QTH:    Kabul, Afghanistan
RX:     WinRadio G303e
ANT:    200m Longwire/Randomwire
ACC:    Palstar MW-550P Mediumwave Preselector

6250.4  KOREA (NORTH), R. Pyongyang heard 2325 on 04 Jan in K pgm with
excited YL & OM talking.  Unusual in that the normal placid and calm annxrs
were almost hysterical and they were 400 Hz off nominal freq.  Fair sigs
w/no QRM.

6391    PAKISTAN, Pakistan Naval R. AQP, heard w/Morse marker at 2315 on 04
Jan as VVV VVV VVV AQP2/4.  Good sigs.

We have had earthquakes the last two days.  Yesterday's (6.2 on the Richter
scale) actually threw me out of bed at about 0030 local and this morning's
shook the building at 0345 local.  I was seated in the chair DXing and I can
imagine it must have looked like the old Star Trek series when they got hit
with something.  The chair shook all over the place.

Gotta love this place!  Warzone, earthquake zone, and good DX spot all
rolled up into one easy-to-reach-by-airplane location, LOL.

73 de Al Muick

"The way to happiness is filled with obstacles."
 - Shakuntala

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