Season's greetings to all of you ! Make sure 2009 will make falling asleep more 
natural without the ever-present temptation of turning your radio on and of 
getting out of bed by pure curiosity during the last few seconds it takes to 
disconnect from the DXer friendly world ! This resumes well what I did the past 
night. DXing, DXing and...again DXing, turning up and down both the LW and MW 
bands until around 5 o'clock when I couldn't stand any sound other than my own 
breath ! A new way to start 2009 was to relog 1 or 2 seldom heard Latins during 
semi-auroral condx, while DXing wasn't really above-average, but promising, 
though promising in vain as tonight was extremely poor for both Latin MW and TA 
LW DX and the moderate CME didn't turned my Montreal area QTH into a concrete 
based house with concrete roof and a big window near the radio toward the 
south... Well, into the logs !...

Trans-Atlantic DX

162 FRANCE   France Inter, Allouis JAN 2 0607 UTC - noted in passing with 
morning show in FF at a good level through moderate computer-like QRN. + JAN 3 
0628 - promo for "Comment voyager..." trip and adventure-related px -> 
"dimanche sur France Inter", then extensive traffic & weather reports, followed 
by a short newscast about a 6 months jail sentenced for a youngster who stoled 
a car, etc. Very good to fair. SINPO 45332 +JAN 3 0855 - w/ talk about the real 
value of life, then greetings to the sociologist who made the speech, extensive 
traffic and eather annc, time pips during the weather, then jingle leading to 
nx. (Chiochiu-QC)

171 MOROCCO   Medi Un, Nador JAN 3 0355 UTC - at tune-in w/ a raï number 
followed by warm comments by the DJ who introduced, both in FF & AA, the latest 
track by HJ singer Juanes (which seems popular worldwide, even in my native 
Romania). SINPO 35343 with a fair signal and very minor high-pitched growl from 
a computer or from several computers in the neighborhood. The best LW broadcast 
signal this evening ! When this one, usually 9575 isn't propagated and 
vice-versa. 9575 is better during the greyline and 171 way before sunrise at 
the tx-site and way after sunset in Montreal, at least it seems to be that way 
according to my own observations. This is the only Moroccan that seems to be 
received in the Montreal area on LW. The target of Azilal 207 is always buried 
in NDB QRM; in fact, even marginary level audio wasn't heard (yet) from the 
Azilal RTM outlet on 207 kHz. Well... +JAN 3 0406 UTC - up to a very good peak 
right now (S5 over S7) playing a dance oriented raï vocal with exotic female 
voice "Mon amour"; only the chorus is in FF, the rest of the tune is in AA ! 
+JAN 3 0424 UTC - with a musical request toward two lovers with mention 
"...Florent Pagny sur Medi Un", then the soft-rock MoR vocal "Savoir aimer" by 
Florent Pagny recorded again in duo with FF-Canadian singer Isabelle Boulay, 
then the DJ greeted a Casablanca listener who requested a Raï duo. Good ! With 
the CATV disconnected from upstairs, the only QRN consists of a slight 
high-pitched growl, instead of the unbearable buzz that hammered reception on 
this channel (and many others) just a few days ago ! This appears to be 
bilingual AA/FF px with musical request of mainly more or less upbeat 
FF/EE/SS/AA songs. +JAN 3 0452 UTC - almost completly lost due to tx-site 
sunrise, but still hanging on with trad. AA mx ! (Chiochiu-QC)

183 GERMANY   Europe 1, Felsberg JAN 2 0345-0903+ UTC - ending the nighttime 
talk show talking about the helpful relationship between animals and criminals 
or autistic children (zootherapy). Then at 0400, "Europe 1 Info" begun with the 
announcement of some astonishing events, for exemple the burning of cars around 
the 31th of December with the burning rate being 30% higher than the past year 
(1147 cars were fired up ! according to the Europe 1 anncr.) and also some 
strange weather notes about the current temprature in the eastern suburbs of 
Paris which was -8C. Weird, as the Gulf Stream should make exceptionnal 
anything under 0 C, EVEN AT THIS time of the year ! Very good and still hanging 
on at a poor level at 0903 UTC (03:03 AM EST). This was the loudest broadcast 
signal on LW, while RUV-189 was apparently knocked out by the semi-auroral 
condx... Still surprised to get this as even regular MW TAs such as Spain-585 
were absent and Colombia-770 made several showings burrying the NYC powerhouse, 
WABC. (Chiochiu-QC)

252 IRELAND   RTE Radio One, Clarkestown / ALGERIA   Alger Chaîne 3, Tipaza JAN 
1 0045 UTC - EE talk and EE music o/ FF px. Both poor with NDB QRM reduced as 
much as possible. SINPO 22232. Ireland is a BRAND new visitor for me ! 

Pan-American DX

550 VENEZUELA   Mundial YVKE, Caracas, Distrito Federal JAN 1 0612 UTC - 
Assumed this one w/ salsa mx in mess. 2nd time this season ! It is slightly 
easier to receive in Montreal, now that semi-local CHLN in Trois-Rivière, PQ 
has vacated the channel, though a weaker semi-local, WEVD in Waterbury, VT can 
be a problem. WEVD is also on 550. (Chiochiu-QC)

555 ST KITTS   ZIZ, Basseterre JAN 1 0613 UTC - fair in slight domestic splash 
from the weaker semi-local WEVD-550 with a woman MoR pop vocal. The first 
showing of this station in about a week ! + JAN 3 0105 - in and out, good 
peaks, w/ Caribbean music (mainly soca, calypso and reggae). SINPO 44533 

580 VENEZUELA (maybe) YVMJ La Fe, Maracaibo, estado Zulia / DOMINICAN REPUBLIC  
 HIAF, Radio Monte Cristi, Monte Cristi JAN 1 0103 UTC - possible ID as "Radio 
Mar" (for Maracaibo ?), then lost to back-to-back bachata music from Radio 
Monte Cristi. Radio Monte Cristi was also audible on the Sangean CST-818 PK's 
LW Magnetic Loop combo when the antenna was set to apmplify the highest 
frequency and was turned in order to null out CFRA Ottawa, albeit slightly 
weaker than on the Sanyo MCD-S830 barefoot. A half-hour later, HIAF was 
destroyed by WTIG or WTAG (I don't do domestic DXing) fading up to a very good 
near-local strenght. (Chiochiu-QC)

600 CUBA   CMKV, Radio Rebelde, Urbano Norris JAN 1 0644 UTC - and of a salsa 
tune about the city of Santiago then apparent canned ID "desde 1958, somos la 
emisora de los grandos momentos de la nación " w/ escepts from Fidel's speech 
-> "? ? ? tiempos ?, "hacemos la información; hacemos de la información, la 
vida, Radio Rebelde, La Havana", then restrospective w/ old Rebelde airchecks 
huge followed by a mixture of Cuban salsa and Latin dance mx, over/ under the 
WICC/CKAT mix // 5025 which was even stronger (almost local-like). // 5025 was 
heard on the Sangean CST-818 connected to long-wire in our yard instead of the 
home-made PK's Magnetic LW loop +JAN 2 0207 UTC - salsa mx, strong and on top 
of channel. (Chiochiu-QC)

610 CUBA   CMAN, Radio Rebelde, Bahía de Honda JAN 2 0207 UTC - good and 
slightly o/ the domestics with Cuban salsa, in // w/ 600. Rare, though it used 
to be semi-regular a few seasons ago ! (Chiochiu-QC)

670 CUBA   CMBA, Radio Rebelde, Arroyo Arrenas JAN 1 0650 UTC - Fair in local 
splatter and IBOC hash, w/ mx // 710, 600 and 5025. SINPO 32242 (Chiochiu-QC)

710 CUBA   CMW, Radio Rebelde, La Julia JAN 1 0650 UTC - Good mixing w/ WOR w/ 
trop mx // 710, 600 and 5025. The WOR career helped pushed down the local 
690/730 splatter. SINPO 42432 (Chiochiu-QC)

750 VENEZUELA   YVKS, Caracas, Distrito Federal JAN 1 0202 UTC - at tune-in 
excited SS chatter, mainly, but not exclusively music related, the M anncr ment 
how lovely it is to listen to great YV records by artists such as Reynaldo 
Armas, then played a roghly 1-minute excerpt from a Reynaldo Armas tune, then 
back to SS chatter. Over/under nulled WSB and slight local CKAC-730 (nulling 
out WSB which loops SW from Montreal makes the CKAC next-to-adjacent channel 
splatter QRM a bit more problematic, but huge at times (like always !). Severe 
crowd noises (since part of this New Year's Eve party was broadcast from 
outdoor) prevent me from clearly hearing the countdown. It's always nice to 
listen to YVKS-750 on Dec. 31 because it is the only time of the year when they 
play some music. +JAN 2 0258 UTC - Man annc briefly talking about the YV 
citizen's right to fight against the popularist Chavez regime, then a canned 
announcement for an upcoming px that I can't described much since the huge 
signal at tune-in (JAN 2 0258 UTC) quickly faded away. Anyway, here is the 
canned annc for those interested in the way Latins are IDing: "a continuación, 
le presentamos la reposición de un programa de archivos de RCR, Palabra esta 
radio; el siguiente programa educativo y cultural contiene elementos de 
lenguage, salud y sexo tipo A y de violencia tipos A y B y puede ser escuchado 
por niños, niñas y adolescentes sin supervición de sús madres, padres, 
representantes o responsables; RCR presenta Conversaciones, una producción 
nacional independente de Jesus Gamgouchi, certificado de productor nacional 
independiente, numero 3625, para dar sú pimiento a la obligación impuesta por 
el articulo 14 de la Ley de Responsabilidad Social", then the canned annc 
continued "a partir de este momento, un encuentro ? ? ? protagonistas ? ? ? 
artistas, Conversaciones con ?", during the end of the canned announcement the 
signal quickly faded away and when the px begun for good, the readability was 
almost nil. YVs are required by law to describ aspects of the content of their 
shows before airing them, it's part of La Ley Resorte of our lovely psychopath 
Hugo Chávez. Is RCR-750 having a website ? My favorite YV "pest", Coro-780, has 
got one a few months ago and their Internet stream is more reliable than the 
other Kys 101.5 Caracas stream I'm used to, when the DX isn't coming in and I 
like to virtually travel to YV-land. (Chiochiu-QC) 

760 COLOMBIA,   HJAJ, RCN Cadena Basíca, Barranquilla, departamiento del 
Atlantico JAN 2 0715-1103 UTC - in and out, more in than out, good peaks, w/ 
back-to-back HJ and YV cumbias, some quick "RCN Radio" IDs between the tracks 
and brief nx at ToH. WJR was quite easily nulled out, although not always 
totally. SINPO 33523 in WJR's null ! (Chiochiu-QC)

770 VENEZUELA   YVKK, Valencia, estado Carabobo JAN 2 1042 UTC - Tentative ! 
Man in Spanish w/ possible mention of "Venezuela". Poor in mess. Could also be 
Cuba-770 since Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez both have a solid friendship... 
Listening to the tape once again may not proove to be that useful as the 
reception was mushy, but I would keep trying for this as it would be my best 
bet for the Carabobo state, I think. (Chiochiu-QC)

770 COLOMBIA   HJJX, RCN Cadena Basíca, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Districto Capital 
JAN 2 1041 UTC - playing "La Gonza de la China" by Los Melodícos, a Venezuelan 
"orchestra bailable" that was popular from their start in 1958 through the 
years, not only in YV-land, but in the HJ-land too. "China" or "chinita" is a 
diminutive for a smal "muchacha", for a rather small cute chick, frequently 
used in Venezuela (c.f. the classic YV pasaje "Chinita de Maracaibo" by 
Chelique Sarabia). Clearly // 760 which fading out, as this one did rise above 
WABC. Unusual fading pattern ! Earlier, around 1026 UTC, when obscure (to me!) 
cumbia selections were played, both Barranquilla-760 and Bogotá-770 were equal 
in strenght. Relog ! Rare ! A rare moment when I'm able to listen to two 
different Colombian MW outlets during the same listening session ! (Chiochiu-QC)

770 CUBA   Radio Rebelde, unID QTH JAN 2 1041 UTC - in mix with WABC, HJJX and 
poss. YVKK with lively SS announcements in // w/ 5025. Didn't pay attention to 
these announcements as I concentrated my attention on 770 rather than 5025 were 
these announcements were more than intelligible, they were local-like ! 

780 VENEZUELA   YVNM, Radio Coro, Coro, estado Falcón JAN 2 0928 UTC - end of a 
cumbia song, then ID, TC followed by a canned announcement for the Romantica 
7-80 px: "De lunes a viernes, escuche Romantica Siete Ochenta, Romantica Siete 
Ocheta donde se escuchan las canciones (?) (?) (?) y la música de ayer y de 
hoy, marca el (?) (?) (?) (?) y tus artistas favorita por Radio Coro Siete 
Ochenta, primera en música"; that annc was followed by an abrupt switch from 
eclectic trop grooves (cumbia, salsa, vallenato, etc.) to plain trad YV mx 
(mainly joropos and pasajes which are two llanera mx styles). At 0934 "se 
siente nuestra música en Radio Coro Siete Ochenta" (you can feel our music on 
Radio Coro Seven-Eighty) followed by a local TC as 05:04 ! Not sure if the "se 
siente nuestra música (...)" annc is canned or live by what is called in 
Venezuela "locutor de guardia". Almost QRM in WBBM null -> SINPO 34323. Are 
there any other northern South Americans on 780 ? The oldest repport of Ecos 
del Torbes, YVOD I saw in IDXD dates back 2002, though I see they are still 
active on 780, even though SW 4980 is off since several years. (Chiochiu-QC)

1110 VENEZUELA   YVQT, Carúpano, estado Sucre JAN 2 2233 UTC - Assumed this 
station from hearing it on a regular basis during BETTER AURORAL CONDX w/ 
SS-sounding mx at a very threshold level way u/ a good but fadey WBT ! Later, 
WBT was highly disturbed by IBOC hash from WTAM Cleveland (off the back of the 
Sanyo MCD-S830 barefoot), so condx aren't auroral anymore like they were during 
the early morning hours (see below). (Chiochiu-QC)

Domestic DX

640 WNNZ   Westfield, MA DEC 31 1810 EST - huge, local-like, w/ very slight 
QRM, w/ talk about the Palestinian conflict inside an NPR feed from 88.5 MHz 
FM. Obviously on daytime power for several days ! Usually, at night, this one 
is almost completly destroyed by Cuba, residual CFYR Mojo Radio as well as 
occasionally YVQO and Guadeloupe. SINPO 44554 The same level on JAN 1 and, 
tonight -> JAN 2 EST / UTC (Chiochiu-QC)

740 CHWO   Toronto, ON JAN 3 0113 EST - w/ MoR female vocal. Excellent with 
minor splatter from nulled as much as possible local CKAC-730. Probably not a 
big deal to hear, but it is for me ! In spite of the CKAC splatter, 740 is 
quiter than channels like 780 were a loud pulsating noise is on and off every 3 
sec. Tonight, at this time, MW is more crowded with weird noises than LW, 
though I'm tired of hearing only Europe 1 at a listenable level, so I'm writing 
this repport instead of DXing. (Chiochiu-QC)

780 CFDR    "Seven-Eighty Kicks" Yarmouth, NS JAN 2 2143 EST - end of a great 
melancolly-driven female country vocal (and country is the last thing I listen 
to, though it's a tad better than punk-rock full of falsetto vocals), then "We 
are all about...Classic Country, 7-80 Kicks" followed by an ugly western tune I 
deleted from tape while recording Morocco-171 over it ! Very good, mixing with 
megapest WBBM Chicago, IL in null of a threshold YVNM-780 signal and in null of 
splatter from local-like WABC-770 and in null of splatter from true local 
CJAD-800 ! SINPO 42543 (Chiochiu-QC)

1110 WBT   Charlotte, NC DEC 1814 EST - Unbelievably bad reception, still 
acceptable for a DXer like me, but with some annoying IBOC hash from residual 
WTAM-OH. SINPO 42543-2 (Chiochiu-QC)

I'm still awake at 2:45 AM local (EST) with the Sangean CST-818 and its PK's 
Magnetic LW loop in a quiet spot, away from the computer hash that is audible 
ONLY in the IMMEDIATE vecinity of the computer I'm using right now, upstairs, 
inside my rather big bedroom. Most of the LW TAs have faded away with the 
exception of Europe 1 which is still amazingly strong (though fading out at 
0248 EST) and, on mediumwave, the Latins have been very poor tonight. The only 
time condx were distinctively auroral were earlier the past morning when WABC 
was jammed by the big Santafe de Bogota flagship RCN Cadena Basíca outlet on 
770 kHz. In fact, the "madrugada" of yesturday, condx were as much auroral as 
they have ever been in 2008-2009 yet, but the season is not finnished, so I can 
always hope and wait for better LAm MW DX condx.

I did thought about calling a friend, who used to work as a security guard at 
the Musé d'art contemporain de Montreal, who likes both oldschool Haitian 
kompas and Colombian cumbias, but it was too late to disturb him. He knows I'm 
a maniac of World Beat, but I have not told him about DXing yet. At least, I 
have the tapes ! As far as tapes are concerned, they begun to be harder and 
harder to get. Is it easy to record to record your DX into MD or CD ? I know of 
an astrologist who tape her sessions using burned CD-ROMs.

The highlight of the last few days DX sessions ? Three: hearing tentative 
Venezuela on 770 which is the best bet for the Carabobo Venezuelan / YV state, 
positively IDing Colombia on the same channel, by paralleling it with the 760 
regular visitor in Barranquilla and hearing Medi Un with an almost 
entertainment quality reception on 171 kHz with a request px and a friendly M 
anncr playing a wide blend of Moroccan & Algerian raï, Libanese pops as well as 
FF, EE and a SS pop/rock tune by Juanes of Colombia which, nowadays, is famous 
worldwide. Its the best reception I ever had of Morocco-171 and it comes of no 
coincidence as I had replaced cable upstairs with WiFi, though terribly 
reducing the amount of noise on LW (even though it's still far from perfect, TA 
LW reception improoved dramatically). That LW loop is one of my best alltime 
Xmas presents !

I'm so impressed with the PK's Magnetic LW loop, that I'm wondering if a 
Magnetic loop is a decent antenna for pulling in low-powered Bolivians and 
Peruvians on 90 or, at least, on 60 and 49 meters SW. What is the best loop 
antenna for the tropical bands ? The LW (longwire - I love to use 
abbreviations) aimed south does not bring anything SA other than a few ZYs 
(Brazilians) on 60 and 49m.

Also, very important, I had my mind cooking tonight while I'm listening to 
Europe 1 fade away for the night on 183 kHz and writing at the same time (now 
162 is fading too with tx site sunrise in Allouis) about RCR. I had two tapes 
full of RCR signal's peaks and, while I'm very slow w/ QSLing, would dearly 
love to send them to their Avenida del País en el Paraiso Edificio RCR address, 
but has the address changed since I called them in 2000 ? Is there a postal 
code or "codigo postal" I need to know before submiting my tape to them ? Also, 
I would like to write a small explanatory letter, since my SS isn't that bad, 
but a tape is better than a wrtitten letter, because stations love to know how 
they sound away from their tx site, isn't it ?

I should change the room to find the Sanyo MCD-S830 and gave a last and quick 
MW scan looking for Spanish signals, before I fall asleep for good...

This repport is brought to you by Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu DXing from 
Pierrefonds (Montreal's West Island), QC using a Sangean CST-818 rx and a PK's 
Magnetic loop for longwave as well as a Sanyo MCD-S830 barefoot for mediumwave !

May the good DX be with you !
Bogdan Chiochiu
Btw.: Abbreviations used: EST = Eastern Standard Time, UTC = United Time 
Coordinated, HJ = Colombian, YV = Venezuelan, anncr = announcer, annc = 
announcement, trop = tropical, trad = traditionnal, px = program / programming
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