Thanks to Bob Wilkners phone alert, noted a very nice Andean opening last 
evening.  I managed to hear several stations that are normally rather 

PERU  5602.54  R. La Voz de los Andes  Tuned in right after Bobs call at 
0047 and caught nice rapid OA campesino mx with a lot of voice-over anmnts 
by M.  Thought hrd ments of Puno and a definite ment of radio.  0102 TC and 
anmnts over instru. electric guitar OA mx.  Ment of " de 
Lima...".  End anmnt at 0106 w/ment of Selva.  0110 M again beginning w/TC, 
ment of manana, local, and Peru.  Sounded like ID at beginning of anmnt at 
0116 but it was rapid and slurred.  Clear ment of radio then another poss. 
slurred ID.  0117 definite ID after TC.  Then ment of "Radio La Voz" about 
30 seconds later.  0124 t/out.  Fairly strong but modulation wasn't 
100%.  Would've been much more readable if mx under anmnts was lower 
volume.  Better on T2FD.  (Valko 28 Jan.)

PERU  4485.94  R. Frecuencia VH  0129-0143  Outstanding 
signal!!  Clear.  Mix of instru. OA campesino mx and M anncr.  Beautiful 
flutes and women vcls at 0132.  0135 TC, song anmnt, ended w/ment of 
sintonia.  0141 M w/apparent song dedication and beautiful clear ID, song 
anmnt, and Huayno.  Very nice and not hrd this well in a long time!!  Good 
LA evening!!  A little stronger and clearer on Windom.  (Valko 28 Jan.)

BOLIVIA  4409.81  R. Eco (pres.)  This coming in too at 0137 check.  Tuned 
back at 0204 and hrd Ranchera-sounding LA Pop song and other LA Pops.  0210 
W anncr w/TC and long anmnt.  Back to mx at 0212.  Unfortunately it 
suddenly left the air at 0217:13*.  Would have liked to stay w/this earlier 
but too much other things to listen to!!  (Valko 28 Jan.)

PERU??  5700  R. Frecuencia San Ignacio??  Around 0055, hrd just plain tlk 
in SP by W.  The signal was so strong I couldn't believe it was San Ignacio 
and was thinking it must be a spur.  So I did a scan of the lower end of 49 
meters to get a // but didn't hear any.  I didn't stay with it and wonder 
if it really was San Ignacio.  (Valko 28 Jan.)

BOLIVIA  4716.76  R. Yura  0150-0203  End of lively LA song, soft-spoken M 
anncr, then LA Pop power ballad.  0157 rustic band song.  0159 M again 
briefly w/ment of sintonia but no ID noted.  End of song, then canned ID 
anmnt by M over flute mx w/onda corta and onda media freqs given.  0202 
shorter canned ID anmnt by same M followed by instru. NA.  (Valko 28 Jan.)

ALGERIA  6300  R. National Saharaui is now here from 0700-0900.  First 
heard yesterday pre-2200 UTC.  Strong signal.  Will make it tough for 
European pirates around this freq before 0900.  Not to mention the fact 
Cuba has a very strong spur here before 0700.  (Valko 28 Jan.)

BRAZIL  4894.87  0730 end of soft ZY contemporary mx.  Live M anncr w/what 
sounded like ment of "IPB" followed by "R. Novo Tempo" ID jingle by womens 
chorus.  2 ads then back to mx at 0732.  Fair signal w/slop QRM from Clube 
do Para on 4885 below.  (Valko 28 Jan.)

(The last 2 loggings were made on a Europirate micro-DXpedition using a 315 
foot BOG directed to Europe)

73           Dave

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