** ALASKA. Most days KNLS is inaudible or beneath adjacent channel signals, but 
Dec 22 at 1452 it was coming in well, tho with some deep fades, on 6150 toward 
end of English program. Unfortunately that was a Creation Moment, favorite 
mini-show of the gospel huxters dedicated to debunking Evolution. This 
anti-intellexual nonsense makes me want to puke. 1454 outro with times and 
frequencies of the four English broadcasts, credit list including Rob Stewart 
who produces them (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ALBANIA. R. Tirana finally made frequency/antenna adjustments to B08 
schedule on Dec 22. Back on 7425 to NAm, which it had used in previous seasons 
and would have used from the start of this season if Russia hadn`t made a 
wooden registration for it. At 0001 UT Dec 23, 7425 with sign-on in Albanian 
giving schedule with several kHz mentions, audio lofi but modulation fairly 
good. Some adjacent interference from 7420, Prague via Ascension to S America, 
another recent change, but only until 0030 and can be avoided here by 
side-tuning slightly. Tirana // 6110, also lo-fi audio but no QRM and less 
fading. Both read S9+20 on the meter but 6110 definitely sounded better than 
7425; SINPO 45544 and 44433 respectively. By 0120, 7425 had faded down 
considerably and little of it left for English at 0130-0145, but certainly has 
a better chance over winter night path at solar min than ex-9345. I was out and 
could not check the other significant change yet, 7435
 ex-9345 in Albanian at 2130-2300 to W Europe, C&E NAm (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CANADA. CBC NQ 9625 transmitter at Sackville out of whack again, Dec 22 at 
1510 when extremely distorted talk in English(?) was centered about 9645 and 
covering at least 9640-9650 with no detectable carrier. Still the same at 1540. 
RCI Russian on 9610 was OK. On 9625 only heard two other weak stations mixing, 
presumably BBC and Channel Africa. The same thing was happening Dec 21 at 0600, 
but not at 1410. This time I notified Sackville and Montréal (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** CHINA. 9820, Dec 22 at 2352 with open carrier, and het, weak audio which I 
finally decided was Vietnamese. I first figured the open carrier was Habana, 
but no audio from it developed; the Mesa Redonda show is quite irregular. If 
that had been on, nothing of this would have been possible. 

0000 heard music, IS of chimes, electronic instrument, IDs in Chinese and 
Vietnamese but missed the key words. Aoki shows:

9820 CNR 2              2100-0100 1234567 Chinese     150 290 
     Baoji-Xinjie CHN 10710E 3430N CNR2=11845 b08
9820 GUANGXI FOREIGN BS 2300-0100 1234567 Vietnamese   15 225 
     Nanning CHN 10811E 2247N GUANG
9820 R.HABANA CUBA      2300-0100 .23456. Mesa Redonda 50 230 
     La Habana CUB 08223W 2256N RHC b07

To further confuse matters, WRTH 2009 in the domestic sexion page 153 shows 
nothing but Xi`an on 9820 with CNR2 until 2400. In the international sexion, 
page 439, there is Guanxi FBS, Nanning on 9820 with Vietnamese at 2300-0100 // 
5050 in winter sked. 

So looks like I had Guangxi for sure, and not bad for 15 kW as Aoki and WRTH 
agree, aimed oppositely; unlikely the Chicom would really run Baoji-Xinjie on 
same frequency at same time. 

EiBi doesn`t get into details such as powers and azimuths but does show both 
Xian CNR2 and Nanning with Guangxi FBS between 2300 and 0100.

This time I check PWBR `2009` last rather than first. It shows both Xian and 
Nanning on 9820 at 0000, with 50 kW for the latter, which I am afraid is more 
likely than 15 as well I was getting it. Had to be Nanning as I definitely 
heard Vietnamese.

The het was probably R. Nove de Julho, Brasil, always reported off-frequency on 
low side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC 9550 transmitter is becoming unstable, showing a slight warble at 
2350 Dec 22 in English. This is apparent with BFO on, slightly off-tuned, 
compared to off-tuning other nearby frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** MEXICO. XEXQ barely confirmed on 6045, Dec 22 at 1459 with traces of 
classical music, Pachelbel? Traces of Spanish announcement at 1500; heard a 
couple numbers, as in telephone? And right back to music. Helped that China on 
6040 was weaker than usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U K [non]. Add another fragmented BBCWS transmission inadvertently making it 
well to NAm: 9570 at 2300-2400. Dec 22 at 2351 heard surprisingly good signal, 
no QRM, in interview about Georgia, then Somalia. 2359 closing The World Today, 
cut off at 2359:30* This is via Thailand, 250 kW at 20 degrees, thus favoring 
us far beyond the nominal targets of NE China and N Korea (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. Dave Frantz`s home-made WWRB transmitter may have oomph of S9+22, but 
it has some defects (I toned that down), as evidenced Dec 22 at 1508 when Alex 
Scourby and then Brother Scare were splattering 9350 to 9420 from the 9385 
unit, QRMing several stations, the worst victim being WTJC 9370, which also 
goes haywire at times. Not surprising, as Dave told me WTJC stole the plans 
from him at WGTG. Still the same at 1540 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 


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