I enclose details of our report on the Market for Web Radio   

Streaming, catch-up and smart radio   

Online audio services are expected to achieve revenue of EUR2.1 billion in 2012 
to account for 10% of the total audio services market. This study examines the 
various distribution modes, tools and technologies associated with Web radio.   

It reviews the strategies pursued by key players and also the dynamics of 
audience and advertising growth in the market.   

Key questions   

- What will determine market growth between now and 2012?   
- How will advertising revenue be affected by audience migration from broadcast 
radio to online audio services?   
- How is radio listening being incorporated into the leading Web applications?  
- What advanced features and functions complement radio (e.g., community-based 
websites, video offerings, etc.)?   
- What strategies are players adopting: from content production to aggregation 
and radio program syndication, player control, in-stream advertising, etc.?   

For more information please click on:   


The approach adopted by our team of consultants and analysts employs a 
combination of methods:   

Field research and validation of field research data.   
Conventional tools of industry and market analysis: segmentation, competitive 
analysis, strategic influences, modelling, evaluation and forecasting.   
Expert analysis from specialists in the field and from their professional 
Specifically, our teams employed the following tools:   

1/ A multidisciplinary team of full-time consultants specialized by business 
We rely primarily on its internal consultants to produce its analyses and only 
rarely engages freelance analysts. This practice ensures that the team's work 
capitalizes on the skills and the shared knowledge, ideas, contacts, viewpoints 
and key data of each member.   
Each report is created by a team of specialists under the direction of senior 
consultants who are recognized experts in their field.   

2/ Primary and secondary research   
Our reports and databases are developed based on primary data obtained from 
firsthand interviews with decision makers in the sector and secondary data 
assembled from public sources and external databases.   

3/ An integrated information center equipped with numerous proprietary 
databases and analytical tools   
Over the course of 30 years, we have developed proprietary work methods, data 
structures, and databases preserving the history of major developments in the 
sectors under study.   
Companies: Our internal information service continually tracks developments in 
the leading telecom, Internet and media companies worldwide. Innovative and 
startup firms are tracked by practice experts.   
Markets: Our databases are developed using rigorous methods to process major 
economic indicators for each group of markets (GNP, investment, exchange rates, 
demographics) and relate them to influential sectoral and national factors 
(such as CAPEX and national market dynamics).   
Technologies: Our organization by practice gives it an efficient way of for 
tracking innovations. Our engineers ensure an in-depth understanding of product 
and service trends.   

4/ Contents of published reports   
Each report describes the structure of the market under study, the challenges 
facing the market, the driving forces (technologies, regulation, and 
applications), and the players involved. Special attention is given to the 
market assessments and forecasts, which are developed within the framework of a 
core scenario. Every report features a clear and concise presentation 
illustrated with tables and figures presenting data for key trends.   
Our market studies are prepared based on the following process:   
Analysis of information available from internal information bases and from 
feedback on studies completed in the recent past.   
Based on a preliminary segmentation and assessment of the market, and using a 
validated interview guide, our analysts conduct interviews which allow them to 
validate their working hypotheses.   
They then develop a model of the market, which allows them to identify and test 
various hypotheses bearing on how the market will evolve. These hypotheses are 
validated through a new round of interviews.   
Finally, the report conclusions are debated within the team responsible for the 
project and with expert consultants from the various fields involved   
A review procedure built into the editorial process concludes production of the 
final version delivered to the client.   

5/ Market assessment and forecasts   
Our forecasts are based on:   
Primary data gathering worldwide.   
Market models which isolate key service consumption parameters and service 
pricing assumptions.   
The results are analyzed systematically against estimates provided by market 
The forecasts in this report cover:   
The period 2007-2012.   
Total consumption of broadcast radio, online audio services, and all broadcast 
radio and online audio services combined.   
Advertising revenue per listening hour for broadcast radio and online audio 
Advertising market for broadcast radio, for online audio services, and for all 
broadcast radio and online audio services combined.   
Regional forecasts for the United States, Japan, Western Europe (with detailed 
results for France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom), and Eastern 
Europe (with detailed results for Poland).   

For more information please click on:   

Title Index:   

1. Executive Summary   
Key findings   
New Internet audio services   
Radio audience trends   
Operator strategies   
High growth in online services   

2. Methodology   

3. Market key factors   
3.1. Market overview   
3.1.1. Definition   
3.1.2. Market segmentation   
Broadcast radio simulcasts   
Elements of a radio broadcast   
Linear radio specific to the Internet   
Catch-up radio   
Smart radio   
3.1.3. Web radio distribution   
Direct distribution by Web radio service   
Distribution via Internet aggregators   
General-interest portals   
Social networks   
Media players and widgets   
Mobile aggregators   
3.1.4. Product and service trends   
Functional enhancements   
Introduction of video   
Linear/non-linear radio and personalization   
New social features and functions   
3.2. Current market estimate   
3.2.1. Market by segment and platform   
3.2.2. Market by geographic region   
3.3. Key factors   
3.3.1. Key technologies   
Program production   
Broadcast encoding: online, unicast   
Web radio reception   
Transmission and reception of metadata   
New terminals   
3.3.2. Regulatory environment   
Situation in Europe   
Royalty battles in the United States   
3.3.3. Usage   
Web radio audiences   
Audience structure   
New services: podcasts   

4. Industry organization and strategy   
4.1. Industry structure   
4.1.1. Value chain   
PC-based consumption of audio content   
Online audio services market   
4.1.2. Business models   
Financing through advertising   
What about a pay model?   
E-commerce: music sales   
Cost structure   
4.2. Player strategies: case studies   
4.3. Strategic options   
Models of radio groups evolving to the   
- Spinoff   
- Aggregation   
- Syndication   

5. Market forecasts   
5.1. Growth factors   
5.1.1 Factors driving growth and shifts in the   
Web radio usage   
- Service access   
- Service use   
The market for Web radio advertising   
5.1.2. Forecast assumptions   
5.2. Market forecasts 2012   
5.2.1. Forecast for 2008-2012   
Audio services in advanced countries   
Market for broadcast and online audio services   
5.2.2. Detailed forecasts by region United States, Japan, Western Europe 
(France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom), Eastern Europe (Poland)   
For each country studied:   
- Time spent listening to radio (hour/person)   
 of which broadcast, online radio   
- Time spent listening to radio (billions of hours)   
 of which broadcast, online radio   
- Audio advertising market (USD billions)   
 of which broadcast   

List of Tables   
Table 1: Segmentation of online radio services   
Table 2: Three models of Web radio development   
Table 3: Segmentation of online radio services   
Table 4: Protocol compatibility   
Table 5: Operating system compatibility   
Table 6: "Container" file format compatibility   
Table 7: Average weekly radio audience in the United States   
Table 8: Three models of radio groups evolving to the Internet   
Table 9: Market for online broadcast services in advanced countries   
Table 10: Online share of total audio services market in 2012   
Table 11: Market for audio services in the United States   
Table 12: Market for audio services in Japan   
Table 13: Market for audio services in Western Europe   
Table 14: Market for audio services in Germany   
Table 15: Market for audio services in Spain   
Table 16: Market for audio services in France   
Table 17: Market for audio services in Italy   
Table 18: Market for audio services in United Kingdom   
Table 19: Market for audio services in Eastern Europe   
Table 20: Market for audio services in Poland   

List of Figures   
Figure 1: The audio services market in advanced countries   
Figure 2: Listening to a broadcast in catch-up mode using the BBC iPlayer   
Figure 3: Web radio station NRJ Nouveautés   
Figure 4: NRJ radio widget   
Figure 5: Registering and creating personalized radio stations on Goom   
Figure 6: The Goom player   
Figure 7: The Last.fm player   
Figure 8: The Mi-Xfm player   
Figure 9: Deezer smart radio service   
Figure 10: Purchase link on the Live365 player   
Figure 11: Purchase link on the Yahoo! LAUNCHcast player   
Figure 12: BBC Radio application on a Facebook user profile   
Figure 13: BBC widget and LabPixies Radio widget on iGoogle   
Figure 14: Sprint Radio   
Figure 15: AOL Radio player   
Figure 16: Podcast offerings on the BBC Radio 1 site   
Figure 17: Play.It personalized radio station generated from artist name Bruce 
Figure 18: Creation of a personalized radio station by a registered user based 
on the user's music preferences30   
Figure 19: Excerpt of a user listening profile on Radio Pop   
Figure 20: List of programs bookmarked by a "pop"   
Figure 21: Distribution of the online audio services market in advanced 
countries in 2007 by geographic region33   
Figure 22: Distribution of the online audio services market in advanced 
countries in 2008 by geographic region33   
Figure 23: Unicasting   
Figure 24: Multicasting   
Figure 25: P2P broadcasting   
Figure 26: Examples of new dedicated terminals   
Figure 27: Media most-consumed on the Internet by French Web users   
Figure 28: Percentage of French Web users who consume one medium on the 
Internet daily or nearly daily   
Figure 29: Frequency of listening to Internet-specific linear radio services in 
Figure 30: Percentage of US Web users listened to the radio online during the 
previous week   
Figure 31: UK Web users who listen to Internet radio   
Figure 32: Percentage of UK Web users who listen to the radio while surfing the 
Internet, by age group   
Figure 33: Radio listening by platform in the United Kingdom   
Figure 34: Frequency of radio access by platform in the United Kingdom   
Figure 35: Weekly online radio audience in the United States, by employment 
Figure 36: Online radio audience in the United States, February 2008   
Figure 37: Broadcast radio audience in France   
Figure 38: Online radio audience in France   
Figure 39: Composition of weekly online radio audience in the United States   
Figure 40: Profile of users of Internet-specific linear radio services in 
Figure 41: Modes of online radio consumption in France   
Figure 42: Devices used for mobile online radio consumption in France   
Figure 43: Online radio content consumed in France   
Figure 44: Audio podcast consumption in the United States   
Figure 45: Audience for audio podcasts in the United States, by most-used 
listening device   
Figure 46: Web radio edition and distribution ecosystem   
Figure 47: RTL2 3G video portal   
Figure 48: Musiline portal   
Figure 49: Last.fm widget   
Figure 50: Podcast library search engine   
Figure 51: Podcast playback on the iPhone   
Figure 52: Hit parade of iTunes best-sellers   


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Rachel Thompson   
Senior Manager   
Research and Markets Ltd   

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