Warm greetings to all of you !

Last night, I was able to initiate a friend from the college radio station of 
cé-gep Saint-Laurent at MW DXing. Condx were abysmal, but the good company 
along with the very brief flurry of still convincing Pan-American DX (she was 
still amazed when Atlanta and Caracas were fighting against each other on 750 
kHz !) more than made up for the bad conditions. It's good to meet highly 
attractive persons that now to talk and to listen during the course of only a 
few minutes !

He will comeback Thursday...

The other night, condx on LW were at least decent, but last night misery, with 
Europe 1 good at best and RUV poor at best and nothing else, not even usual 
blasters such as Morocco-171 and France-162 (which frequency was covered by a 
highly annoying buzz, just like 153), but he was amazed as I constantly 
connected and disconnected the brand new PK's Shielded Magnetic LW loop antenna 
showing the Europe 1 signal drop from fair to nil... It was, at least, a 
half-decent showing of what can be heard on LW and MW...

Into the logs now:

Trans-Atlantic DX (all times are UTC)

153 unID JAN 5 0318 - talk in unID language (possibly AA, but not sure at all 
so this time around I won't even clam Bechar-153) mostly poor but very clear at 
this time and pleasant to listen to for a hardcore DXer like mewhen tuned on 
152 kHz in AM Narrow Mode to avoid a computer-like growl on the hish-side of 
the channel, around 154-155 kHz, though didn't comeback at a half-decent 
strength. SINPO 35412 (Chiochiu-QC)

162 FRANCE   France Inter, Allouis JAN 5 0206 - dramatic talk by a woman about 
two lovers glued together in a highly sensual way. Very good, SINPO 45444, 
possibly my best ever reception of France-162 ! They often carry dramatic 
reading late at night; a true cultural oriented general service broadcasters, 
as opposed to France Culture which is 100% cultural +JAN 5 0613 - audible on 
the Sangean CST-818 barefoot weakly but clearly with readable French talk about 
the Palestinian-Israelian conflict. Obviously, the loop was disconnected ! I 
disconnected the loop, in order to connect to the longwire for SW DXing, but as 
I opened the radio received weakly France-162 which prompted me to reconnect 
the PK's Magnetic LW loop and it was slightly weaker than at 0206 UTC 

183 GERMANY   Europe 1, Felsberg JAN 5 2255 - w/ ads in FF, only fair, but good 
enough to amaze Marco ! The only LW broadcaster having half-decent audio 
tonight ! (Chiochiu-QC)

189 ICELAND   RUV, Gufáskalar JAN 6 0654 - back-to-back classical music, then a 
long tone leading to what possibly were Icelandic nx. Only poor, S2 or S3 out 
of S7 on the Sangean CST-818 reading meter and SINPO 25332 ! (Chiochiu-QC)

198 ENGLAND   BBC, Droitwich JAN 5 0256 - w/ British news. Fair and getting 
through annoying beacon QRM. SINPO 32422 (Chiochiu-QC)

252 ALGERIA   Alger Chaîne 3, Tipaza JAN 5 0317 - getting through at a 
poor-fair and fadey level, pestered by the local UL beacon on 248 kHz. The 
signals on the higher half of the LW BCB, above 200 kHz, have more fadings 
which are more rapid and more "efficient" (they don't last as long as the fades 
below 200 kHz which are very slow and more or less deep). (Chiochiu-QC)

585  JAN 5 2407-2408 or more correctly JAN 6 0007-0008 - imaginary-level very 
threshold audio through computer-like QRN and didn't get much better than this. 
But my friend was quite interested even though he couldn't discern any audio... 

Pan-American DX (all times are UTC)

750 VENEZUELA   YVKS, Caracas, Distrito Federal JAN 6 0057 - Spanish talkshow; 
fair-poor and fighting w/ WSB Atlanta, GA, but the only South American more or 
less listenable the past night. SINPO 33332 with still limited readability ! 

760 COLOMBIA   HJAJ, RCN Cadena Basíca, Barranquilla JAN 6 0057 - lively 
commercial ads in a highly proffesionnal way (¡en el estilo de RCN!, ¿como 
nó?); threshold and alone in a rather solid WJR null, but soon faded out & lost 
to a very threshold residual WJR which otherwise was excellent (as usual at 
this location). SINPO 14(with WJR nulled)411, so SINPO 14411 ! (Chiochiu-QC)

1140 unID JAN 5 2351 - w/ greetings to a listener who just married 
("...casar...") and giving a local phone number in a USA style (so maybe WQBA 
Miami, FL ?). Fair at tune-in, but quickly faded away before an ID could be 
secured ! It's not the first time I hear SS on 1140. Given the abysmal 
conditions toward the Carribean and South America, I suspect WQBA rather than 
Isla Margarita (which is only heard on the southeast coast of Massachussets by 
Mark Connelly and which don't seem to make further inland too often).

Domestic DX (time = EST - Eastern Standard Time)

1120 WPRX Bristol, CT JAN 5 2348 - wi/ trop. mx (salsa, merengue, bachata, 
etc.) noted in passing several times at poor to good strength in more or less 
annoying WBBR-1130 splash. He was surprised at first as he thought it was a 
true Latin, not a USA Spanish station... Still amazing as they run 1 kW during 
the day and 0.25 kW (250 W) at night, even for 1 kW during the day it's still 
amazing, as the nulls against pests such as KMOX-1120 is more difficult to 
achieve due to a higher frequency which means a higher angle of income skip. 

Tomorrow, I'm leaving for the Spanish meeting (condx are poor, so I don't even 
regret; what I'm regretting, on the other hand, is that all of my walkmans are 
broken, so can't take a tape of a South American MW catche to impress fellow 
attendes; grrrr !) !

Later this afternoon (if I'm not too buzy with the shower at al for the Spanish 
meeting) I'll be bringing the radio INTO the computer in order to transfer the 
content of my challening unID 1140 Spanish signal in order to share it with 
you. I have it on tape ! I can only make .WAV files, so help concerning .MP3 
file recording will be greatly appreciated...

Also, I'm looking forward sending two taped RCR-750 repports to Radio Caracas 
Radio in Venezuela during the next couple of days !

This repport is brought to you by Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu and Marco DXing 
from Pierrefonds (Montreal's West Island), QC - PQ using the Sangean CST-818 
PK's Shielded Magnetic LW loop combo and the Sanyo MCD-S830 internal ferrite 
bar loop combo !

May the good DX comeback for all of us and not justy for the lucky ones !
Bogdan Chiochiu
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