** CANADA. CHU was inaudible on 7335, March 15 at 1310, altho RCI was in on
7325. Apparently another all-too-frequent outage. Then checked 14670 and the
pips were just barely audible, the latter coming in well by 1349. Back to
business, timesignals only, no announcements about licensing, etc. March 16
around 0530, 7335 was on again with a VG signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** CUBA. RHC missing from 15370, March 14 at 1315 while it was well heard on
15190; at 1337 recheck, 15370 was on, VG (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** GERMANY [non]. DW Hausa, 17800 via Rwanda, March 14 at 1346 was spelling out
address in Bonn, ``Germany``. Isn`t there a Hausa word for Germany, perhaps
totally incognate like in Hungarian, Portuguese, Finnish? Former British
colonial influence in Nigeria must have led to this oddity. Or is it just that
English country terminology is encouraged in international mail? (Glenn Hauser,

** GUIANA FRENCH [and non]. Most of the all-day-long TDF DRM transmission on
17870-17875-17880 seem to be getting by without interfering, but March 15 at
1327 I found R. Japan`s Swahili service via Ascension on 17870 was bothered by
QRDRM, as it was IDing before closing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** INDONESIA [and non]. The primary threesome of 60mb RRI stations were coming
in well March 15 at 1322, no doubt better earlier than almost an hour after
sunrise now, each with a different variety of ``island`` music: 4605 Serui,
stronger than another local mixing product // KCRC 1390 on 4600; 4750 stronger
than 4605; and 4790 somewhere in between marred by CODAR. No trace of

** MOROCCO. RTM, 15335, March 14 at 1338, YL speaking very expressively in
Arabic; QRM de clix leaking over from DentroCuban jammer on 15330 (Glenn

** SPAIN. REE, 17595, Fri March 15 at 1330 in Castilian, introducing
``informativos en Catalán, Gallego y Vasco``, and immediately into Catalan
news; no mention of ``lenguas co-oficiales`` --- I wonder whether this term is
no longer politically correct? At 1335 into Galician with its sea-shanty
musical intro. So I conclude the triad are finished by 1345, then back into the
fourth co-official language. In A-07 these shift about an hour earlier, but
it`s not clear if they will be exactly at 1230-1245 M-F. Really, these three
languages deserve a lot more on REE than 5 minutes a day each, which can only
be considered token. I enjoy listening to Catalan and Galician, to see how much
I can understand from my knowledge of Spanish and Portuguese; and Basque for
the occasional Spanish words (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. A Navy MARS net on 4825 from the Central Zone not far from here,
March 15 at 1315, several NNN0 stations on SSB complaining that the band wasn`t
open for them this early now that DST is in effect; apparently starts at 8 am
CDT, 1300 UT, which used to be 8 am CST, 1400 UT. Discussed maybe moving it to
9 am CDT next week, i.e. back to 1400 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

UNIDENTIFIED. Something is off-frequency 100-200 Hz from 6100, as a wavering
het was audible March 16 at 1305. I did not try to determine whether on hi or
lo side. Someone else reported this at a somewhat later hour, tentatively as
Central African Republic`s temporarily inactive and alternate frequency in
Bangui to 7221v, as in PWBR ``2007``, but surely not at 1305. 

Much more likely something from Asia, and there are at least three stations
capable of being off-frequency: Kanggye, North Korea, 200 kW; Kyzyl, Tannu
Tuva, only 5 kW, and R. Sedayee Kashmir, 100 kW from Delhi. WRTH does not show
any power for N Korea, and 1 kW for Kyzyl.

Unfortunately, the S. Aoki list does not show split frequencies and rounds
everything off to the nearest kHz, but let`s see what he has on the air at or
near this time, all daily:

6100 CRI               1300-1357 Mongolian       500 318 Beijing CHN 
6100 KCBS Pyongyang    1330-1800 Korean          125  ND Kanggye KRE
6100 R. Bangui         0430-0700 French/Sango     20  ND Bangui CAF
6100 R. Bangui         1630-2130 French/Sango     20  ND Bangui CAF
6100 R. Rossii         2200-1800 Russian          0.5 ND Kyzyl  RUS
6100 VOICE OF MALAYSIA 1300-1430 Thai             50 343 Kajang MLA

Just being in this list does not mean everything is really on the air; still on
the list are some long inactive Latin Americans, such as TIUCR on 6105. We
assume it`s more up-to-date concerning Asia.

Kashmir is not mentioned. Bangui is way between transmissions if really on the
air at all and propagating in the early afternoon. Even KCBS supposedly isn`t
on the air at 1330, tho who knows, an off-frequency carrier could be on and
responsible. Here Kyzyl shows at only 0.5 kW, and even if 5.0 it seems unlikely
it would be enough to produce even a het at this distance. CRI and VOM are
obviously the major stations on 6100 at 1305; possibly VOM is off-frequency,
like RTM is on 6050v? In any event one or both of them are likely to be the
6100.0 participant in the heterodyning. Someone further west may be able to
nail it down.

EiBi shows similar scheduling, but never any powers, azimuths or decimals of
frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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