Recent logs  1/8     tropical

3279.93khz  LVd Napo R.Maria, Tena    EQA  1/8  0120utc   Male and Female talks 
in Sp.    poor  22222

3220khz  HCJB,Quito   EQA  1/8   0002utc   Relig. px. in Sp. and id      poor   

3329.60khz  Ondas d Huallaga,Huànuco   PRU  1/8  0045utc   Female speech  cont. 
  qrm from time signal  3330khz            32222

4052.50khz  R.Verdad ,Chiquimula   GTM  1/8      0057utc  Female talks about 
GTM. + id  ,verry good   33333

4779.98khz  R.Cultural Coatàn San S        GTM     1/8  0217utc  Nice songs  in 
Sp.   verry good   33333


5995khz  R.Australia,Schepperton     AUS  31/7    1745utc   History ,AUS. today 
  + id   fair    22222

9530khz   R.Transmundial ,S.Maria    B   1/8  2155utc  Full id  as 
"transmundial "    good    33333

9615khz  R.Cultura ,Sao Paulo   B  1/8    2217utc  Female talks about Brazil 
local news     qrm  32222

9629.96khz  R.Aparecida,Aparecida     B  1/8   2235utc  Nice Brazil mx. and id  
    qrm   32222

15344.05khz  R.A.E. ,Buenos Aires  ARG  1/8    2253utc   About Jerusalem  and 
Condalisa Rise   + ID    in Sp. verry good  45444

17680khz  CVC Voz Cristiana,Santiago     CHL  1/8   Relig .px.  and full id   
in Sp.     good     33333

15250khz  R.Nac. de Venezuela,Habana     CUB   1/8   2329utc    Full id  in Sp. 
and local news   24444

11920khz  HCJB,Quito    EQA  1/8  2346utc  Relig. px.  about Jesu Christo     
good    44444

Gr. from Maurits Van Driessche ,Belgium
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