Warm greetings to all of you !

I have been hit by grippis since barely past a week, so aside from a rather 
limited DX (with, coincidentally, some of the most mediocre condx noted this 
season, at least as far as LW and MW TAs go), I couldn't see my girlfriend 
and I'm late with several works for school. As I'm writing this repport, I 
still have some cough to deal with.

I'm report mainly to keep in touch (especially since I rejoined the NRC - 
National Radio Club), since there wasn't really something to get excited 
with, this time, NO exception. I can't think, right the top of my head, of 
one single more elusive catche I may have caught during the past few weeks.

We are approaching the end of the traditionnal MW DX season and, like 
usually around the equinoxes, some auroral enhancement can always bring 
unexpected DX from the south on top of North American pests, as far as 
mediumwave DX is concerned.

On SW, I tryed in vain to get XEOI Radio Mil, and only got a jumble 
containing 1 or maybe 2 Spanish signals with nothing even close to Mexican 
Radio Mil (on 6010 kHz).

On LW, this must have been the worst run of conditions, since I got the PK's 
Shielded Magnetic longwave loop. We are seriously considering buying a 
similar loop for mediumwave, as for having a backup combo to the 
Sanyo-MCD-S830 barefoot and also for getting more DX in the 800-1000 kHz 
range area where the Sanyo MCD-S830 sucks (sorry for such a harsh word 
against my favorite receiver) !

Into the logs now:

Trans-Atlantic DX

The LW TAs were heard on the Sangean CST-818 / PK's Shielded Magnetic 
longwave loop combo !
The SW TAs were heard on the Sangean CST-818 / shortwave southern random 
wire combo !

162 FRANCE   France Inter, Allouis FEB 21 around 0350 - Woman in French. 
Fair-poor, not threshold, but still too mushy with all the additional 
slight, albeit annoying buzz, to understand. Steady though. SINPO 35332. 
Almost surprised to get this one under such mediocre ionospheric conditions 
! (Chiochiu-QC)

171 MOROCCO   Medi Un, Nador FEB 17 2305 - Assumed with barely noticeable 
audio. Very, very weak with some growl from computers in the neighborhood 
(not our own). Of course, during such mediocre conditions, logging 
Russia-171 would be unthinkable and Russia-171 and Morocco-171 are the only 
signals that are reported in eastern North America on this channel with the 
probable exception of a LowFER ! (Chiochiu-QC)

183 GERMANY   Europe 1, Felsberg FEB 21 0605 - with repport from a 
psychoveterinary who was trying to understand the animal's feelings. Good 
through some slight buzz. SINPO 35354. The only longwave broadcaster to 
reach the Montreal area with, at least, a half-decent signal ! I got to 
understand that animal's feelings issue, because the signal was in French, 
not in German. In fact, until 1981, in France (as well as in most of 
Europe), private radio was illegal. If you were caught running a radio 
station (a pirate one in this case), the Police will be visiting your home 
in less than a hour. They were continuously monitoring the whole LW, MW, SW 
and VHF FM spectrum for that purpose ! So, a few guys had the bright idea of 
running private radio from neighboring countries such as Luxembourg, Germany 
or Monaco and in the case of other European countries, from aboard a ship 
out in the International Seas ! While the latter one is known as being an 
offshore pirate, the former one is known as being a "radio périphérique". 
Otherwise, I have quite some trouble with my German, as I missed the class 
last Friday and I did not do yet the small homework for the private German 
teacher I see twice each month ! (Chiochiu-QC)

189 ICELAND   Rikisútvarpid, Gufuskalar FEB 21 0607 - Assumed this usual 
blaster with music and talk heard weakly. (Chiochiu-QC)

198 ENGLAND   BBC Radio 4, Droitwich FEB 21 0603 - Man talking in 
British-accented English. When the PK's Shielded Magnetic longwave loop was 
set to amplify 198 kHz, while attenuating everything below and above, 
including nearby 201, the local beacon on 201 kHz went unreadable (even 
though it's in Morse which is known for cutting through all sorts of QTM 
c.f. Cuban Radio Reloj) as this one violently overspilled 3 kHz above ! Fair 
and mushy and unreadable for me, as I'm not QUITE as fluent in English, as I 
am in French, Romanian and, to a lesser extent, Spanish, though sounded 
vaguely like a weather repport, as I barely picked out 1 or 2 words out of 
the mush ! Not // ZIZ-555 (BBC Radio 4 realays BBC World Service overnight) 
anymore at this time ! (Chiochiu-QC)

9575 MOROCCO   Medi Un, Nador FEB 20 2014 - with a nice set of traditionnal 
Arabic music, very monotonous but full of monotonous, yet emotional 
fullfilling powerful vocal harmonies. Fair-good until killed by some 
powerful buzz around 2020 that ruined several LW, MW and SW frequencies. I'm 
not as much into shortwave as I was several years ago, but after seeing on 
YouTube some videos of Romanian FM DXers catching Middle Eastersn stations 
via sporadic-E layer skip, my appetite caught on ! The LW outlet on 171 kHz 
was very threshold at best during the past few listening sessions ! SINPO 
33543 ,with some splatter from 9570 rather than from the rather weak 
Gabon-9580 signal from which I sucessfully escapted by swithching to 9576 
kHz in AM Narrow Mode instead of 9575 kHz in AM Wide Mode, until the buzz 
appeared at 2020 UTC (1520 EST / 3:20 PM local). Was DXing this semi-regular 
North African shortwave broadcaster mainly because I was absent from school 
last Friday due to the cough ! (Chiochiu-QC)

9580 GABON   Africa Numéro Un, Moyabi FEB 20 2015 - briefly tuned to this 
one as to see the source of splatter against Morocco-9575 and found it at a 
rather weakish strength before it got completly killed by an awful buzz at 
2022 UTC (3:22 PM local / 1522 Eastern Standard Time). The rather weak 
strength of this powerhouse enabled me to listen to Medi Un 9575 very 
slightly detuned to 9576 kHz in AM Narrow Mode ! (Chiochiu-QC)

Pan-American DX

555 ST KITTS   ZIZ, Basseterre FEB 21 0608 - running BBC WS feed ! Fair-good 
with British nx announcer talking about the foreign reaction to the politics 
managed by Russian president Dmitri Mvedevev. Not // 198 which was obviously 
running the domestic BBC Radio 4 broadcast rather than the BBC World Service 
one ! I'm surprised to get this run-of-the-mil Caribbean outlet during such 
abysnal conditions toward all directions ! (Chiochiu-QC)

780 VENEZUELA   YVNM, Radio Coro, estado Falcón FEB 15 0047 - Presumed with 
melodic ranchera vocal heard at a poor-fair level with splatter from local 
CJAD-800 that was playing music on Saturday night. If them, this is the 
first showing of this Venezuelan powerhouse in over a month ! Mexican 
ranchera is very popular in Venezuela as well and often heard on this 
station, so I'm not even claming Mexican XEMF in Monclava. This was almost 
certainly this old visitor, Radio Coro, which I'm enjoying right now, as I 
type this, with special Carnaval programming over their website at 
http://www.radiocoro.com/ ! Is Colombia still on 780 kHz ? I never heard 
HJZG La Voz del Valle in Cali (a Todelar station) or even HJZW Radio 
Almirante in Riohacha ? In some corners of eastern North America, during the 
mid-90s, Radio Almirante used to be slightly more commun than Radio Coro on 
780 kHz, right ? Why are they missing nowadays ? (Chiochiu-QC)

1070 SOUTH AMERICA   unID country and station FEB 15 0055 - Spanish-sounding 
music and talk heard at a very threshold level with very slight splash from 
WTIC-1080 wich, thanksfully, is keeping their IBOC crud silent at night ! In 
the latest DX News issue, I see Radio Santa Fé (HJCG) reported by Chris 
Black in South Yarmouth, MA (Massachussets for the non-DXers out there who 
are receiving this message as well) on Cape Cod which I heard only once 
before, just like the two other commonly reported South Americans: Emisora 
Atlantico (HJIJ) out of Barranquilla and Mundial Zulia (YVMA) out of 
Maracaibo, estado Zulia from which a nice real-audio clip was posted by me 
several years ago on the excellent LatinMWDX Yahoo! group ! That being said, 
domestic North American WNCT in Greenville, NC (North Carolina - Bogdan) is 
also remotely possible, though the very weak music didn't sound Mexican, as 
far as I can remember (didn't had tape running as this very threshold signal 
quickly faded away). (Chiochiu-QC)

Additionnal comments: I went through the whole last DX News last issue and 
noticed a big mistake ! As the Boston area pirate on 1710 kHz got heard by 
Bruce Conti, he commented that compas music is the Haitian equivalent of 
AFRICAN zouk music (?). This is almost totally wrong ! Zouk music came from 
the overseas FRENCH departments of Martinica, Guadelupa and French Guyana. 
The first zouk album LOVE AND KA DANCE by Kassav', recorded in 1979 and 
received by the public somewhere in December of 1979 or January of 1980 was 
recorded in Guadelupa and Martinica and has more Caribbean roots than 
African ones (though it has a few and enjoy a huge amount of popularity in 
Western African nations such as Congo and used to be HUGE in the Ivory 
Coast, before they replied with their afro-zouk equivalent more precisely 
known as "coupé-décallé" which is a blend of Afro-zouk and traditionnal 
Western African melodies) ! While there are a few African ZOUK artists out 
there, they almost always copy the FRENCH CARIBBEAN TRUE ZOUK MUSIC. If 
you'd like to hear some great ZOUK music, please try to check out Battery 
Crémil, Eric Brouta, Eric Virgal (not quite as good as the former ones, but 
very typical of classic zouk-love; which is a slower extremely popular 
variation of ZOUK music), Tanya Saint-Val (AWESOME voice, vocals and songs 
!), Zouk Look, Zouk Machine, Kassav' (the godfathers of Zouk !), David et 
Corinne (a borther-and-sister duo who play more original ZOUK-LOVE than the 
rahter unsinspired and generic zouk-love singer ERIC VIRGAL), Edith Lefel 
(which died from a heart attack in January of 2003 - he was popular between 
1984 and 2002 releasing ALMOST year after year some astonishingly great 
records), Harry Diboula, Thierry Cham, Cyrielle (a new one, not as good as 
the oldschool "zouk rétro" artists) and several ones... I used to be a big 
fan of zouk music, though my musical tastes changed over time, and I get 
insulted by people affirming zouk comes from Africa and not GUADELUPA or 
MARTINICA where, when one gets bored with zouk, tends to enjoy Haitian 
kompas as well... One tend to forget the overseas FF departments ! In fact, 
zouk is a mixture of kompas, calypso, urban African music (to a small extent 
!) and American funky music with, originally, a mixture of traditional and 
electric instruments, even though nowadays the artistical part of zouk is 
gone and artists such as CYRIELLE, JEAN-MARIE RINGALD, SLAï and most of the 
other ones, are seeking for money and fame rather than artistic 
accomplishments... Also, if you want to check some kompas, try for ZENGLEN, 
(which means lightning in French creole) and if you like old-school kompas 
which sounds like a polished version of Dominican merengue, try for TABOU 
COMBO (70's). Prior to the 70's, during the 50s and 60s, kompas sounded 
fairly close to the Venezuelan "orchestras bailables" of Los Melodícos and, 
especially, Billo's Caracas Boys, so if you want to check some pre-Tabou 
Combo, please try for Coupé Cloué, Les Shleus, Shleus and, especially, the 
legendary Tropicana d'Haïti... L'Orchestre Tropicana / Tropicana d'Haïti is 
definitively a Haitian version of Billo's Caracas Boys ! I play lots of 
French Caribbean music at the college radio station from both Haiti and 
Guadelupa ! I used to be really into both zouk and kompas, though mostly 
into the former one, as kompas isn't catchy enough. Some salsa and cumbia 
tropical songs or trad. gaita ones are way more catchy than most of the 
kompas, though a few kompas are borderline catchy with some pretty amazing 
melodies !

Another good news for those on the west coast still reading me is that while 
WTIC-1080 has learned to keep their IBOC crud off at night, KNX-1070 has 
quickly learned to do the same ! Nothing to do with DXing properly, as WTIC 
is directionnal NORTH-SOUTH to protect KRLD in Dallas, Texas (on the same 
channel), but if the trend continues I may once again hear HJKH RCN Antena 
Dos on 650 on a semi-regular basis. Just wait for co-channel WSM to learn 
complaiining about nighttime secondary coverage areas stolen by WFAN-660 ! 
If I wasn't that sick with cough et al, I would have wrote a complaint to 
the FCC regarding WSM/HJKH-650, but for the next few days, doing this is 
beyond me, as I'm quite lazy !

Last, but certainly not least, I had the warm pleasure of receiving a phone 
call from one of Ontario's top-notch FM/TV DXers (and also a mediumwave 
"zealot" - is that word appropiate for that circumstance ?), Saul Chernos, 
before heading to Bahamas with a great receiver along with his Radio Shack 
loop ! BOGDAN SPEAKS: Saul Chernos was calling the operator and asked for 
Chiochiu in Montreal and there wasn't any, but the operator was nice enough 
to suggest him to try for Pierrefonds, the western suburb where I live, so 
he came upon me. This was just before the grippis ! We had talked for 
several minutes with a huge amount of pleasure... The TV DX issue was 
particularly serious, as he is better equiped than me, I do have a Yagi 
antenna since a few months, but do not have a sensitive low-VHF tuner 
anymore for double-hop Sporadic E TV DXing. I broke the TV telecommand 
during the chemo, as my father was insulting myself for vomiting (my father 
is a bit narcisistic !) and the Magnasonic TV tuner was put to the garbage, 
because one couldn;t change the channels anymore. For FM, it's a different 
story ! The newly purchased Degen 1103 which overloads badly on both long 
and mediumwave is great on both SW and FM ! Since Venezuela is about 2400 
miles from Montreal, it is definitively within 2Es range from me, so I could 
always get the most powerful signals using the Degen 1103 whip on FM and 
then, connected to the soundcard, make .WAV and / or MP3 files of those...

We also had a lengthy talk about mediumwave DX. Since during excellent TA 
condx of December, 2008, I had audio from Algeria-549 trying to break 
through the weak adjacent North American signals on 550 kHz with CHLN gone 
forever, I suggested him to try for that one from Bahamas, which is slightly 
closer to Algeria than Montreal... I don't know if he had the time to write 
it down in the logbook, though I gladly hope he had at least a poor signal 
out of this Algerian blaster ! Very warm, we spent almost a half-hour 
talking... Too bad, we didn't DX althogether, or we would have had the 
chance to hear both that very weak elusive Latin on 1070 kHz mediumwave 
which is the only SLIGHTLY, ALBEIT DEFINITIVELY more interesting catche 
among that ugly repport ! There is also Cuba on 1070 kHz. Saul Chernos is a 
great journalist with a great deal of experience and he may come to Montreal 
another time for analysing an important event or something like that...

As far as DXing in group, I had two friends, an older Québécois one and a 
Colombian one with whom I DXed, two occasions with each, during the 
2008-2009 winter holidays and in less-than-stellar conditions, we did hear a 
few things of interest; it was,  nevertheless, a good introduction to what 
can be heard on AM. The Colombian friend almost couldn't believe I had the 
Colombia-760 signal so huge (back in early January, 2009) using a normal 
radio and I have him a CD recording containing an MP3 file converted from 
the HJAJ-760 tape.

Me and Saul Chernos, also talked about the ultralight receivers (the Degen 
1103 is one of them!) and about the Newfoundland DXpedition. What can I do 
in order to attend a DXpedition ? I have been on and off DXing, with the 
same amount of enthousiasm on peaks, such as now, since 2000 and a 
DXpedition for someone young like me would be such an awesome adventure !

Since Chernos is also an NRCer and I hope to see his Bahamas repport in the 
next DX News's IDXD issue ! I really hope, that in Bahamas, thanks to it's 
coastal situation and, in spite of the huge amount of Cuban QRM, one could 
get some South American, African and, who knows, south-western European 
(i.e. France and Spain) MEDIUMWAVE DX with some nice reception quality ! I'm 
not only curious to read the Saul Chernos's results from Bahamas, I can't 
wait !!! Is the Radio Shack Saul Chernos suing THAT good ? I mostly heard 
bad things about it, it is cheap, it's nulling abilities are poor and can't 
compare even with a Select-A-tenna. For myself, during our next trip, I'll 
take a magnetic loop... Is a MW magnetic loop quite good, even though it's 
inferior to a LW magnetic loop ? Is a MW magnetic loop SLIGHTLY worse than a 
Beverage or WAY MUCH worse than a Beverage ! I heard from an old DX friend 
in British Colombia that a longwave magnetic loop is better than the average 
Beverage, but on mediumwave it's a different story. To what extent, it is 
worse than a Beverage ?

We are heading for Romania in a few months, toward the end of May, after 
cé-gep ends and, then, I may see a completly different perspective on DXing 
from my own country, I place where I did some DXing when I was young, nut 
very casual and uninspired as you can imagine DXing from a brick house or on 
the 4th floor of a builiding with concrete walls and ceiling, you would get 
just some 500 kW short-skip nighttime mediumwave signals from the 
neighboring countries, nothing to really get excited like the Pan American 
DX and, to a lesser extent, Trans Atlantic DX I'm used to enjoy from here 
that captivated my attention since the past few years. But, there is the 
possibility of DXing from outdoors, i.e.: from a park ! I will try to get in 
contact with some of Romania's top DXers during the course of the several 
weeks, as my health improves !


I have nothing to add anymore, time to get back to DXing or fighting against 
that damned grippis !

This repport is brought to you by Bogan Chiochiu DXing from Pierrefonds 
(Montreal's West Island), Quebec, Canada DXing using the Sanyo MCD-S830 
barefoot and the Sangean CST-818 along with the PK's Shielded Magnetic LW 
loop for longwave and the random wire (along with the same Sangean rx) for 
shortwave !

May the good DX be with you !
Bogdan Chiochiu
Btw.: Coming soon, my ratings for this season, as far as LAs and TAs are 
concerned ! 
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