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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. Mexico Says Wait a Minute to IBOC (Bill Harms)
   2. Re: [NRC-AM] Mexico Says Wait a Minute to IBOC (Patrick Martin)
   3. Somalia: Government Shuts Down Radio Shabelle And Arrests Its
      Staff (arnaldo slaen)
   4. Bhutan Broadcasting Service new 100 Kw Txer Inaugrated (Alokesh)
   5. Re: Bhutan Broadcasting Service new 100 Kw Txer Inaugrated
   6. Re: Dxers Unlimited's weekend edition for 11-12 August 2007
      (Prof.Arnaldo Coro Antich)
   7. HCDX logs between 2007-08-11 0000 UTC and 2007-08-12 0000 UTC
      (Risto Kotalampi)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 11:54:33 -0400
From: Bill Harms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] Mexico Says Wait a Minute to IBOC
        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,, National
        Radio Club <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

I don't see that anyone else has posted this, but in case they haven't, 
please read. Bill
Issue: Aug. 08, 2007

Mexico Says Hang on a Minute!

Mexico wants U.S. radio regulators to re-think their decision to allow 
AMs to go IBOC at night and FMs to operate on the extended hybrid 
digital carriers.

Our neighbors to the south say they are not happy the FCC authorized its 
recent ?final? IBOC rules governing broadcast transmissions without 
first coordinating those through international treaties.

In a letter to Chairman Martin filed in the IBOC docket, the Mexican 
Federal Telecommunications Commission, which regulates communications in 
Mexico, states that ?until technical criteria? have been established 
between the agencies to allow ?optimal and efficient development of 
analog and digital radio broadcasting along our common border,? the 
commission should hold off on the two points made earlier.

Sources tell me they believe Mexico filed the letter so it would have 
standing in any proceeding on IBOC and to have a way to adjudicate 
interference claims for the border area. Indeed, the group also refers 
to possible interference from U.S. IBOC stations to Mexican stations as 
a reason to have the coordination completed according to treaties first.

The FCC handles coordination with the State Department, so perhaps the 
timing isn?t all up to the FCC.

Interesting development. As we recently reported, Mexico has agreed in 
principle to allow border stations to use FM IBOC, and that decision 
needs to be finalized and printed in Mexico?s version of the Federal 
Bill Harms
Elkridge, Maryland
Check out the Spokane Radio History Pages


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 10:22:39 -0700
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Patrick Martin)
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [NRC-AM] Mexico Says Wait a Minute to IBOC
Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII

It will be interesting to see if this has any affect. Hopefully it will.



Patrick Martin
KAVT Reception Manager


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 14:50:43 -0300
From: "arnaldo slaen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] Somalia: Government Shuts Down Radio Shabelle And
        Arrests Its Staff
To: <>
Cc: DXLD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, playdx2003
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="Windows-1252"

10 August 2007
Posted to the web 10 August 2007 

Somali's transitional government has shut down Shabelle radio, it is one of  
the major media station in Mogadishu on Friday morning and arrested some of its 
staff working there.

Around 9:45am local time, the Somali army raided the station entering the 
radio's rooms and arrested  most of  the journalists on work. they have taken 
them  into the custody And ordered the shut down the station temporarily

The Radio management is claims that" the Ethiopian embassy threatened to 
Shabelle that it would be closed over how it covers the current stories."

It is not yet clear why the current government closed down Shabelle radio this 

The acting chairman of Shabelle Media Network and other nine of its staff 
including reporters, anchors, presenters and technician.

The arrested staff members include:

1. Jafar Mohamed Kukay the acting chairman of Shabelle Media Network.

2. Nimo Hassan Abdi, (reporter)

3. Aideed Abdirahman (reporter)

4 Ahmed Tajir, news anchor

5. Abdinor Mohamed Kediye (reporter) and News Caster

6. Mustafa Hussein Omar (Presenter)

7. Cali Ajeey. (Farsamo yaqaan).


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 14:47:51 +0530
From: "Alokesh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] Bhutan Broadcasting Service new 100 Kw Txer Inaugrated
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Bhutan Broadcasting Service new 100 Kw Txer Inaugrated

Bhutan Broadcasting Service Corporation inaugurated the new 100
kilowatt THOMSON TSW 2100D DRM short wave radio
transmitter on 10th August, 2007.
The inaugural ceremony of the installation of the new transmitter was
attended by the Indian Ambassador to Bhutan, Sudhir Vyas. Also present were
the Information and communications minister, Lyonpo Leki Dorji and other
government officials.
Addressing the gathering, the information and communications minister Lyonpo
Leki Dorji said Bhutan being a mountainous country with rugged terrain,
isolated and inaccessible settlements and far flung communities, BBS radio
remains the most powerful medium to inform, educate and entertain the
Speaking at the function, the Managing Director of the Bhutan Broadcasting
Service Corporation, Mingbo Dukpa said Radio and TV are powerful tools of
communication. He said any development to further enhance the capacity of
the broadcast media marks an important milestone in the development of the
BBS radio has come a long way since it was established as an amateur radio
station in 1973. BBS Radio today broadcast 100 hours of News and Programs in
4 languages in a week.
The short wave transmitter was installed with financial support from the
Indian Government.
This DRM capable 100 kW transmitter was installed in Sangaygang, 2660 meters
above sea level and test transmissions were already going on. One of the
station engineer informed that transmitter was not being operated on DRM
mode due to problem with the RF Exciter.However the same has been
rectified & they are having occassional DRM tests during txn b/down times
with power output of only 25 watts.

Related links :

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi, India.


Message: 5
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 15:21:43 +0530
From: "Alokesh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Bhutan Broadcasting Service new 100 Kw Txer
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Photo of the new transmitter :

Alokesh Gupta

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alokesh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 2:47 PM
Subject: Bhutan Broadcasting Service new 100 Kw Txer Inaugrated

> Bhutan Broadcasting Service new 100 Kw Txer Inaugrated
> Bhutan Broadcasting Service Corporation inaugurated the new 100
> kilowatt THOMSON TSW 2100D DRM short wave radio
> transmitter on 10th August, 2007.
> The inaugural ceremony of the installation of the new transmitter was
> attended by the Indian Ambassador to Bhutan, Sudhir Vyas. Also present
> were
> the Information and communications minister, Lyonpo Leki Dorji and other
> government officials.
> Addressing the gathering, the information and communications minister
> Lyonpo
> Leki Dorji said Bhutan being a mountainous country with rugged terrain,
> isolated and inaccessible settlements and far flung communities, BBS radio
> remains the most powerful medium to inform, educate and entertain the
> masses.
> Speaking at the function, the Managing Director of the Bhutan Broadcasting
> Service Corporation, Mingbo Dukpa said Radio and TV are powerful tools of
> communication. He said any development to further enhance the capacity of
> the broadcast media marks an important milestone in the development of the
> country.
> BBS radio has come a long way since it was established as an amateur radio
> station in 1973. BBS Radio today broadcast 100 hours of News and Programs
> in
> 4 languages in a week.
> The short wave transmitter was installed with financial support from the
> Indian Government.
> This DRM capable 100 kW transmitter was installed in Sangaygang, 2660
> meters
> above sea level and test transmissions were already going on. One of the
> station engineer informed that transmitter was not being operated on DRM
> mode due to problem with the RF Exciter.However the same has been
> rectified & they are having occassional DRM tests during txn b/down times
> with power output of only 25 watts.
> Related links :
> Regards,
> Alokesh Gupta
> New Delhi, India.


Message: 6
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 09:47:08 -0400
From: "Prof.Arnaldo Coro Antich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Dxers Unlimited's weekend edition for 11-12 August
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

Radio Havana Cuba

Dxers Unlimited

Dxers Unlimited's weekend edition for 11-12 August 2007

By Arnie Coro

radio amateur CO2KK

Hi amigos short wave listeners around the world, hi amigos radio 
amateurs worldwide and in space, hi amigos TV and FM Dxers, YES, this is 
the weekend edition of your favorite listener oriented and technically 
minded radio hobby program, covering each and every one of the more than 
81 ways you and I enjoy this wonderful hobby... I am Arnie Coro, radio 
amateur CO2KK, your friend here in sunny Havana now ready to share with 
each of you about 17 minutes of on the air and on the web time assigned 
to this program. Here is item one: Our technical topics section will 
tell you today more about modular construction, a unique way of home 
brewing equipment that adds lots of fun to our hobby. Two nice modules 
that are the power source of my HURRICANE ONE low power amateur 
transceiver will be reviewed... Item two: From radios to antennas, as 
each radio needs at least one to work... Our antenna topics section will 
be devoted today to answer the questions sent in by several listeners 
about the BOBTAIL and the HALF SQUARE antennas that I talked recently 
about here at a previous edition of the program... Item three: More 
answers to other radio hobby related questions during our numero UNO, 
section of Dxers Unlimited, that today will answer questions sent in by 
listeners in North America... Item four: Some notes about equinoctial DX 
propagation, to refresh your memory about what we may expect in about a 
month from now, as we approach the autumn equinoctial DX season, and as 
always , at the end of the show, our exclusive and not copyrighted, HF 
plus low band VHF propagation update and forecast...

Stanby now for a few seconds, if you happen to be listeninig with a 
vintage receiver, then use the antenna trimmer to peak the signal , as 
Dxers Unlimited's weekend edition continues after this short musical break


Si amigos, YES my friends... this is Radio Havana Cuba, the name of the 
show is Dxers Unlimited, and this is a program especially designed for 
those of us that enjoy the radio hobby, from newcomers that are spending 
their first fascinating day with a new short wave radio, to old timers 
that keep listening to short wave despite the fact that they have 
enjoyed the hobby for decades..

Here is now item one: MODULAR CONSTRUCTION, and why it helps a lot to 
add enjoyment to our hobby... Just a few days ago, the President of one 
of the city of Havana's 14 radio clubs called me on the phone to request 
help with several new radio amateurs that had just passed their ham 
radio license test but had no equipment to go on the air... Coro, he 
said, please help my club, we want to build several HURRICANE ONE rigs, 
and would

appreciate your advice, as we know that you actually

are the person who designed it ... OK Jorge, I told him, but be prepared 
to work with a different way of

building homebrew radios... We are going to GO MODULAR... !!! Then he 
asked about the way the new HURACAN UNO transceiver was to be built, and 
I told him that each of the modules could be assembled and tested 
individually, something that helps a lot when you are involved in a 
complex project like building a transceiver, even if it is a very simple 

Jorge, I emphasized to the Marianao Radio Club President, we will be 
starting with the power supply module, well, actually with the TWO power 
supply modules as the HURRICANE ONE, or HURACAN UNO in Spanish, main 
purpose is to provide emergency communications capability during the 
hurricane season that here in Cuba lasts for a very lengthy period 
spanning from the first day of June to the last day of November !!! OK, 
Coro, I agree, so let's start to work.. and so we proceeded to talk 
about part one of the project, the two power supply modules, one to be 
used when the AC power line could provide service, and the other one to 
be used when , as they do here in Cuba routinely when the hurricane 
approaches, the power company disconnects all the services in order to 
reduce the wind and heavy rains caused damages, a practice that has 
proven to be very effective. Our utility has developed certain 
operational criteria, so that when the wind speed exceeds a certain 
miles per hour figure, the power lines are simply switched off at the 
sub-stations. Then amateur radio communicators must use battery power to 
keep those vital links working, and the HURACAN UNO has a DC power 
interface precisely to make that possible in the safest and most 
reliable way.

The AC power supply provides regulated direct current

at 13.8 volts at a maximum current of 3 amperes, more than enough to 
power the HURACAN rig to maximum output both on double sideband or CW, 
and there is plenty of current to spare. Connecting the HURACAN UNO to a 
battery is not done with just two wires coming out from the 
transceiver... that has proven to be very unreliable, because in the 
middle of an emergency, there are good chances for the wires to be 
connected with the wrong polarity, or even to voltage source that may 
exceed the 15 volts DC maximum design criteria for this transceiver. 
Instead, the HURACAN is connected to a DC power source using an 
interface, a little box that provides the vitally important reverse 
polarity protection, and also disconnects the rig automatically if the 
DC voltage source provides more than 15 volts, something that may happen 
if you connect the rig to an automobile or truck electrical system and 
keep the engine running... Jorge, has now all the circuit diagrams and 
technical information, and he is proceeding to gather all the components 
for the first group of power supply modules. Once they are finished and 
fully tested, we will then continue with the MODULAR PROJECT, by 
building the receiver's audio module, that includes the audio preamp, 
two active filters and the output power amplifier. MODULAR CONSTRUCTION 
then makes possible testing the AUDIO MODULE, powering it up from the AC 
supply...As this project is targeted at beginners absolutely no attempt 
is made to produce a miniature radio... enough space is left for the 
newcomer to be able to learn how to solder without damaging nearby 
components !!! The HURRICANE ONE PROJECT continues with the assembly of 
several more modules that are then wired up together inside a rather 
large sized box....Once completed, the proud owners will be able to 
operate on the 40 meters amateur band , from 7000 to 7150 kiloHertz , 
running 10 Watts of

Double Side Band or 15 Watts of CW ... More than enough power to even 
work some DX !!! I will keep you all up to date on how this project 
continues, and yes, as many of you already could guess, we are using 
mostly, about 90 percent recycled electronic components from retired

TV sets !!!


 From radios to antennas !!! Because, even the best

radio in the world is quite useless without a good antenna... As a good 
friend of mine likes to say... For every monetary unit spent on your 
radio, spend at least three to ten monetary units in your antennas and 
you will certainly enjoy the hobby a lot more... Several listeners from 
North America wanted to learn more about both the BOBTAIL and the HALF 
SQUARE vertically polarized antennas, so I am going to try to answer at 
least to the three most frequently asked questions...

Question one: Sent by Gabe in Atlanta... Gabe wants to know if he can 
design a HALF SQUARE for the 70 centimeter band, because he wants to 
reach to repeaters located in opposite directions.. SURE AMIGO GABRIEL, 
you can certainly design and build a HALF SQUARE for the seventy 
centimeters amateur band FM segment, and it won't take you much time... 
My favorite building material for the HALF SQUARES above 30 megaHertz is 
number 8 copper wire... as it is easy to work with and you won't loose a 
lot of money in case you cut it at the wrong poing when tuning up the 
system...For my 2 meters and 70 centimeters bands HALF SQUARES I use 
white PVC plumbing pipe as a support, and it works very well indeed... 
Do keep in mind that the HALF SQUARE produces a horizontal radiation 
pattern that looks like a peanut... it is not exactly like the dipole... 
and by the way, you would see a gain of no less than 4 decibels above a 
dipole using a HALF SQUARE that will cost you next to nothing to 
homebrew amigo Gabe...QUESTION NUMBER TWO:Arnie , can I place a 
reflector curtain behind my already built HALF SQUARE ? I do want to 
reach two distant repeaters , but both are in the same general 
direction... thanks for providing us with Dxers Unlimited twice weekly, 
signed Jerry in Chicago... Well amigo Jerry, thank you for the kind 
words, and let me tell you that SURE, you can add a passive reflector at 
a quarter wavelength behind your already built 70 centimeter band half 
square, and that will turn the antenna into a unidirectional system... 
and will add quite some gain to it too... Build a panel roughly 80 by 80 
centimeters , and place wires every

2 centimeters ... so you will need quite some wire to make your passive 
reflector... I have used enamelled copper wire from burned out 
transformers to make those reflector screens at almost no cost...Then 
place the already built half square at a distance of about one quarter 
wavelength at the center operating frequency you are planning to use ... 
for the 440 to 450 megaHertz repeater sub-band this is about 17 
centimeters from the radiating vertical elements to the screen... You 
can optimize the standing wave ratio seen on the feedline by just moving 
the antenna back and forth from the screen and watching how the SWR 
meter's needle moves up and down !!!


Now amigos , here is our numero uno, the MOST POPULAR section of the 
Dxers Unlimited's weekend edition. You can send your questions to

Radio Havana Cuba, Havana, Cuba.

Today's question sent in by a newcomer to the hobby. Maggie in 
Southhampton , England, wants to know how it was possible for her to 
pick up Radio Havana Cuba's Caribbean English language broadcast at her 
location.. Well amiga Maggie, that's part of the magic of radio... our 
11760 kiloHertz transmitter is using an antenna that is omnidirectional 
so that?s why you were able to pick it up there last week... Normally 
international short wave broadcast stations beam signals to a certain 
target area using highly directional antenna systems, but even those 
antennas have sidelobes that disperse minute amounts of energy that can 
travel great distances when propagation conditions are good !!! So amiga 
Maggie, now you know why were you able to pick up us on 11760 khz during 
your local evening there in England !!!


And now amigos, here is as always at the end of the show, our exclusive 
and not copyrighted HF propagation plus low band VHF propagation update 
and forecast ? Solar activity continues at very low levels, with the 
daily solar flux barely reaching 70 units?The effective sunspot number 
Saturday at 13 hours UTC was at the rock bottom figure of 6, indicating 
very low solar activity and experts believe that we have already reached 
the bottom of the solar cycle by now, as the most recent forecasts call 
for a smoothed sunspot number of about 20 by December of 2007, something 
that is very good news to all users of the short wave spectrum. Send 
your signal reports and comments about the program via e-mail to 
Havana Cuba, Havana, Cuba


Message: 7
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 23:05:02 +0000
From: Risto Kotalampi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] HCDX logs between 2007-08-11 0000 UTC and 2007-08-12
        0000 UTC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii logs from 2007-08-11 0000 UTC to 2007-08-12 0000 UTC

Please visit for the real time logs
and to submit your logs to the HCDX Online Log.

For more information please email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 56, Issue 12

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