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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. XERTA (Manuel M?ndez)
   2. 4805 khz (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec)
   3. Logs from NH-USA, May 13-16th (Scott R. Barbour Jr.)
   4. Strong shortwave transmitters can cause aurora borealis
      (Christian St?dberg)
   5. (Maurits Van Driessche)
   6. MDG  RNW on 13740 in Dutch (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   7. Ultimas escuchas. (JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO)
   8. Bolivia and Australia (Dave Valko)
   9. May 16 Logs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  10. HCDX logs between 2008-05-16 0000 UTC and 2008-05-17 0000 UTC
      (Risto Kotalampi)
  11. Bangladesh Betar New SW Freq Schedule (Alokesh)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 07:43:10 +0200
From: Manuel M?ndez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] XERTA
To: Glenn Hauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Espa?a

Escuchas realizadas en casco urbano de Lugo
Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600 G
Antena de cable, 8 metros

MEXICO, 4800, XERTA, Radio Transcontinental de Am?rica, 0532-0540, 
16-05, canciones religiosas en espa?ol. Se?al muy d?bil, audible en LSB. 
15321. (M?ndez)


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 04:34:25 -0300
From: "Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] 4805 khz
To: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

4805, Peru, R. San Juan(very tent.), San Juan Bautista, Ayacucho; May-15 SS 
1020-1025 folk music alternating OM talks. By tip of Rogildo Arag?o, very 
irregular signal, fady and in battle agaisnt R. Difusora de Londrina (that's 
what i heard in anmts, not R Dif do Amazonas)(LOB-B).


5014, Peru, R Altura, Cerro de Pasco; May-15 SS 2305-2326 Andean music, canned 
ID by male "R Altura", OM and YL talks "servicio de empreo". Tune in with much 
QRN attenuated by signal enhancement along this listening, audio some 
saturated, 33233 (LOB-B).


Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec

Embu SP Brasil - Sony ICF SW40 - dipole 18m, 32m 


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 05:13:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Scott R. Barbour Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, May 13-16th
        DXplorer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, HCDX
        <>,        Gayle Van Horn <[EMAIL 
        NASWAyg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,    Al Quaglieri
        Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,     Dave Valko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

4716.7, BOLIVIA, R. Yura, 0051-0105, May 14, Spanish. Ancrs w/ music & talk; v. 
weak ID at 0100 then right back to mx; poor-fair. (Barbour-NH)

4754.9, BRAZIL, R. Imaculada Conceicao, 0300-0315, May 16, Portuguese. 
Countless ancrs w/ brief religous talks & various mx bits; poor-fair. 

7200, SUDAN, R. Omdurman, 0326-0340, May 16, Arabic. M & W ancrs w/ talk b/w 
Ko'ran-like chants; poor-fair; battling w/ co-channel Bulgaria which was 
dominant at t/out. (Barbour-NH)

7205, "SRI LANKA" IBC Tamil via Wertachtal, *0000-0016, May 14, listed Tamil. 
Crash-start w/ s/on ancment over wind instrument; W ancr b/w various mx bits; 
lengthy talk from 0004 w/ several ments. of Colombo, Sri Lanka & India; still 
going at t/out; fair-good w/ static crashes. (Barbour-NH)

7320, RUSSIA, R. Rossii Arman, 0917-0933, May 14, Russian. Ancrs w/ talk until 
jazz-like music at 0926; ad string & ID at 0930; back to mx at 0933; poor-fair; 
//7200-Yakutsk fading in by BoH. (Barbour-NH)

7355, ALASKA, KNLS Anchor Point, 0830-0845, May 16, English. Carl Mann's DX 
tips at t/in; familiar format w/ M & W ancr w/ pop music; parables of sorts & 
listener testimonials; poor; fading in & out. (Barbour-NH)

9875, LITHUANIA, R. Vilnius, 2337-2359*, May 13, English. Feature re 1998 
Lithuanian independence movement; ID at 2344 followed by rpt on private vs. 
state-run health care; Baltic Times article re "Fun Run" raising funds for 
cancer center; s/off ancment; ID/IS at 2358; good w/o co-channel Chinese 
jammer. Tnx B. Alexander tip. (Barbour-NH)

11740, SINGAPORE,  NHK-R.Japan, 1254-1302, May 13, listed Vietnamese. Ancr b/w 
instrumental music; filler mx until ancr at 1259; Pips, IS followed by Mandarin 
svc s/on ancment; news; poor-weak. (Barbour-NH)

Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale, NH-USA



Message: 4
Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 11:25:18 +0200
From: Christian St?dberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] Strong shortwave transmitters can cause aurora
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed; delsp=yes

A group of russian, norweigan, german and swedish space physicists hve  
discovered that electro magnetic radiation from strong  
radiotransmitters in the shortave band can cause aurora borealis /  
northen lights.

The discover was made at a radio facility for space science near  
Troms? i northen Norway and was confirmed by measurings both on the  
ground and by satellite. For the research it was ofcourse a welcome  
discover that it's possible to trigger aurora with shortwave  
transmitters, says Professor Bo Thid? at the institute for space  
physics in Uppsala to the newspaper Upsala Nya Tidning.

He is a swedish co-worker in the project that is led from the  
Antarctic Research Institute in St. Peterburgs, Russia.

With this discover the space researchers gets complete new  
possibilities to study those physical mechanisms behind the aurora  
borealis and it's equalence on the southerns hemisphere.

73's de Chris SM6VPU


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 20:53:54 +0200
From: "Maurits Van Driessche" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX]
        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Glenn Hauser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Hard-core" <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

Update    frequency list   16 may.

Gr.  Maurits


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 22:33:43 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] MDG  RNW on 13740 in Dutch
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

MADAGASCAR  13740  New RNW MDG outlet in Dutch, 1600-1700 UT, 250 kW for all
over Africa 359 degrees, from May 15th.

Zones 38, 39, 48
38 Libya, Egypt
39 Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon,Israel, Jordan, Arabian Penins.
48 East Africa

ROMANIA   6130 Saftica, 7215 Tiganesti
RRI Bucharest in Serbian 1930-2000 UT replaced ex6065, ex7140.


Hallo Rudolf,
13740 sind 2 Stunden Japanisch von NHK ?ber UAE um 17-19 UT,
jetzt um 1850 UT sehr sch?nes Signal hier in Stuttgart.

Aber Du hast ja um 1600-1700 UT geh?rt. Da ist bisher nichts registriert.

Aber um 15-17 UT ist RNW ?ber TDF Issoudun Frankreich auf 2 x Sender 13700
kHz f?r Nahost und NordWestafrika/Kanaren registriert.

mhg Wolfgang

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rudolf Krumm"
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 6:19 PM
Subject: RNW auf 13740

Hallo Wolfgang,
ich h?re momentan RNW auf 13740 mit 35543. In keiner Liste finde ich diese
QRG, parallel zu 5955. Kennst Du den Senderstandort?


Message: 7
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 21:01:55 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [HCDX] Ultimas escuchas.
To: Frecuencia DX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

   Saludos cordiales.

LIBIA 15215 Voice of ?frica, 17:30-17:35, escuchada el 15 de mayo en franc?s a 
locutora con ID, comentarios entre segmento musical, bolet?n de noticias con 
referencias a Chad, SINPO 45444.

17725 Voice of ?frica, 13:35-13:45, escuchada el 16 de mayo en idioma suahili 
con emisi?n de m?sica afro-pop, locutora con ID, locutor y locutora con 
comentarios, SINPO 45554.

SUDAFRICA 7290 IRIN Radio, 17:32-17:36, escuchada el 14 de mayo en idioma 
somal? a locutora con comentarios, referencias a Somalia, locutor con 
comentarios y referencias a ?frica, SINPO 44343.

Jos? Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master

Enviado desde Correo Yahoo! La bandeja de entrada m?s inteligente.


Message: 8
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 18:09:23 -0400
From: "Dave Valko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] Bolivia and Australia
        <>,        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

BOLIVIA   3390.16  R. Camargo (tent.)  Definite tlk by M at 0001, then mix 
of mx and tlk later.  Could still detect mx at 0027.  Sounded like it was 
still there at 0053, but definitely gone by 0110 recheck.  Just not strong 
enough to dig it out of the noise.  (15 May)

BOLIVIA   4409.75  R. Eco (pres.)  Nice soft LA Rom. Mx at 0110 t/in.  M 
anncr in SP at 0113, then 3 more Rom. Songs.  Good LA night for a change. 
(15 May)

AUSTRALIA   4910  ABC Tennant Creek/VL8T  Someone forget to change the freq 
at 0830??  0920 Pgm feature by M and W in EG.  0929 W w/ID for 105.7 ABC 
Darwin and 783 Alice Springs, then mx bridge, and another ID by M at 0930. 
Into nx by same W.  Much better by 1000.  Noisy conditions though.  (15 May)

73                Dave 


Message: 9
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 18:25:39 EDT
Subject: [HCDX] May 16 Logs
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

** BELARUS. 7360, Radio Belarus, 2150-2200, May 16, English 
programming with local pop music program. Into listed Russian at
2200. Fair to good signal but audio somewhat muffled as usual.
Much weaker on // 7390. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** CROATIA. (non). via Germany, 9470, Voice of Croatia, 0600-0603,
May 16, short English news bulletin to 0603. ID. Instrumental music at
0604. Weak but readable. Very weak on // 6165-via Croatia. (Brian 
Alexander, PA) 
** CROATIA. (non). via Germany, 9925, Voice of Croatia, 0200-0215,
May 16, English "Croatia Today" program with news, sports & weather.
Very good, strong signal. Still announcing they are on both 7285 & 9925 
until May 15, but 7285 not heard. Heard // 3984.81-via Croatia-weak but 
readable. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** ISRAEL. 15785.0, Galei Zahal, 2130-2145, May 16, Hebrew talk.
Local pop music. Techno-pop dance music. Phone talk. // 6973.0.
Both frequencies fair to good. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** MALI. 9635, RTVM, Bamako, *0800-0820, May 16, Sign on with 
French ID announcements along with tune on local instrument. French 
and vernacular talk after 0801. Some indigenous music at 0804. Weak
but readable. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** PERU. 4826.49, Radio Sicuani, 0245-0304*, May 16, Peruvian music.
Spanish announcements. ID. Abrupt sign off. Weak but readable. 
Reception better than usual but still with CODAR QRM. (Brian Alexander, 

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Message: 10
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 23:05:04 +0000
From: Risto Kotalampi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] HCDX logs between 2008-05-16 0000 UTC and 2008-05-17
        0000 UTC
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii logs from 2008-05-16 0000 UTC to 2008-05-17 0000 UTC

Please visit for the real time logs
and to submit your logs to the HCDX Online Log.

For more information please email [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Message: 11
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 22:05:07 +0530
From: "Alokesh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [HCDX] Bangladesh Betar New SW Freq Schedule
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

Bangladesh Betar New SW Frequency Schedule
Home Service

Bengali          0000 0405 4750 (New)
Bengali          0830 1810 4750 (ex 1200-1600)

External Service

English (GOS)    1230 1300 7250 South & South-East Asia
Nepalese Service 1315 1345 7250 Nepal
Urdu Service     1400 1430 7250 Pakistan
Hindi Service    1515 1545 7250 India
Arabic Service   1600 1630 7250 Middle East
Bengali Service  1630 1730 7250 Middle East (ex 7250,9550)
English (VOI)    1745 1815 7250 Europe (ex 7250,9550)
English (GOS)    1815 1900 7250 Europe (ex 7250,9550)
Bengali Service  1915 2000 7250 Europe (ex 7250,9550)

GOS - General Overseas Service
VOI - Voice of Islam 

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi.

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 65, Issue 18

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