Press statement Detention of our Shabelle director and ransack of our 
studio equipments.
Submitted by warka on Sun, 03/02/2008 - 18:02.

Detention of our Shabelle director and ransack of our studio equipments.

Forces from the transitional government of Somalia have forcibly and 
violently entered our premises in Mogadishu, whisking away our director 
Mukhtar Mohamed Hiraabe under the barrels of guns while also taking some 
our main studio equipments.

"We condemn this barbaric attack staged on our radio station by some 
forces of the transitional government and we call on the government leaders 
firstly to assure the safety of our director, Mukhtar Mohamed Hiraabe and 
his immediate and unconditional release" says in a statement released by 
Mr. Abdimaalik Yusuf Mohamud, Chairman of Shabelle Media Network.

"Somalia's media is facing danger which will ultimately and surely silence the 
freedom of speech in Somalia and the flow of information out the country if 
the government doesn't respect the basics of democracy on which it was 
formed" adds the statement also calling on the government the return of the 
equipment taken.

Shabelle Media and media houses in the capital have suffered enough 
under deadly raids and shutdowns by the transitional government and many 
professional journalists have fled the country after some journalists were 
killed by the warring sides.

Shabelle Media Network

Somali troops raid three radio stations
Sun 2 Mar 2008, 11:42 GMT
 Text [+]

By Aweys Yusuf

MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somali forces closed down three radio stations 
during raids in search of suspected Islamist insurgents on Sunday, the 
stations' directors said.

Troops moved against the independent stations a day after a gunfight in 
Mogadishu's central market between insurgents and government troops 
backed by Ethiopian forces killed nine people.

Employees of Horn Afrik, Shabelle and Simba radios said troops took 
computers, cameras and radio equipment.

"Government troops entered the radio station and said we must stop 
working. They said the radio station is closed from now on," Horn Afrik 
cameraman Abdi Daqane told Reuters.

"We are deeply sorry that Somali journalists are still under government 
oppression," he added.

Shabelle radio's news editor, Abdi Ismail Abdi-ud, said the soldiers took two 
computers and two sound mixing machines. They briefly detained the 
station's acting director, Mukhtar Mohamed Hirabe.

"They did not say we are closed but we cannot operate ... I believe the 
government is still showing its heavy-handedness on the free media in 
Somalia," he said.

"It is silencing us because it does not want the radios to report that soldiers 
are looting properties in Bakara market."

Simba, another independent station, had to shut down after government 
troops seized computers and microphones.

"A number of government soldiers penetrated the building of Simba radio, 
harassing the reporters and taking three computers, three digital cameras 
and the radio's mixer," Simba Radio deputy director Mohamed shiil Hassan 
told Reuters.

"They accused us of siding with and reporting the activities of the 
insurgents," he added.

Somalia has been in chaos since warlords toppled dictator Mohamed Siad 
Barre in 1991. The violence has worsened since Somali and Ethiopian 
troops ousted Islamists from Mogadishu just over a year ago.

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