Moldova, 6040, Radio Nederland, 2130-2200,  This schedule is active
from 2100.  Noted a number of males talking in Dutch.  At 2145, music
presented. Noted a parallel signal on 15315 KHz but very delayed. I got two different transmitter sites for this broadcast. The EIBI says Moldova which I like, the WRTH says Grigoriopol, Moldova too while the Passport says "various locations". The signal was fair on 6 MHz.
(Chuck Bolland, August 1, 2008)

Sweden, 6065, Radio Sweden, 2155-2200*  Just catching the last
portion of the English schedule with lots of "Radio Sweden" mentioned
in the English comments by a male.  Signal was fair as music closes
the schedule.  (Chuck Bolland, August 1, 2008)

Clewiston, Florida

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