** CHINA. Firedrake gone again from 9200 where first heard Nov 23, but nothing
Nov 24 at 1422, nor on 10400, 10450. In fact did not find any other FD in
scanning several bands, except 6145 at 1432 against RTI in Mandarin.
Transmitter problems? Propagation? Too ashamed to continue at previous level?
Sound of Hope moved again? S. Aoki confirmed that SOH had moved from 17310 to
9200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. On 15810, Nov 24 at 1352, very distorted talk in unrecognizable
language. Must be R. Cairo as scheduled in Indonesian, 1230-1400, and likely
also the case with Malay at 1145-1230. In A-season, same was noted after 1430
in Pashto, but now that has moved to 9975 where we are not going to hear it.
The 15810 transmitter always seems to be out of whack (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** SOUTH AFRICA. 15255, Nov 24 at 0627 with discussion in African-accented
English about Pan African Parliament. No ID heard but this is scheduled as
Channel Africa to WAf at 06-07. I realise that there are scads of African
languages, each of which ought to produce a different-sounding accent when
speaking English. Nevertheless, there is broadly speaking an `African` accented
English, it seems to me, analogous to `Indian` accented English by native
speakers of different languages spoken in India. Perhaps the Africans and
Indians can figure out an accented-English speaker`s native language? (Glenn

UNIDENTIFIED. 10126, 5-digit Spanish YL numbers on AM with hum, surely not
pleasing to ham intruder watchers, Nov 24 at 1424 and still after 1430. The
only hit on this frequency in UDXF yg is this showing the Cuban spies have used
same frequency before in CW instead of AM. Don`t they know 30m is non-voice?
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Viz.:

10126.0 DGI Cuba 1118 CW 5FG Cut Num. (26/06/06) (AJP) (Tony, LU2DKN, Mar del
Plata, Argentina, UDXF yg via DXLD)

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