** AFGHANISTAN [non]. R. Solh, via UK, 15265, Jan 30 at 1419-1459:30*, quite
good reception and recorded it to availablize the music in an mp3 archive, TBA

** CUBA. Just after checking 11680, found an open carrier on 11750 at 1514 Jan
29, then at 1515 up came audio from R. Rebelde talking about their 50th
anniversary; is this the axual date? Included old-timer with creaky voice,
abruptly cut off at 1520* exposing some other weak signal on 11750. Neither RHC
nor Rebelde is scheduled on 11750 at this time, but RHC recently added 11750 at
2000-2300, so I suppose testing that transmitter with whatever audio feed was
handy (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. V. of Indonesia, 9526, mostly missing lately; not there Jan 29 at
1430 check; but Jan 30 at 1403, Suara Indonesia ID in warta berita, with hum,
ringing sound; 1404 cut off briefly. Jan 31 at 1441, missing. Also RRI, 9680,
Jan 30 at 1414 Indo ballads mixing with Chinese talk, SAH of about 4 Hz varying
slightly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN [non]. R. Farda, 11750, Jan 31 at 1445 with ID and music. This is
Lampertheim, Germany, 100 kW, 108 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** MEXICO. After a few days` absence, XEYU back on 9599.3v, Jan 29 at 0610 with
classical, deep fades; and at 1410 news about water shortage in Mexico City,
and blackouts. 1528 recheck, classical. XEPPM 6185: no repeat of yesterday`s
daytime apparition, checked Jan 29 at 1526 

Jan 30 at 1412, 9599+ again on in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** VENEZUELA [non]. RNV CI via CUBA, 11680, Tue Jan 29 at 1501-1514 was all in
Spanish, no English, the usual Chavista stuff, as if everything going on in V
revolves around Hugo; signal started out weaker than usual, gradually grew. Re
their poor English when it happens: can`t they find any native speaker in
Venezuela willing to spout the Chavista propaganda lines fluently? (Glenn

UNIDENTIFIED. 6074, not having checked for it in over a week, 8GAL still there
as usual at 1400-1401 Jan 29 with V/CQ marker immediately after, or slightly
overlapping the closing timesignal from Russia 6075. Nothing further heard on
CW in the next few minutes (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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