routing, ID and
David Page with news. SAH of about 6 Hz from Malaysia(?) carrier continued
until 1401* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GABON. The harmonic on 19160 is getting to be a regular catch, but it seems
to remarkable that I am going to keep looking for it and reporting it. Keep in
mind that of all the much stronger and closer signals on 31m, only 9580 ANO is
audible on a second harmonic. Oct 14 at 1853, fair signal, and at 2055 with
hilife music, good signal peaking at the usual 15 over S9 on the FRG-7 meter

** NEW ZEALAND. No sign of RNZI analog 7145 around 1352 Oct 14, tho DRM was
going on 6090-6100; nor anything on 9870. Later this day at 2049, I could hear
nothing but Brother Scare on 13730, so suspect RNZI analog transmitter is still
down; but DRM audible on 15715-15725 --- hint: report DRM frequencies as
covering 10 kHz spans, which is the truth. Don`t you believe the upper right
corner of the home page http://www.rnzi.com which says:

``On the Air --- We are currently broadcasting on 13730 AM & DRM 15720 kHz in
the 21 & 19 m band. The programme on-air is Relay of National Radio. The live
audio stream is active``

This looks like it is configured to show what is really happening right now,
but seems in reality it just displays what is theoretically supposed to be
happening right now according to schedule. What good is that? As usual when a
Rangitaiki transmitter breaks down, there is no one there and engineers have to
make a long commute, once they are notified, and the absence was first noted
here at almost 3 am local, when nobody in-house is monitoring? Or nobody
in-house, period. Or it could be internally scheduled downtime for maintenance,
but that`s usually on Thu or Fri during local daytime. Can anyone hear RNZI
13730 in the 21-0658 period UT Oct 14-15? One should really check all their
current and recently used frequencies in case their clockwork has gone haywire
again and they`re stuck on the wrong one by mistake (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** POLAND [non]. Re B-06 R. Polonia relay plans --- Look at all those
broadcasts in various languages back to Europe. All they need to do is dedicate
one hour a day via GUF to NAm, half in English, half in Polish. Could be a
playbacks of earlier broadcasts to Europe requiring no additional studio
produxion time or even anyone on duty in the middle of the night in Poland, if
that would be a problem (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. While we know that VOA Hausa at 2030-2100 on 11720 is via
Greenville on weekdays, the same frequency was much too weak on Sat Oct 14,
when French instead is scheduled, closing at 2059. So that`s still Morocco
site. In fact, Zanzibar on 11735 which was also just signing off with its tinny
anthem had a much stronger signal than 11720 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

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