** CANADA. RCI`s technical schedule for summer supposed to be at
is still 404, missing, as of April 8. However, I have received one in the
P-mail, along with the non-technical program and language schedule
which is at http://www.rcinet.ca/rci/PDF/A07_SW.pdf

Without comparing them line by line, here is a major discrepancy:
Technical says 1705-1905 on Sackville 9515 is in English, while the other one
says this is in French. Monitoring chex at 1742 and 1812 April 8 show that
French is correct, quite poor reception at mid-day. 

I also received the nicely printed red program schedule folder for A-07. What
does it say? NOTHING. The 16 hours of broadcasts to the USA from 1105 to 0305
on 7325, 9515, 6100 and 6075 (one after another) are nowhere to be seen.

Could this be a hint of an internal division at RCI? Are these USA broadcasts
not really considered an RCI service, but sort of a hybrid ``CBC Southern
Service`` and thus off-topic for an RCI folder? Or had they been cancelled
provisionally at the time it went to print earlier? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** JAPAN [non]. R. Japan, UT Saturday April 7 from before 2330 until 2355, via
Bonaire 15265 heard here with sacred music, in honor of Easter? Sure would be
nice if someone could provide us an English translation of the NHK Japanese
program schedule, especially concerning music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** SPAIN. REE service to Lebanon, Sunday April 8 was opening transmission at
1359 on 15345 (not 15350 as I thought previously), but not announced as such,
only 17755 for Africa. No co-channel QRM audible at this hour, but there
probably was later. Opens this early only on Sundays. At 1742 recheck, silly
ballgame in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. VOT IS on 15285, April 8 at 1356, mixing with Chinese; this is prior
to VOT`s Arabic service at 1400 on the correct frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** U S A. WHRI, 11785, with Hmong Lao Radio talk, was splattering as far as
11765, April 8 around 1340, especially bothersome to Defunct Gene Scott via
Anguilla 11775 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. Unusual to hear a pair: spy numbers in voice and cut numbers =
letters in code. April 7 at 0515, on 5898 A3, spy letters were much stronger
than 5883 A3 with YL 5-digit Spanish numbers, but cadence frequently skipping
ahead or somehow messed up (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Solar-terrestrial indices for 06 April follow. Solar flux 71 and mid-latitude
A-index 4. The mid-latitude K-index at 0600 UTC on 07 April was 1 (8 nT). No
space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours. No space weather
storms are expected for the next 24 hours (SEC via DXLD) ###

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