9504.97khz  Radio Record,Sao Paulo   Brazil     26/4   2223utc    Sports ,same 
freq.  cuba (qrm)  
9514.97khz  Radio Novas de Paz ,Curitiba    Brazil      26/4    2239utc   About 
la senior et la luna   
9645.23khz Radio Bandeirantes,Sao Paulo  Brazil 26/4  2301utc     I.D  and 
sports     good    

9675.020khz   Radio Cancao Nova ,Cachoeira Paulista   Brazil  26/4   2315utc  
About the program and brazil   good      
11780khz   Radio Nac. do Amazonia,Brasilia      Brazil 26/4  2327utc  About la 
familia et manuel    
11919.97khz    HCJB,Quito   Ecuador   26/4   2342utc  Female talks about the 
6089.94khz  Radio Bandeirantes ,S.P.   Brazil   27/4    0007utc   I.D  by male 
6134.78khz  Radio Santa Cruz,Santa Cruz   Bolivia  27/4   0021utc  ID s and 
talks about diff. country s     good  
6173.83khz   Radio Tawantinsuyo,Cusco    Peru   27/4     0031utc   Nice music 
and info   fair   

RX  :Perseus    Diff. antennas

Gr.   Maurits    from   Belgium
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