9624,83 Radio Fides, La Paz, 1305-1330, May 01, Spanish,

Andean songs and andean instrumental music,

An. & ID as: “....seguimos con la musica en la sintonia de Fides”; other ann & 
ID as:

“Radio Fides tiene el agrado de invitar a usted…..”, local adv. In spanish by 
male & female;

Newspapers headlines: “Estos son los titulares de los periodicos en 
Bolivia:....”, 24432 but in moments the QSA was ¾

(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)



15180 Radio Saa via TDP facilities for Nigeria, 1600-1615, May 05, Hausa,

Identification, ann., news and short talks by male;  interview after short 
local song, 24442

(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)



6180 Radio Nacional de Venezuela via RHC transmitters, 1000-1010, April 30, 

s/onn, ID as: “Transmitimos directamente desde la Republica Boliviariana de 
Venezuela, a traves de las ondas cortas de Radio Nacional de Venezuela”, 
bulletin news, other interesting ann. & ID as:

“ Mas alla de las fronteras, Radio Nacional de Venezuela en su Canal 
Internacional, con el objeto de unir a los pueblos del continente americano”, 
32432 with QRM from Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brazil, on same frequency.

(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)



15120 Voice of Nigeria, Lagos, 1906-1915, May 01, English,

news by male & female, regional and local news, 24432

(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)



15345 Radio Exterior de España, 1905-1920, May 05, Spanish,

Special transmisión for the Spain Army Force in Lebanon (The Spain members of 
UN Interim Force in Lebanon),

Talks about Barcelona vs Real Sociedad in the local Spain football championish, 

(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

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