** INDONESIA. VOI, 9526, was back to good strength July 18 for the English at 
1259, preceded by Indonesian music at 1250 tune-in. Now I have a better chance 
of understanding the accent of the YL announcer, especially since I taped it 
for later replays. Was considerably weaker during music portion when tape ran 
out at 1345. Much weaker signal on July 19 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. WRNO, New Orleans, is finally back on the air, testing. First tuned 
in 15590 at 1938 July 18 to hear strong open carrier with slight whine, then 
tone test faded up. Level increased briefly before 1944 and then cut off at 
1945* *1946 back on with open carrier, 1947 tone fading up and down again. Cut 
off again at 1950* So far, no announcements or IDs. It`s off-frequency, more 
like 15590.4. Left a receiver on, but nothing further heard past 2300.

If current registrations are to be believed, this is WRNO, New Orleans, on the 
air finally after years and years of delays, under new ownership as 15590 is 
for it in A-08 since KTBN went dark.

I quickly posted the above report on the DXLD yg and sent it to some who might 
know for sure. Consulting engineer George Jacobs in Maryland confirmed they 
were on the air as of July 18; he`s glad to have WRNO back after 7 years, and 
said programming should start August 1.

Tho I heard no IDs, this was also quickly confirmed by Dan Brown, Boston, who 
had photographed the site and wrote a story about WRNO last year for Monitoring 
Times; he phoned HQ in Fort Worth and they said the transmitter had indeed 
started on-air tests, with program tests expected a week later. However, Dan 
heard preaching rather than tones already the next day, July 19 at 1620-1640*. 

It was a few minutes later at 1657 when I checked 15590, nothing, nor on 
occasional later chex. No doubt it`s sporadic in testing period, and not yet 
heard on 7505 at random day and night chex. Could be they will test 7505 during 
daytime working hours rather than at night when it will be scheduled. Those 
sitting on one frequency or the other are bound to hear it eventually. But it 
won`t be commercial rock as originally, just another religious station as long 
promised by the new owner (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 9500, the sweep tones again as heard a couple days previously, 
July 19 at 1253; whence could this be? Recheck at 1301 and it was off, with 
WHRI dominating from 9495 instead with ``How Great Thou Art`` in unknown 
language, and then English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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