
The Japy DX Group made in the latest week one trip to Comprida Island
(GG68, Sao Paulo, Brazil) for VHF and UHF DXing. Following the log and
some informations:

1 - Despite the hours noted as "TEP Open" and "TEP closed", the
propagation did not show constant all over that period: sometimes
appears with 2 maximums, other times seems like one good first opening
to then several short good openings on the night;

2 - FM5CS was on 144,200 MHz in USB with distorted but strong workable
audio. We did this QSO point-to-point that covered 4600 km. When FM5CS
made QSY for FM we just noted the carrier with usual TEP effects
(fading, distortion, Doppler), unable to identify any word;

3 - We also heard the APRS QRG used in Carib but just for seconds, maybe
because the low traffic or the propagation indeed. In our old expedition
to Itapoah, Santa Catarina, Brazil, we daily listen these signals and
identify APRS stations from Martinique;

4 – Different of the latest DX Camp did in November, 2006, now we
clearly heard broadcasting stations in 88 MHz band that was not located
in Barbados only. They came from Martinique but in less time than all
opening to Barbados. For Brazilian Comprida Island, Barbados is the main
area in the opposite side of America covered by TEP;

5 - The station The One (Barbados) was the best reference for TEP. We
heard it for minutes after and before considering the others stations.
In the past we noted it with Hott FM (Barbados). In 2 meters the
Barbados repeater 146,910 MHz gave to us the best return signals to
our calls. By there we made the QSO with 8P6JB around 4400 km far.
Without beacons in 2 meters from Carib, it turned in one of our main
reference in the band. On 6 meters 9Y4AT was the louder and long time

6 - However we could not achieve major conclusions because we stay there
for short time, with low number of transceivers and operators for
multiband monitoring. We have precisely and limited informations about
propagation behavior for what we found on that time with these stations
and locations;

7 - In 88 MHz band we used Degen 1103 and Sony 7600. In the first
receiver we worked with the jacket devoted for external antenna and in
the second receiver we used one simple system made by Mr. Martin Jenny
for radios that does not have that jacket for external antenna. The
difference was amazing considering the traditional way of listening
FM-DX in Brazil using only the telescopic antenna. Both receivers was
sharing the same antenna (Thevear 416-C Band 2) with one splitter;

8 - About Brazilian paths we had propagation to the interior of Sao
Paulo. In 88 MHz we heard stations 300 - 400 km far inside the
country. In 2m SSB we also heard stations from these areas but no
takers. Nothing on 432 MHz. The majority of the intra PY QSOS reach 200 km.

9 - As usual we went to the field with some simple HF and we heard 1A4A
at 21 MHz CW. Several USA stations on the pile up. The noise was quite
high for low bands so we did not made any NDB/LW listening.

Thanks a lot for who followed the skeds and spread the previous
informations about this portable station.

So check the LOG and till the next Japy DX outdoor operation!

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Ilha Comprida GG68bx
Japy DX Group
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144 MHz Yagi PY2NI 12 ele
432 MHz Yagi PY2NI 15 ele (not used)
432 MHz Yagi PY2NI 7 ele
50 MHz dipole, 21 MHz dipole
88 MHz Thevear 416-C Band 2
- - -

02 JAN 2007

2340 - TEP Open

03 JAN 2007

0004 - 144,200 - PY2MTV x PY2OC - USB 57/53
0038 - 144,200 - FM5CS x PY2OC - Remy, USB 55/52 audio distortion
0044 - 144,200 - FM5CS x PY2ZX - Remy, USB 55/52 audio distortion

0227 - 95,3 - Hott FM - Barbados, black mx, 32332
0228 - 94,7 - Caribean Best Connection CBC - Barbados, sports, live
transmition, 54445
0230 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, reggae mx, YL talks, 55455
0232 - 98,1 - Unid, weak, under The One, Antigua? St Vinc?
0235 - 100,7 - Quality FM (Tent) - Barbados, weak, old mx, 22322
0237 - TEP down 100,7 / 102,1 / 95,3 / 94,7

0258 - TEP return with CBC 98,1 loud
0326 - TEP closed

04 JAN 2007

0140 - TEP Open, only The One 98,1 on the air fr Carib

0142 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, ID, abt Barbados mx, tel call from
Orlando, 55455 on peaks, unstable
0152 - 94,7 - CBC - Barbados, TEP more stable
0153 - 145,310 - 146,910 - Barbados repeaters, no takers
0202 - 100,7 - QFM - Barbados ID, "Rarity music, rarity talk", rlg mx,
beginning of rlg px, OM "from the high mountain of Sta. Lucia church",
YL Monica "Glad all who listening our voices, god bless you, Yeah man",
"we are in new year and I hope that you have good plans... God has the
better plan", 55454
0205 - 104,1 - Love (Tent) - Barbados, romantic mx, 45343
0213 - 92,9 - Voice of Barbados VOB (Tent) - abt mx, YL talk EE, 35233
0215 - 145,310 - 146,910 - Barbados weak repeaters, no takers

0227 - TEP closed - Brazilian Terra FM 98,1 return

2109 - 144200 - PY2REK x PY2ZX - USB 57/55
2110 - 144200 - PY5AQ x PY2ZX - USB 58/57
2113 - 144200 - PU5YFT x PY2ZX - USB 56/53
2133 - 144200 - PY2DA x PY2ZX - USB 56/57

05 JAN 2007

0015 - TEP open: 92,9 / 98,1 / 50,013 9Y4AT hrd.

0036 - 89,3 - Sud Est - Martinique, FF, mx, 33333
0036 - 88,9 - Unid, FF (Horizon Martinique?)
0037 - 146,910 - Barbados repeater, unstable, no takers
0042 - 146,910 - Barbados repeater not hrd
0042 - Sud Est - Martinique not hrd, Barbados FM stations still hrd

0107 - 146,910 - 8P6JB x PY2ZX - 53/53 FM by Barbados repeater
0121 - 146,910 - Barbados repeater unstable
0131 - 146,910 - Barbados repeater not hrd
0141 - 146,910 - Barbados repeater still not hrd
0141 - 50,015 - 9Y4AT - Trinidad and Tobago, bcn 539
0141 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, 44444
0218 - 92,9 - VOB (Tent) - Barbados, reggae mx, 34333
0224 - 95,3 - Nativa FM - Brazil, Hott FM Barbados not hrd
0224 - 50,013 - 9Y4AT - Trinidad and Tobago bcn, 539
0224 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, ID "98.1 The One", black mx, 54444.
The only Barbados st hrd nw.
0240 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados still hrd but weak
0240 - 98,1 - Unid - mx "Here comes your man"
0240 - 50,015 - 9Y4AT still hrd
0314 - 50,015 - 9Y4AT weak

0323 - TEP closed

1930 - 21200 - YY1LCR x PY2ZX - USB 55/57 - Lorenzo, Trujillo, Venezuela
2200 - 21035 - VP8NO - Stanley, Falklands calling CO8TR, CW 559

2330 - TEP open (FM and 6m)
2356 - TEP open in 2m, Barbados rpt hrd

06 JAN 2007

0010 - 144,200 - FM5CS - Remy, USB loud, audio distortion, QSY for FM.
0010 - 145,540 - FM5CS (tent) - FM carrier well noted with TEP effects
but too much fading, unable to identify any word.
0029 - 144,390 - APRS - strong sigs but for a short time, freq used for
data in Martinique Carib.
0039 - 89,3 - Sud Est - Martinique, loud in Sony rcver with ext ant, 55455
0121 - 92,9 - VOB - ID, YL talk, 33222
0123 - 95,3 - Hott not heard
0125 - 98,1 - The One weak sig
0125 - 50,015 - 9Y4AT weak

0129 - 98,1 - The One, return loud sigs
0132 - 146,910 - Barbados rpt hrd
0135 - 89,3 - Sud Est - Martinique, pop mx, FF, ID OM, 35333
0137 - 92,2 - Unid - OM talk FF (Radio Caraibes Int?), 32232
0140 - 93,5 - Unid - rap mx, deep fading, 54434 peak
0142 - 94,0 - Radio France Outremer RFO (Tent) - Martinique, tel talk 2
YLs, 54334
0142 - 94,7 - CBC - Barbados, reggae mx, 55455 loud Barbados sig nw
0143 - 94,9 - Radio Vanguarda - Sorocaba SP Brazil, adv Top 50, OM, 55555
0144 - 95,3 - Hott - Barbados, black mx, "Yo", 55455
0147 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, rap mx, like local st 55555
0155 - 96,9 - Mix - Barbados, pop mx, 53343
0157 - 94,0 - RFO - Martinique, vy weak
0158 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, only carrier noted, quickly fading

0200 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, good return 54444
0200 - 146,910 - Barbados rpt hrd
0257 - 50,015 - 9Y4AT not hrd
0257 - 146,910 - Barbados rpt not hrd
0257 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, good sig with ext ant Sony.
Nothing hrd with telescopic ant.
0303 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, still loud with ext ant Sony. On
DE1103 and telescopic ant weak with Terra FM Brazil.
0307 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, deep fading with ext ant Sony.

0313 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, return loud
0320 - 146,910 - Barbados rpt return unstable
0342 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados, first audio of Terra FM Brazil hrd under.
0345 - 98,1 - Nothing hrd from any st, silence
0350 - 98,1 - Terra FM - Brazil, return weak

0350 - TEP closed

1300 - 77,25 - carrier with fast fading
1305 - 87,9 - Transmar - Cananeia SP Brazil, ID "Associação Rádio
Comunitária Transmar, ZYM 865, Canal 200, 87,9, transmitindo em
Cananéia, litoral sul de Sao Paulo", px "Alô Transmar", 55555
1330 - 89.5 - Nova Regional - Tietê SP Brazil, Brazil, ID, adv, "cyber
desafio" 35333
1400 - 88,3 - Antena 1 - Sorocaba SP Brazil, ID, adv Chico Rosa
Churrascaria, 35433
1404 - 88,7 - Clip FM - Indaiatuba SP Brazil, adv "informou Câmara
Municipal de Indaiatuba", "Parada Night Clip", 43433
1407 - 88,9 - Notícia FM - Americana SP Brazil, adv.Cariobas, 54555 peak
1420 - 91,7 - Educadora - Campinas SP Brazil, mx Madona, 55444, hrd only
with ext ant.

1507 - 21010 - 1A4A - SMOM, Malta, CW 559

1521 - 91,9 - Band FM - Araraquara SP Brazil, net, adv "Conexão Samba",
"Festa que é show em Salvador", 35333
1529 - 93,7 - Canal 1 - Taquaritinga SP Brazil, popular mx, adv "Silvana
Magazine, Supermercado Cobal, Juca Veículos", 45444 peak

2100 - 144,500 - PY2BW x PY2ZX - FM 55/59
2100 - 144,500 - PY2REK x PY2ZX - FM 59/59
2105 - 144,500 - ZZ2TIB x PY2ZX - FM 58/59
2110 - 144,500 - PY2EX x PY2ZX - FM 55/59

2323 - 50,015 - 9Y4AT - only Caribbean on dial, 539

2323 - TEP Open (50 MHz)

2330 - 89,9 - Jovem Pan - Campinas SP Brazil - adv Gold Street Bar, 45323
2332 - 90,7 - Jovem Pan - Capao Bonito SP Brazil - tel talk, "vc está
levando Kit da Jovem Pan", 33232

2336 - 90,7 - heavy QSBs
2336 - 50,015 - 9Y4AT - strong 579
2337 - 50,055 - V44K - weak
2339 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados first hrd

2339 - TEP Open (88 MHz)

2348 - 92,9 - Barbados Broadcasting Service BBS - abt Barbados Museum
and Historical Society, tel, then rlg px, 55455
2356 - 90,9 - FM90 - Salto SP Brazil, eletro mx, abt misterbeat, 54444

07 JAN 2007

0015 - 92,67 - 92FM - Piracicaba SP Brazil - adv "a melhor música
sertaneja", "Hora Sertaneja", 55555
0030 - 92,9 - VOB - Barbados, rlg mx, 54555
0035 - 94,0 - RFO - Martinique, mx OM talk FF, 42333, interf from 93,9
0040 - 94,0 - RFO not hrd
0048 - 90,7 BBS / 92,9 VOB / 94,7 CBC / 95,3 Hott / 98,1 The One were
loud like local st
0050 - 96,9 Mix / 100,7 QFM / 102,1 Faith / 104,1 Love are loud but
lower than others Barbados st
0110 - Barbados st sig down, Brazilians Terra 98,1 and Nativa 95,3
returned to the dial. 6m bcn not hrd.

0118 - 98,1 - The One - only Barbados st return, no 6m bcns.
0121 - 98,1 - The One Barbados and Terra Brazil hrd, unstable
0130 - 50,015 - 9Y4AT vy weak, no signal of any Barbados st on FM Broadc

0135 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados return with loud sig 54444, no bncs or
other Barbados st on FM Broadc
0143 - 95,3 - Hott FM Barbados return but unstable
0146 - 94,7 CBC / 100,7 QFM return loud, bcns es 144 MHz rpt not hrd
0150 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados not hrd, no FM, no bnc, no repeaters
0152 - 98,1 - Terra - Brazil return, unstable

0155 - 98,1 - The One - Barbados return with 95,3 Hott / 92,9 VOB /
100,7 QFM / 102,1 Faith / 104,1 Love. The 92,9 VOB with higher signal
than 95,3 Hott FM.
0217 - 98,1 - The One vy weak and unstable, Terra FM and silent moments.

0217 - TEP closed

0329 - 3,798 - ZS6CCY - South Africa, LSB 59

- - -

Flávio Archangelo PY2ZX

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