** CUBA. If RHC followed its own schedule to the letter and number, and didn`t
constantly suffer from one technical problem or another, there would be little
to report, but its operations are never nominal, giving us a rich fount of DX
news. RHC observations early UT Sunday April 6:

At 0556, after catching Arnie`s propagation comments at the end of DXUL on
11760, I tuned to the upper limit of the 11-12 MHz range on the FRG-7, which is
approx. 12055, and was surprised to hear the Morse code closing of that show!
It was quite weak and nothing further heard. Must be a mixing product, but with
what? 11760 was very strong. I then tuned down below 11500 and guess what I
found? Another very strong open carrier on 11462, which would match 12058, 298
kHz above and below 11760, making 12058 a leapfrog. I suspect 11462 is a Cuban
spy-numbers frequency, altho I get no hits on it at the UDXF yg; perhaps I
would at ENIGMA. Anyhow, there were no numbers, but at exactly 0600 a variety
of multi-pitched tones for a few seconds, some kind of data burst, then back to
open carrier.

15370 at 1434 RHC opening ``La Cultura en Cuba``, but with big hum on this
frequency unlike // 11760 and 13680. Wiggle that patchcord!! Morning
programming nominally ends at 1500, but rechecked at 1506, these three
frequencies were still on with open carrier, and hum gone from 15370. 11760
only was supposed to be carrying the weekly Esperanto service at 1500-1530
See also VENEZUELA [non]

** NEW ZEALAND. RNZI missing from 6095, April 6 at 1313, clearing the frequency
for Firedrake, which I had heard the day before way under RNZI. Recheck at
1412, RNZI was back on 6095. A couple days and a couple hours earlier, people
were reporting RNZI on the wrong frequency compared to its schedule. Maybe that
happened again, but I did not have time to search for it. DXLD contributor
Bernie O`Shea in Ontario has the answer: they did stay on 9655 an hour too late
until 1400, probably confused by the resumption of UT+12 after a summer on

** PHILIPPINES. Vatican Radio Peterbells and IS on 6020 at 1312-1313* QRMing R.
Australia at roughly equal level, a perpetual collision neither station thinks
matters in their respective target areas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** TURKEY. Monitored the VOT 0300 UT Sunday April 6 broadcast on 7325 via
Sackville, to determine exactly what would actually be broadcast after the
news, when compared to the published schedule for Saturdays which reads:

Hues & Colours of Anatolia 
DX Corner 
As Foreigners Have Put It/Turkish Scientific Bulletin 
What Tunes Say

Outlook ended at 0317, but there was no H&CofA this week, so it may really be
alternating with DX Corner, despite the lack of a slant, which did follow at
0318-0325. Some very familiar DX tips were read with lots of stumbling over
unfamiliar names and numbers, concluding with Dan Goldfarb`s CBCNQ 9625 report
recently [only?] in DXLD, with exactly the same wording mentioning
trans-Atlantic conditions, but they were NOT credited! 

Before that we had Sri Lanka`s new language schedule, which should have been
credited to Jose Jacob; and a substantial portion of FEBA`s new schedule in
non-English languages. The latter is the kind of thing I would never spend time
reading out on WORLD OF RADIO. Some other DX programs in English really think
there is enough interest to justify broadcasting the schedules of obscure
religious broadcasters in non-English languages!

Announcer did say at the end that DX Corner would be back in two weeks, or was
it one? He was mumbling and I missed it. Hurriedly brought up slightly delayed
webcast but missed it there too. Only 9 of VOT`s programs are on the podcasting
list at http://www.trt.net.tr/wwwtrt/podcasting.aspx?dil=12 and not all of
those are currently on the air; not including DX Corner, of course.

0325-0331 Turkish Scientific Bulletin, which would be back in 2 weeks,  --- so
As Foreigners Have Put It must be on alternate weeks.
0331-0338 What Tunes Say
0338-0339 essay contest promo
0339-0341 multilingual ID filler
0341-0347 music fill, unannounced
0347 headlines, announcer going lickety-split. SLOW DOWN!! And then sign-off
0350 interval signal

Another odd thing about VOT, is that they play exactly the same announcement
and music at the beginning and end of each program. So when you hear that if
you just tuned in, you don`t know whether it is starting or ending. Sure saves
on the production time, but unprofessional (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** U S A [non]. VOA via Philippines, 9760, Sunday April 6 at 1316 with Alice
Coltrane harp music on Jazz America, a treat. Must try to catch this show more

** U S A [non]. Looked for El Mundo del Arte con Marisol Popovitz, on CVC via
Chile, 17680, which had been running Sundays at 1300-1330, but at 1324 April 6
instead heard gospel rock song. Checking the 2008 program schedule at
indeed CVC`s sole concession to the arts in its 24/7 Spanish schedule has
disappeared from this semi-hour but still shows at 0000-0030 UT Sundays --- day
of the week not explicit as there is another column labeled Miami time showing
2000 Sunday, which would be 0000 UT Monday! It`s still on 17680 until 0100

** VENEZUELA [non]. What has become of ``Aló, Presidente`` via Cuba? Looked for
it Sunday April 6 and unfound on any of the usual frequencies. Checked at 1414,
1433, 1506 and 1553. FWIW, not much, it`s still on the RHC schedule at
http://www.radiohc.cu/espanol/frecuencia/frecuencias-espanol.htm ---

América Central   13680         14
Caribe            11670         14
América del Sur   11875 / 17750 14
América del Norte 13750         14
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CUBA

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