** COSTA RICA. REE relay, Cariari de Pococí, nominal 5965, axually on 5964.0
putting a big het on Vatican Radio 5965.0, with which it normally mixes a few
Hz apart, Feb 24 at 0620. I had first noticed the het a couple nights earlier
but at first assumed one of them was running a tone test instead. So this
collision has gone from bad to worse (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Trying to sort out the RHC and RNV relay frequencies was more
confusing than ever Feb 24, since RHC extended transmission to carry the
who-will-succeed-Fidel parliamentary session. I am too busy monitoring other
stuff on Sunday mornings to devote undivided and prolonged attention to this,
but here are my notes as far as they go:

1435 UT, 11875 with Hugo speaking, mixing about 4 Hz apart with choral music //
7540, so the collision at 14-15 with WEWN has resumed. Hugo // weak 11670, no
11680. But at 1441 recheck 11670 // 11875 program identified as ``Entre
Cubanos``, presumably one of the run-up fillers before Aló, Presidente.

1438, RHC programming on 13680, 13760, 11760. Did not check again until 1531,
when RHC was still on, prolonged schedule, // 11760 and 15370 VG, weaker 11805,
12000, 13760. I suspect the Esperanto show at 1500-1530 was pre-empted from
11760, but failed to check then.

1534, 17750 with Fidel speaking but not // RHC frequencies above, so this must
have been within the Aló, Presidente service. Since both Fidel and Hugo may be
heard at times on both services, you can`t rely on voice identification to
distinguish them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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