Beware of going by the frequency readout on this receiver (and many others of
its type). It has no BFO, or SSB capability, so you can`t be sure where the
carrier is. The readout goes in 1-kHz steps, according to reviews I have read.
Djibouti is always reported on 4780, and VOA Botswana is surely on 4930.0, not
4929 unless something is very wrong there. Universitaria Bolivia is reported by
everyone else close to 4732, not 4734 as Lucio had it (and news of its
reactivation was welcome!). It`s easy to be misled by reading the dial where
the station `sounds best`, especially if you are tuning a bit to one side to
avoid interference. What needs to be reported is the true carrier frequency of
stations, not necessarily what the readout says. A poor substitute for a BFO
would be, if adjacent interference allows, to tune up and down to decide where
the `middle` of the signal is. 73, Glenn Hauser 

--- Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 4779KHz  Djibuti  R. Djibouti  Djibouti  13/10  05:28  FF   local mx; mv tkls
>  23222  (LOB-B).
> 4929KHz  Botswana  Voice of America  Selebi-Phikwe  13/10  05:06  EE  fv:
> tkls abt Irak; outside speaking by mv  33233  (LOB-B).
> 4960KHz  India  AIR Kolkata(tent)   Ranchi  13/10  05:12  hindi  local mx ;
> fv tkls  23222  (LOB-B).  
> 5910KHz  Colombia  R. Marfil Estereo(tent)  Lomalinda  13/10  05:53  SS 
> bolero's style mx by male singer  "...o que hay contigo?..." 23222  (LOB-B). 
> 9615KHz  New Zealand  R. New Zealand Int.  Rangitaiki   13/10  05:39  EE  mv
> and fv tkls: interview "..another kind of view about relations.."  44344 
> (LOB-B).                
> 73
> Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec
> Embu (area rural)-SP Brasil (23 33  S, 46 51  W)
> Sony ICF SW40  dipolo 18m e 32m 
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