BHUTAN 6035 BBS Got a nice name only e-QSL from v/s Dorji Wangchuk for my reception last Saturday and e-mail report with MP3 audio file. Only bad thing is that they're 100 kw. (24 Nov.)

MAURITANIA 7245 R.M. 1026-1037 M tlk in AR and singing w/distinctive lcl string mx. Quite good at this time. 1059-1100 amnts by M over mx. Sounded like a tone denoting ToH under the tlk, then lcl stringed mx bridge, followed by poss. nx headlines by W 1100-1102. 1102 M returned w/tlk and more lcl mx. Will try to get a //4845 when this freq apparently signs on at 0800. (27 Nov.)

INDONESIA 9525.88 V.O. Indonesia 1038-1042 EG feature by W over instru. mx ending w/ID. ID promo then into and mx pgm. Fair signal. Didn't know that EG was sked for this time. I suppose they're quite flexable!! (27 Nov.)

PERU 5039.19 R. Libertad de Junin (pres.) Just caught camposina mx w/canned voice-over anmnts by M at 1045. Didn't stay with this as I wanted to ID 4991.06. (27 Nov.)

PERU 4991.06 R. Manantial (pres.) 1046 end of canned anmnt by M, and into camposina mx. Surprised at the strength. Anmnts during song, more anmnts 1052 but suffering from noise at this time. 1053 poss. ment of onda corta and "la voz. ?". 1055 canned anmnts again. Fading too fast. Getting some QRM from 4990 het. Got there too late. (27 Nov.)

73 Dave
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