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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. Taleban radio station back on air (Zacharias Liangas )
   2. China Jams All India Radio and Doordarshan in Arunacha
      (Zacharias Liangas )
   3. Report: TV, Radio Marti Reach In Cuba 'Improving'
      (Zacharias Liangas )
   4. QSL Report (J.D. Stephens)
   5. 1100 One Watt Wonders - Radio NZ International's new
      documentary ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   6. logs (Maurits Van Driessche)
   7. 76th week of Vaanoli Ulagam (Radio World) Tamil DX program
      will broadcast on 24th June 2007 (Sunday). (sakthi vel)
   8. New MW QSLs (Patrick Martin)
   9. New MW QSLs (Patrick Martin)
  10. HCDX logs between 2007-06-22 0000 UTC and 2007-06-23 0000 UTC
      (Risto Kotalampi)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 18:09:49 +0300
From: "Zacharias Liangas " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] Taleban radio station back on air
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII (raidio monitoring site plus audio clips ) (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos    pictures upload 
on my main : 
-tty-px.html : test of various TTY programs
-ethics.htm    : greek ethics , days and institutions 
-frape.htm: the greek way of cofee !!! 
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 18:09:49 +0300
From: "Zacharias Liangas " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] China Jams All India Radio and Doordarshan in Arunacha
To: <>
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED],  "hard-Core-Dx@Hard-Core-Dx.Com"
        <>,        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

 China Jams All India Radio and Doordarshan in Arunachal
SHILLONG, Jun 21: Now, the people of Arunachal want the Indian 
government to provide facilities to learn Chinese!

This strange demand is borne out of frustration at the inability of most 
areas in Arunachal Pradesh to access any Indian news channel or tune 
into All India Radio programmes. Both All India Radio (AIR) and 
Doordarshan, forget any private news channels, are jammed by the 
more powerful Chinese transmitters that are used use to air their radio 
and television programmes to the residents of the Arunachal districts 
near the Chinese border. The weak transmitter in Itanagar does not 
cover the remote districts of the state, though it serves the state capital 
and areas near it.

At a time when China is claiming Arunachal Pradesh as its own 
territory, Delhi?s oversight is a glaring example of successive 
governments? lackadaisical attitude to the people of the region.

After the 1962 border war with China, New Delhi had distributed free 
radio sets to community centres across the state. AIR programmes 
together with Hindi film music became popular since then. But around 
1965, the distribution of free radio sets stopped. A few years later, the 
Chinese began jamming the air waves to beam Chinese programmes. 
The people of the area neither speak nor understand Chinese.

?We have been demanding more powerful transmitters for many years 
but nobody is bothered. We want to access Air India Radio and 
Doordarshan and know what is happening in the rest of the country,? 
said Anthony, a human rights activist from Arunachal.

He said out of anger and frustration he had asked Indian officials to 
start Chinese classes.

There is also the fear in the districts bordering China that New Delhi 
may let go of their areas to China during border talks. (raidio monitoring site plus audio clips ) (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos    pictures upload 
on my main : 
-tty-px.html : test of various TTY programs
-ethics.htm    : greek ethics , days and institutions 
-frape.htm: the greek way of cofee !!! 
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 18:09:49 +0300
From: "Zacharias Liangas " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] Report: TV, Radio Marti Reach In Cuba 'Improving'
To: <>, [EMAIL PROTECTED],      "hard-Core-Dx@Hard-Core-Dx.Com"
        <>,        "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Report: TV, Radio Marti Reach In Cuba 'Improving'
(CBS4) WASHINGTON The U.S. government's anti-Castro radio and 
TV stations have improved significantly in recent years after allegations 
of corruption and mismanagement, according to a draft State 
Department review of the Office of Cuba Broadcasting.

The report obtained on the eve of a congressional debate over future 
Cuba-related funding cites a boost in TV Marti's signals reaching Cuba, 
but it bases those conclusions on anecdotal evidence not included in 
the report, not on independent facts.

"We're very pleased. I think it reflects the hard work that's being done 
here," said Alberto Mascaro, chief of staff for the Cuba broadcasting 
office, "and more importantly it reflects the hard work of our 

A spokeswoman for the State Department's inspector general's office, 
which conducted the review, said the agency would not comment on a 
report that had not yet been released.

Details of the report were first published in Wednesday's edition of CBS 
4 news partner The Miami Herald.

Radio and TV Marti are requesting about $34 million in next year's 
budget, down from $38 million they received last year. The Bush 
administration also requested $46 million for other Cuba-related 
programs to promote political change on the island, but a House bill 
likely headed to the floor this week slashed that to $9 million.

That makes money for the Marti stations all the more important for 
those who support the current U.S. policy toward Cuba, which has been 
under an American trade embargo for more than 40 years. The U.S. 
transmissions were designed to offer an alternative to the tightly 
controlled Cuban media.

Critics, including U.S. Reps. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., and Bill Delahunt, D-
Mass., have long accused the network of airing one-sided broadcasts 
and giving jobs to political allies. They also maintain the TV broadcasts 
are a waste of money because they have long been jammed by Fidel 
Castro's government.

The report makes a number of recommendations, including evaluating 
whether Marti programs recently carried on South Florida TV and radio 
stations reach Cubans. It also urged tighter security and better quality 
control to make sure Marti employees follow Voice of America 

Finally, the review urged the Cuba broadcasting office to create a long-
term plan for providing programming in a post-Castro Cuba, as well as 
how to compete now with the "Telesur" satellite broadcast, funded by 
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's government.

The review lauded the broadcasting office's use of a Gulfstream jet to 
beam signals into Cuba, saying it could be replicated in other parts of 
the world where governments attempt to block U.S. broadcasts.

The Cuba broadcasting office's deployment cost $10 million in 2006, 
and it plans to add another plane later this year. Both aircraft should 
cost about $6 million annually.

Although in past years, similar reviews of the stations included listener 
and viewer data, the recent audit, conducted from January through 
March, did not.

Mascaro said conducting accurate surveys of Cuban listening and 
viewing patterns is next to impossible in the communist nation.

dg (raidio monitoring site plus audio clips ) (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos    pictures upload 
on my main : 
-tty-px.html : test of various TTY programs
-ethics.htm    : greek ethics , days and institutions 
-frape.htm: the greek way of cofee !!! 
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 13:19:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: "J.D. Stephens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] QSL Report
To: Cumbre DX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,      HardCore DX
        <>,        QSL Information Pages
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

ASIATIC RUSSIA:  R. Tikhiy Okean, Vladivostok.  5960 
                 full data blue & white logo card w/ 
                 no data letter in 68 days for 
                 English report, CD recording, and 
                 mint Russian stamps.  V/s:  Alexey 
                 Giruk.  Return address on envelope 
                 indicates a postal code of 690950 
                 Vladivostok, which differs from that 
                 in the WRTH.  (JDS-AL)

73 - J.D. Stephens
     Hampton Cove, AL, USA

Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's 
Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when.


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 21:39:49 +1200
Subject: [HCDX] 1100 One Watt Wonders - Radio NZ International's new
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

1100 One Watt Wonders
The Kiwi Low Power FM Story

On June 25 2007, Radio New Zealand International features a new Radio
Heritage documentary during the Mailbox program and it's available as
a podcast for two weeks at

In New Zealand, a legal right to broadcast on over 10 nationwide FM
channels exists so long as a few simple rules are observed. Since
1991, some 1100 such Low Power FM stations have broadcast, nearly 200
in Auckland alone.

There's a station called 'Mountains, Moo Cows and Mud 88.2 FM'  run by
school children, another called Splat FM, TLC The Little Country
Radio, Radio Austral de Nueva Zelanda, Urban Breaks, The Wedge, Human
FM, Red Dot Robot FM and hundreds more reflecting individual and
community tastes from big cities to small settlements.

All reflect the tremendous passion for radio coming from all age
groups, with music from rap to reggae, nostalgia to rock, jazz to
trance dance and everything in between - all in a nation that some
claim is already over radioed!

Proving that radio comes alive from the grassroots and where even 14
year olds can follow a dream and begin broadcasting to their town -
from their own radio station - this documentary brings you the story
of Kiwi LPFM and some great sounds as LPFM owners step up to the

Mailbox is broadcast via shortwave by RNZI [full program schedules and
times at] and is also available by on demand podcast.
Look for 'more audio' and click on 'Mailbox' for June 25.

For the full New Zealand LPFM Radio Guide listing some 1100 stations,
examples of advertising and logo art work and stories of some of these
LPFM stations, make sure you visit today.

Membership costs nothing, and you'll also get regular newsletters
about Pacific wide radio heritage activities so sign up whilst at! Volunteers welcome! The Radio Heritage
Foundation is a registered non-profit organization with members and
supporters worldwide.


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 10:45:27 +0200
From: "Maurits Van Driessche" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] logs
        <>,        "Glenn Hauser" <[EMAIL 
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

Hallo luistervinken ,hier ben ik weer ,met wat logs .Deze keer waren de 
condities beter ,de qrm van het onweer ,hielt bijna op na 2300utc ,en de 
antennes deden het weer prima .Zelf met nieuwkomers op de 
tropenband..........ik ben beginnen uitluisteren vanaf 2200utc tot 0100utc + 
deze keer deed de ala1530 goed zijn werk ,deze stond dan ook bijna haaks  
t.o.v. de LW en de Kaz (mfj1026) Op de 49Mb waren de condities ook goed 
.Ziehier de resultaten

3375.03Khz  R.San Antonio ,S.A. de Padua    PRU    21/6   2316utc  Typ. mx. 
with pannflute and drums good   Sp.   33222

4409.83Khz   R.Eco ,Reyes    BOL  21/6  2327utc  Male singing song   La Momento 
   Sp.    good 33332

4650.23Khz   R.S.Ana,S.Ana de Yacuma  BOL  21/6    2338utc    Male songs  poor  
qrm  Sp.   22222

4689.60Khz  R.San Miguel,Rib?ralta  BOL   21/6   2349utc  Male talks about  la 
Canarios Ventura    good    Sp.  33333

4746.85Khz   R.Huanta  2000,Huanta   PRU  21/6  2357utc  Male talks about the 
politica    Sp.  good   33333

4826.21Khz R.Sicuani,Sicuani     PRU  22/6   0007utc  Female talks about the 
Topical  + id  best  ecss   Sp. 22222

4939.70Khz  R.Amazonas,Pt Ayacucho   VEN  22/6  0016utc  Cont.  Sp. songs with 
Male  no qrm poor  but fair   22222

4950Khz  R.Madre de Dios,Pt Maldonado    PRU   22/6  0027utc  Male talks about 
the informetion  from N.Amerika + nice mx.     Sp.  good    33333

5120.42Khz  Ondas del Suroriente Quillabamba   PRU  22/6    Female talks  cont. 
  verry dif. for receiving  poor   22222


5910.43Khz  Marfil Est?reo ,Lomalinda   CLM  21/6   2222utc Nice Sp. mx.   qrm 
from thunder   33333

5952.50Khz  Em Pio XII ,Siglo Viente    BOL  21/6     2234utc  Male and Female  
 talks + full id    good  34443

6019.56Khz R.Victoria,Lima   PRU  21/6   2243utc   Sp. talks about S?nior 
Fernando    good   33333

6214.20Khz  R.Baluarte ,Pt  Iguazu  ARG  21/6  2257utc  Sp. songs  and speech   
no id   poor   qrm    22222

6009.45Khz  LV de Tu Conciencia, Pt LIeras    CLM  22/6   0047utc  Two Male s 
in discussion + choir songs  Sp.   good      33333

6050Khz   HCJB,Quito    EQA     22/6  0056utc    Relig.  px.  about la S?nior   
  Sp.  v. good  and clear  45444

rx    nrd 545  antennes  kaz +lw100m. +ala1530   option   mfj1026  + RF systems 
 wa-50  preampl.
Let op bij het sinpo raport hou ik rekening met het S punt t.o. de wa-50

U hiermee weer vandienst tezijn geweest  en vele   Gr.   Maurits


Message: 7
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 13:25:35 +0100 (BST)
From: sakthi vel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] 76th week of Vaanoli Ulagam (Radio World) Tamil DX
        program will broadcast on 24th June 2007 (Sunday).
To: hard core group <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Dear Dxers.

All India Radio Chennai?s 76th week of Vaanoli Ulagam
(Radio World) Tamil DX program will broadcast on 24th
June 2007 (Sunday). The Content of the program is like

In the First, segment listener?s letters from around
the world. 

In the second part, ?Radio History? contains Radio
History in Kenya with their Signature Tunes.

In the third part ?Radio Today? contains, PBS QSL,
Nostaliga Radio site details, Indian DX team in
Austria details and more..

Fourth part with the DX Logging in English.

The Fifth segment we give the most common words used
in DXing. [DX Terminology]

In the six part of Net for Dxing we give the detail
review of

Those who are want to get the special limited edition
World Smallest QSL card No:5 (6x3.5CM), Book mark and 
New 50th week Pennant, send your Reception Report with
1 New or Old IRC to the following address. 
Indian listener must send Rs.10/- mint stamps for
return QSL. Do not send the US $

N.C. Gnanaprakasam,
Program Executive,
Vaanoli Ulagam,
Thiraikadal Adivarum Thamizh Naatham,
All India Radio,
Kamarajar Salai,
Chennai 600004,
Tamilnadu, India.

The schedule of the Tamil DX Program ?Vaanoli Ulagam?
(Radio World) is broadcast Sundays between 1115-1215
UTC (for about 15 minutes) on the following
To Sri Lanka :
1053 kHz Tuticorin (200 kw)
15050 Khampur, Delhi (250 kw)
17860 New Delhi (100 kw)
7270 Chennai (Avadi) (100 Kw)
To SE Asia:
13695 Bangalore (500 kw)
15770 Aligarh (250 kw)
17810 Panaji (250 kw)

Producer and Presenter,

For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

      Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Go to


Message: 8
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 15:33:47 -0700
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Patrick Martin)
Subject: [HCDX] New MW QSLs
Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII

1650     WPZS256    OR, Coos Bay, rec. QSL letter back in 3d from: Dan
Prodzinski-ODOT Dispatch NWTOC. Address: ODOT NW Transportation Op
Cntr-455 Airport Rd, SE. Bldg B, Salem  OR   97301. 10 watts. MW QSL:
2956. (PM-OR)

1650    WPZS256   OR, Newport, rec. QSL back in same emvelope as above
in 3d from:Dan Prodzinski-ODOT Dispatch NWTOC. Same address as above. 10
watts. MW QSL: 2957



Patrick Martin
KAVT Reception Manager


Message: 9
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 15:35:56 -0700
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Patrick Martin)
Subject: [HCDX] New MW QSLs
Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII

Per the two QSLs from ODOT, Newport and Coos Bay OR, both share the same
calls, but have separate messages.



Patrick Martin
KAVT Reception Manager


Message: 10
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 23:05:01 +0000
From: Risto Kotalampi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] HCDX logs between 2007-06-22 0000 UTC and 2007-06-23
        0000 UTC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii logs from 2007-06-22 0000 UTC to 2007-06-23 0000 UTC

Please visit for the real time logs
and to submit your logs to the HCDX Online Log.

For more information please email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 54, Issue 23

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