Thanks, Wolfgang and Glenn!

Just had a phone talk with our colleagues from Samara about all of these
problems. Let's hope they will fix them in the coming hours...


Вы писали 17 сентября 2007 г., 12:07:54:

WB> RUSSIA   Faulty audio from Samara tx site.
WB> Two 14 kHz wide spurious signals noted today Sept 16th of nominal
WB> VoRUS Russian Sodruzhestvo (CIS) 1200-1700 9875 Samara Middle Asia
WB> on 9825 and 9925 kHz. Signal s-off at 1715 UT.

WB> Yesterday - Sept 15th - night noted another BUZZY signal of Samara on 7155
WB> kHz, 2300-0200 UT 500 kW 2300 Portuguese, 0000-0200 Sp.
WB> \\ superpower S=9+40dB 7300 Moscow.

WB> Today Sept 16th at 2030-2130 UT noted CRI French relay via Samara, also
WB> contains a BUZZY signal.

WB> One tx of Samara station is in very bad audio condition and need
WB> repair by technicians urgently.
WB> (wb, wwdxc BC-DX Sept 16/17)

WB> ----- Original Message ----- 
WB> From: "Glenn Hauser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
WB> Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 4:30 AM
WB> Subject: [dxld] Glenn Hauser logs Sept 13-16

>> ** RUSSIA. SW Asian music, with some buzz on 15510, Sept 14 at 1334.
>> Thought it
>> might be another motorboating transmitter, but with BFO on, the carrier
>> was
>> stable, so the buzz was only on the modulation. This is listed as VOR,
>> Samara
>> site in Pashto/Dari (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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