EGYPT 9250  Radio Wadi el-Nil @1445  with finally good signal . S9 max  
with talks in Arabic. many voice lows . At 1958 retune in with talks by man 
QRM Lincolnshire poacher?  on 2019 on 9252 Also 31-5  with S9+10 on 
1749 Liangas 30-5

SYRIA?  9300 unIDed 1959 with talks in English about a summit , but low 
modulated . S9 44532  Arabic music on 2015 Liangas 30-5

NZ? 11725 RNZI with about  S2-3 . Signal on 2013 with talks . Quite strong 
QRM  from 11730. At 2030  clear from QRM but quite strong QRN Liangas 

Albania 1457.6 with Albanian IS on 2026. Immeasurable level due to VOR? 
on 1459 . Program from CRI 2030 Liangas 30-5

CHILE 15410 CVC 203? with hip hop song. retune  two minutes later , with 
discussions in PP by man and woman including laughs S9 > Many mentions 
on Brazil . News on 2100 Liangas 30-5

BRAZIL 9675 R Cancao Nova 2119  with Ave Marias S7 34433 Liangas 30-

Sri Lanka 11905  SLBC 12143 with Tamil songs. AT 1158  with old Hindis . 
At 1200  with ID then Hindi songs  of60's . S3-4 24332 Liangas 31-5

CHINA 12040 Firedrake at 1214 . Whom they try to jam here? I remember a 
CNR feed here Liangas 31-5

[KOREA ]11640 V Wilderness 1334 . interview with a woman , talking her 
history and weeping strongly while talking . S5 mean 32333 Liangas 31-5

15640 WYFR?  1443 in Hindi There was a mention of Bible S20 Liangas 31-

[SUDAN ]15650 Miraya FM 1502 with hilife song in English . Canned ID on 
1505 by man . fade out 1517 but 1523 with again good signal  S9+10 
Liangas 31-5

BLR? 7390 R Minsk??  1530  with news and many mentions of BLR Fair 
Liangas 31-5

RUSSIA 5925 V oR  1610 with program in Kurdish S7 Liangas 31-5

SUDAN 7200(presume )  not  ID  0716  with man and talks in Arabic. hilife 
songs on 0723  . Marginal signal Liangas 1 -6 

SIERRA LEONE 9525 Cotton Tree News (p?) News from the African region 
. Drum in-between news. Carrier on 0757 Liangas 1 -6

BAHRAIN 9744.59 VoBahrain 0746 with Arab songs . marginal signal 
Liangas 1 -6

MALAYSIA 15295 VoM on 0806 is now back . News in English and ID . 
Signal 3-5 and bad audio Liangas 1 -6

UAE? 11675 R Solh(?) 0810  with mixed Hindi and afghan music  S5-7 
34x33 (x subjected to tower electricity  insulators) Liangas 1 -6

CHINA 9580 unIDed  0745 and 0800  with talks in Tibetan . PBS Xizang per 
Eibi Liangas 1 -6

[Sudan ]13685  IRIN starting with a string  chord , ID as IRIN . in a language  
sounding as Arabic . Many mentions to Sudan . At 0833 heard voices from 
many people Liangas 1 -6
Sudden TV sounded jamming across all bands with S7  level 

EGYPT 15080 ? 1930 an ID in Arabic " kahira  ....arabi'  followed by news 
45543  but distorted audio Liangas 2 -6 ERTU Radio Cairo is notice in eibi  

Please read my aricle on SINPO at
________________________  (radio tech , gadgets, grk ethics)  (my social 'bookmarks' ) (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos    pictures upload
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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