logs by date 

15034u Seattle military??  1642 with weather forecast. Poor to fair 
with preamp on . Liangas 2/11

HARM 4395.3 R Cadena España Information  with ID at 1700 . News 
by OM in Spanish . fair signal at S9  between  strong carriers. nothing 
on 1502 on 9th . Liangas 2/11/7 Thessaloniki  Greece 

S Africa 4880 SWR Africa 1704 heard with 'bagpipe' QRM being at 
same audio level. Liangas 2/11/7 Thessaloniki  Greece

EGYPT 6250 R Cairo 2213 English program (news in brief  then 
presenting 'fine city' ) with classic arabic songs. Signal S30 55545 
Liangas 2/11  Thessaloniki  Greece

'pirate' 6255 Mighty KBC  with 'hold me' ID and advert of KBC, 
Signal  S8 42332 QRM  Cairo on 6250  Thessaloniki  Greece

Cland? 9825 Miraya 1745 discussions between  two men mentioning 
a name "meshaf bin Salaam' and Sudan . They also mentioned (workable  and is from Hirondelle foundation) At 1759 
VoHope  in atchurian blanketed out  the signal  Thessaloniki  Greece

BRAZIL 5035 Aparecida  0501  with mentions of Brazil - possible ID 
, about `musico´ , ID " de Brazil... Aparecida"  S7  Thessaloniki  

Bahrain ? 4744.5 with Arabic music /songs on 0516  and for 1 min 
lookup. Again on 1st Nov with S7 max and again songs. On 9th with 
S0 15331 with a 'trapezoid fading' pattern (sudden ups and downs )    
Liangas 30/10 and 1/2  Thessaloniki  Greece

TAJIKISTAN 4975 VoRussia 1649 with classical music . Comments 
by YL  in English . ID at 1658  and close S7 42432 Liangas 1/11  
Thessaloniki  Greece

TAJIKISTAN 4965 VOR 1659 with IS and sign off , S7  Liangas 
1/11  Thessaloniki  Greece

HOLLAND  1395  Big L 1715  with song 'Colin and Jaclyn' . talks by 
man mentioning UK . Tune in 2248 with rock songs. Also 1619 on 
9th with S3 on inv V with old nice rock songs   Liangas 31/10  
Thessaloniki  Greece

ETHIOPIA 5100 Bana 1600 with low modulation S5 signal under S2 
QRN (AM narrow). Also on  9/11 with S7 and low modulation  
Liangas 2/11  Thessaloniki  Greece

AUSTRALIA 9475 RA is still transmitting there? 1617 at S2-3 max 
best in USB with preamp and very narrow filter and good sounding 
audio . Talks between YL/OM . mentioning R national . Also on 1538 
on 9th  with ID "R Australia" and reports and signal S2/4 on V/16 m 
respectively . Liangas 2 and 9 /11/7  Thessaloniki  Greece

BRAZIL 9615 R Cultura 2339  with tangos.  NO S 14331 Liangas 
3/11/7  Thessaloniki  Greece

Pirate 6220 Mystery Radio  1235  with hip hop music /songs S10 
45544  Liangas 4/11/7 Thessaloniki  Greece

GERMANY 5965 MV Baltic radio 1308 OM speaking in GE about 
immigration kurzeworden'. Info Baltic radio , 1332  rock songs, and 
an advert in Berlin and  about a coffee cup 45544 Liangas 4/11/7 
Thessaloniki  Greece

Clandestine 6600 unid in Korean  with talks on 1548 with old operas 
1552 strong bubble jamming on 6599  Liangas 4/11/7 Thessaloniki  

BRAZIL 4746.9 Huanta 2000 at 2242  mentioning 'venta minutos', 
2244  with music, at 224540 with voice over music . S3 -4 <22242 
Liangas 7/11 Thessaloniki  Greece

BRAZIL 4845.2 Cultura Ondas Tropicas (p) 2238-40 with songs and 
S6!! Liangas 7/11 Thessaloniki  Greece

BRAZIL 11734.94 Transmundial 1854 with news by YL in PP " 
mundial communicado" with many referenced of Brazil , then a song 
sounded as 'Aleluyah' then ID as Transmundail . Signal S6  35233 
Liangas 8/11 Thessaloniki  Greece

CUBA 5025 R Rebelde 0507 song "delilah' S6 Liangas 9/11 
Thessaloniki  Greece

INDIA 4970 AIR Shilong 1525-31 tals by man in HIndi till 30 than 
with news in English. S3 , 21332  QRM by digital stream (FDM?) 
Liangas 9/11 Thessaloniki  Greece

UKRAINE 1377 R Kanal Mikolaiv ID at 1604 . Pops songs, Down 
counting on 1608 and back to music. At 1610 with news .  Max S7 on 
the 16H antenna/S4 on the inv V  , 34433,  CRI and RFI at S3 level.  
Liangas 9/11 Thessaloniki  Greece

USA 9329.61! WBCQ? 1646 priest talking . Signal max S3 with 
preamp Thessaloniki  Greece
________________________ (raidio monitoring site plus audio clips ) (Litohoro) 
321199/Tinos    pictures upload 
on my main : 
-tty-px.html : test of various TTY programs
-ethics.htm    : greek ethics , days and institutions 
-frape.htm: the greek way of cofee !!! 
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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