** ERITREA. 7175, VOBME, program 2, *0355-0410, March 8, IS/ID  
sequence. Talk at 0400. Covered by noise jammer at 0400. VOBME 
moved  down to 7165 at 0401 & was followed by jammer down to 
7165. Still  audible under the jammer with talk and Horn of Africa 
music. (Brian  Alexander, PA) 
** ERITREA. 7209.98, VOBME, program 1, *0355-0410, March 8,
IS/ID  sequence. Talk at 0400. Some instrumental music. Fair.
(Brian Alexander, PA) 
** EURO-PIRATE. 6850.0 NF, Radio Playback Int, 2120-2230,
March 7,  ex-6880. Oldies pop music. ABBA music. Pop ballads. 
Announcements. Weak.  Poor in noisy conditions. Only heard a very 
strong Egypt on this frequency  at 2315 check. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** MALI. 5995, RTVM, 0755-0801*, March 8, vernacular talk. Flute
IS at  sign off. Weak. Co-channel QRM from Radio Australia at their
0758 sign on.  (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** MALI. 9635, RTVM, *0803-0835, March 8, sign on with local  tribal
music. Vernacular talk. Some rustic tribal vocals. Fair. Poor-weak  on
// 7284.88 - on the air at 0805. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** SUDAN [non]. via Slovakia, 15650, Miraya FM, *1459-1515, March 
7,  sign on with Afro-pop music. Time pips & English news at 1501.
IDs.  Mentioned website. Into Arabic at 1512. In the clear with Greece
temporarily  off the air but poor overall signal due to noisy conditions.
(Brian  Alexander, PA) 
** SYRIA. 12085, Radio Damascus, 2108-2200+, March 6, strong 
carrier  with slight hum but no modulation. 9330 not heard. (Brian 
Alexander, PA) 
** SYRIA. 12085, Radio Damascus, 1900-1915+, March 7, French
talk. Local  music. Fairly good modulation for a change. Weak hum.
Gone at 1940 check.  9330 not heard. (Brian Alexander, PA)  
** SYRIA. 12085, Radio Damascus, *2057-2120, March 7, carrier on
at 2057  but only occasional bits & pieces of very weak modulation
during this  time period. 9330 not heard. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA   U.S.A. 
Equipment: TenTec  RX-340, two 100 foot longwires 

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