** CHAD. 6165, RNT, 2225-2231*, Nov 29, hi-life music. French  
announcements. Sign off with National Anthem at 2230. Good level
but poor  to fair overall quality due to co-channel QRM & adjacent 
channel  splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** DJIBOUTI. 4780, Radio Djibouti, 2055-2102*, Nov 29, local Horn
of  Africa style music. Arabic announcements. Sign off with National 
Anthem.  Weak. Poor with strong CODAR QRM. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** ZIMBABWE.(non). via Madagascar, 11610, Radio Voice of the
People,  *1700-1755*, Nov 29, sign on with African music & opening
ID  announcements in English followed by talk in vernacular. Short
breaks of  African music. English talk at 1745-1754 about violence
in Zimbabwe. Fair but  with weak music loop jammer. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** ZIMBABWE.(non). via Madagascar, 11610, Radio Voice of the
People,  *0401-0456*, Nov 30, sign on with African music & opening
English ID  announcements followed by talk in vernacular. Short 
breaks of African music.  English at 0443. Poor. Best in ECSS-LSB
due to noise on high side. (Brian  Alexander, PA) 

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA,  U.S.A.   
Equipment:  TenTec RX-340, two 100 foot longwires  
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