Repport from: Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu DX'ing from Pierrefonds-Roxboro / 
Montreal's West Island using the Sanyo MCD-S830 barefoot for MW and the Sangean 
CST-818 with the battery-powered PK's Magnetic LW loop for LW

Trans-Atlantic DX:

162 FRANCE   France Inter, Allouis DEC 22 0205 - woman reading poems with a 
dramatic voice, followed up by 1 or 2 FF electropop numbers, then a feature 
about an African immigrant coming to Paris followed by corny African Jazz-Ethno 
music, then talk about the true nature of coupé-décallé (conteporary rhythmic 
music originating from the Ivory Coast), mainly using major chords, though 
using minor ones too at times) which puts you in a Trance without "un philtre 
d'amour". Generally very good, but local computer-like QRM maked 
understandibility partial especially during the poem reading when the signal 
was slightly lower. In any event, best ever reception of this station ! The new 
battery (which already weakened) definitely allowed the PK's Magnetic LW loop 
to be the perfect choice ! (Chiochiu-QC)

171 MAROCCO   Medi Un, Nador DEC 22 0407 - about one hour later after getting 
France-162, I had my best reception of these guys with broadcast announcement 
in French (station's identity, frequency, etc.), probably talking about the 
upcoming FF language px (this station is bilingual), but it was so chopped... 
Poor-fair with severe computer-like QRM. I see old repports about the GWEN, 
what the Groundwave Emergency Network is all about ? Noises, morse, voice 
utility signals or computer-like noise ? All the repports I saw are in the Mark 
Connelly's IDXD archive from the 1990s... (Chiochiu-QC)

183 GERMANY   Europe 1, Felsberg (Saarlouis) DEC 22 0330 - fired their tx on 
about this time. I heard that Europe 1 is 24h on FM and broadcasts from 
0230-2300 UTC on LW or something like that. First heard with a half electropop 
half acoustic Afropop tune by Amadou et Mariam, then the announcer was 
complementing their work saying in French they found the right balance between 
African and Occidental music. Then into the analysis of an english-speaking 
singer singing like Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston that was fairly obscure to 
me. Weird to have African music-related features on two differents FF stations 
! Huge with very little in the way of deep fadings and absolutely no local 
computer or beacon QRM at all on this frequency as the PK's Magnetic loop seems 
unsensitive to overload from strong pests such as CINF-690 or CFAV-1570 ! This 
and Iceland-189 were the best LWers the past evening ! (Chiochiu-QC)

189 ICELAND   RUV - Rikisutvarpid, Gufuskalar DEC 22 0225 - Man in Icelandic 
making some comments in between obscure musical selections that sounded like a 
gothic version of mid-1950's rockabilly with Icelandic lyrics. (Iceland, 
despite it's small size and small population, has a rich musical industry). 
Good, slightly weaker than Europe 1 on 1983 which was VERY good, but the best 
was yet to come. +DEC 22 0800+ - after a good movie watched past midnight and 
all that astonishing DX couldn't sleep, so fired the Sangean CST-818 / PK's 
Magnetic LW loop combo once again. France-162 was still fair and partially 
readable in spite of computer-like high-pitched growl and this one was 
EXCELLENT, semi-local-like and unbelievable with, at this time, mainly two men 
and occasionally a woman in Icelandic with two or three songs sqeezed in 
between the talk segments of their program. The chatter was partly 
music-related, I think, as I recognized the "rock" and "blues" words. At the 
end of one of the talk segments, heard a man making his voice softer and the 
other one said a word ressembling English "Thank You" and German "Danke!" 
(Icelandic is a Germanic language and have small ressemblance with both English 
and, especially, German - Bogdan). After the Danke-like word, 4 seconds break, 
then a classical interlude with beautifol trompett sounding like Bolero de 
Ravel. Our dog was sitting in the bed and as the classical trompett-based 
interlude began, he jumped toward the radio... So it seems we have a second 
DXer in our house. (Our dog was treated by a series of psy trance, progressive 
rock, classical music, World Music and French-Caribbean zouk music all summer 
long; I played the same record once every 3 or 4 days in order to help him 
developp a melodical sense. At night, I almost always left the radio switched 
to the classical music local CJPX on 99.5 MHz FM. He is quite sensitive to 
music, indeed. What maked this unusual was that it was a distant station with 
EXCELLENT signal by DX standard SEMI-local-like and with FAIR signal for a 
local listener, so a few barely noticeable noise - for me - was audible and the 
dog has even better ears - Bogdan). (Chiochiu-QC)

198 UNITED KINGDOM   BBC Radio 4, Droitwich DEC 22 0258 - Man in 
British-accented English with a fair accent with QRM from a fairly strong local 
beacon on 201 kHz and from a weaker skywave-propagated one that was right on 
198 and was a bit weaker than the BBC-198 signal. (Chiochiu-QC)

225 POLAND??   unID DEC 22 0325 - music at a threshold level briefly noted here 
but faded away at 0331 recheck. If I get this, which is a fairly difficult LW 
catche under what our nearby colleague Sylvain Naud judge by himself to be 
less-than-spectacular condx on LW, then my home country Antena Satelor on 153 
kHz out of Bod should be, AT LEAST, remotely possible. (Chiochiu-QC)

234 LUXEMBURG,   RTL, Junglister DEC 22 0146 - this alerted me before using the 
Sangean CST-818 barefoot I could hear Sting way down in the noise. Very 
excited, I changed the battery out of my brand new PK's Magnetic LW loop and 
using the brand new one, rotating the antenna's QRG amplifier I could either 
amplify the 232 kHz beacon, RTL-234 or a 237 kHz beacon, so this one was 
sandwiched in between 2 NDBs, yet thanks to it's good signal was partially 
readable. Using the Sangean CST-818 barefoot, this one was threshold and the 
beaconds which were slightly weaker were at VERY threshold levels, so I can't 
say the reception pretty much improved, but at least it had a rich fully 
dynamic sound in spite of high-pitched NDB's morse QRM. + DEC 22 0341 - good 
once again in spite of NDB QRM that was reduced by amplifying only 234 with the 
amplifier right in the center of the wanted frequency in order to somewhat 
attenuate 232 and 237, playing "Musique" by France Gall from 1975, one of her 
very few Disco records then man in FF with RTL ID and time-check "4 heures 
quarante-et-une", but the rest of his talk was buried in adjacent channel 
beacon's splatter. Partially readable, of course, but at least the signal it's 
self was quite strong. (Chiochiu-QC)

252 ALGERIA,   Alger Chaîne 3 DEC 22 0211 - with the receiver tuned to 253 kHz 
in AM Narrow mode (the BFO is a lackluster for listenable BCB signals) and the 
antenna's set to favour reception around 252 kHz while reducing the 4 kHz 
distant local UL beacon on 248 kHz heard at a poor level a plaintive male AA 
vocal (not raï, sounded more traditionnal than raï does) getting through the 
still not completly nullled UL-248 kHz QRM. I didn't even think I was sure of 
getting this one someday. Of course, if the Sangean CST-818 has slightly below 
average IF image rejection and slightly above average sensitivity, it's 
selectivity is excellent - UL is super-powered (1000 W), yet this one managed 
to get through at a somewhat impressive level, at least by the rather tolerant 
DX standards. Impressive ! Now, if I could only get Atlantic 252 which is off 
the air since 2001 - one of the very few commercial broadcasters using LW. Is 
RTE Radio One using less power than the former Atlantic 252 did ? + DEC 22 0410 
- FF talk, unreadable, very weak and unreadable, weaker than at 0211 UTC. 

585 SPAIN,   Radio Nacional de España, Madrid DEC 22 0046 - briefly fading up 
at a poor and partially readable level with radio drama in Spanish, otherwise 
mostly threshold at best. MW TAs were almost inexistent the past night. Even 
this one (the only one heard) was very unimpressive. On Friday evenings they 
were much stronger and so they were on Saturday. (Chiochiu-QC)

1071 SPAIN,   Euskadi Irratia / 1080 / 1143 SPAIN,   SER DEC 21 / 22 - no log - 
just out of the amusement, I tried for this channel. I managed to null out WTIC 
to a fairly fair and barely acceptable signal level even the past night even 
though the further and lower in frequency WJR was almost unnulable. In spite of 
that nothing under the nulled WTIC. I think the SER-1080 is the best way to log 
an even-channel TA from Spain (Vatican-1530 is easier but I think Jesus was a 
masochist and the Pope is part of the Reptilian brotherhood who used the 
masochism of Jesus to manipulate us and to use the pain of a lack of justice to 
provocate nvrosis while our passions flew away in an unneded way - another 
reason why I didn't had the patience to positively identify the SS rel. "Radio 
Cadena La Voz de la Victoria" mystery on 540 a few weeks ago), but nothing 
materialized. The nulling of WTIC's IBOC hash enabled me to get a nice signal 
out of CHOK-1070 which has country music (ex. oldies) for a midldly interesting 
domestic DX challenge (I love to DX stations playing music, any kind of music 
with the exception of punk-rock which is way much worse than the hardest form 
of metal - is like someone laughing at you in a very cold and unfriendly way). 
Maybe CHOK was, at a good level, too strong to allow the 1071 local Spaniard 
Euskadi Irratia to squeeze by, I don't know... On 1143 while tuning between 
1140 and 1150 only got some splash from CKOC/CJRC-1150 that almost reached 1140 
and were quite noticeable just above the high side of the 1140 kHz NA channel. 
So a no log. (Chiochiu-QC)

1215 - nothing heard yesturday using the Sangean-CST-818 barefoot as there are 
way too many overspills using the Sanyo MCD-S830 which its relatively wide 
selectivity. (Chiochiu-QC)

1134 SPAIN   COPE, synchros (probably the 50 kW tx) DEC 21 0021 - Man in 
Spanish and some music getting through for a few seconds through difficult to 
maintain a null on WBBR-1130. Probably Croatia in there too, but not sure. A 
narrow filter would have dealed easily with this one, but, alas, the Sangean 
CST-818 rx may be more selective than my Sanyo MCD-S830 barefoot, but it's much 
less selective (though I tried 1134 in AM Narrow position and heard nothing). I 
don't have a MW loop right now. What models should I try ? (Chiochiu-QC)

Pan-American DX:

750 VENEZUELA,   YVKS, Caracas, Distrito Federal bolivariano DEC 22 0035 - 
Woman in Spanish way under WSB. The only South American noted the past evening. 
Like I said, condx on MW for both the LAs and the TAs were really awful the 
past night and they seemed short-skip dominated, but I understand that 375 can 
make a huge difference (cf Bruce Conti). On 760, WJR was almost unnulable using 
the Sanyo MCD-S830 barefoot with not even the faintest trace of the Colombian 
powerhouse. (Chiochiu-QC)

Bogdan speaks: Finally, here comes the end of my repport. Impressive, ain't it 
? Well, yes it is, but there are a few disappointments. I won't talk about MW 
since using what I might call a clone of the GE Superradio models (according to 
the reviews, they might show quite some similarities with my Sanyo MCD-S830) is 
less than perfect for trans-oceanic MW DX, but I will instead talk about LW. 
First of all, the battery inside my Magnetic Loop antenna have weakened a lot. 
Last night, my UL beacon on 248 kHz was at a strenght of 7 out of 7, this 
morning at 6 out of 7 and right now at 5 out 7. It is not a huge problem, 
but... Then, Morocco-207, Germany-207 and Romoules-216 were either missing or 
completly covered by beacon QRM to the point that nothing more than imaginary 
level audio (c.f. WEAKER THAN POLAND-225) could be squeezed out. 207 is clearer 
than 216 which is burried by an NDB right on 217, so would 207 be possible. Is 
207 still active ? Also, nothing more than unintelligible audio on 153 which is 
supposed to have an Algerian pest covering my home-country Antena Satelor, in 
Bod 20 km north of Brasov. I'd love even to hear that Algerian pest, as I love 
raï music and since I grew listening to Middle Eastern SW while in Bucharest 
Arabic music has always been to my liking. Anyone getting something on 153 at a 
few hundreds miles of distance that could definitively make a difference ? In 
the mean time, it is nice that the barely listenable yet challenging and HIGHLY 
interesting FF outlet on 252 kHz plays AA music as well !!!!!!!!

But, in spite of those few disappointments, my LW experience the past night 
rewarded me with a great lack of sleep. I fell asleep shorlty after 4AM while 
Iceland-189 was still really loud and I woke before 8AM, so almost 3 hours and 
a half of sleep and I don't seem that tired. Sounds like my enthousiasm for 
DXing is in full swing...

May the good DX bless your ears and make you forget daylight even exists !...
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