** AUSTRALIA [and non]. While there were no stations on 11625-11645 and 
11670-11680, four of them were bunched up every 5 kHz 11650-11665, at 2139 
March 14: R. Australia in English on 11650 and 11660; 11650 is Shepparton, but 
listings differ whether 11660 is Shepparton or Brandon; stronger RNW via 
Madagascar on 11655; and strongest Arabic on 11665 pausing for music, which is 

** INDONESIA. VOI reconfirmed on 9525 in English around 1315 March 15. Someone 
recently reported this on 9526 a few hours earlier, so this time I made sure it 
was 9525 --- really slightly below, e.g. 9524.97 as measured March 11 by Ron 
Howard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [and non]. REE on 11890, Saturday March 14 at 2101 with live coverage 
of stupid ballgame, Real Madrid mentioned, but cut to open carrier only at 
2102, and it had been colliding with VOA Creole which has moved without 
notification one hour earlier than 2200, and 5 kHz down from previous 11895. It 
was almost as if Spain were aware a collision had just started and shut down 
their modulation, but the carrier was still on at 2106, producing a slow SAH, 
almost zero-beat. 

Rechecked at 2142 after VOA was finished, Spain was again modulating game, 
punxuated at 2144 by ``goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool``. Found same game 
in synch on 9630 and much weaker 9665, and with usual delay and lower 
modulation via Costa Rica 9765. I can`t find 11890 for Spain at this time in 
any of the online or paper references, but PWBR `2009` shows it to Mideast at 
0500-0700, while WRTH has that on 11895. Perhaps Noblejas punched up a totally 
wrong frequency, maybe instead of 11940 which I did not check at the time. 9665 
is the weekend-only REE Spanish sports transmission which causes English and 
French to Europe to be weekdays only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY [non]. Sackville is STILL carrying the wrong feed from V. of Turkey, 
UT March 15 at 0400. Transmitter cut on just before the hour, no IS, no ID, 
just joined discussion in progress, and again sounds like an informal 
conversation in a cabaret or somewhere with background noise, presumably in 

Hard to believe it has gone on this long without being fixed, or at least 
compensated for by accessing webcast 
instead of mixed-up satellite feed. Another reply from Sackville was 
uncooperative, so I have sent this to the English Desk at VOT:

Hello Seref, et al.: You may be surprised to learn that your 0400 UT relay via 
Canada on 7325 has not been in English for the past three weeks at least --- I 
have been in contact with Sackville about this and they insist they are 
downlinking the correct satellite channel they have always used, Galaxy 19, 
11966 H, channel 6. This is VOT World, as listed at Lyngsat: 

I do not have satellite myself so cannot confirm, but whatever is coming over 
at that hour is a program in progress; I am not even sure it is in Turkish, but 
it is certainly not English. There is no interval signal or sign-on, just a 
conversation with background noise.

Sackville will not make any effort to find your correct English feed, or even 
substitute a web feed, since they are merely following instructions on record 
as to which audio input to use.

Therefore it is up to TRT to investigate this and take whatever steps are 
necessary to get the correct program to Sackville if you wish to continue 
having an English-language relay to North America. Would you please keep me 
informed about if and how this is resolved?

BTW, there is usually another mixup in this transmission when the time changes 
happen, i.e. March 29 when it becomes 0300 UT, which could further complicate 
matters. Regards, (Glenn Hauser, Oklahoma, March 15, via DXLD)

** U S A. VOA Creole, at 2100 instead of 2200, Sat March 14 on 11890 instead of 
11895, but colliding with SPAIN, q.v. at first on unlisted 11890; still missing 
from 13725, and weaker on // 15390 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WBCQ, 9330-CUSB, March 14 at 2040 seemed to have something 
originating at the Fest, but soon into novelty songs, including Popeye. I 
couldn`t miss Marion`s Attic from 2100 on 7415 instead. Quick-checking 9330 
again at 2136, Radio Free Mount Airy ID in passing. 9330 much weaker at this 
hour than had been in the morning (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WWCR-3 on 5070 had been missing earlier, and on routine check to 
confirm WORLD OF RADIO airing, Sat March 14 at 1656, found 12160 also off the 
air, tho inbooming on all three other transmitters, 9980, 13845, and even on 
15825, so must be with sporadic-E assistance. 
Checked a few minutes earlier, the WWCR-3 webcast was also missing, the winamp 
and real players running silently. Continued missing from 12160 Saturday 
afternoon and thru the DX block UT Sunday March 15 0300 on 5070. Just as I was 
writing this at 0319, the real audio stream cut on; I had left the player 
running silently after I notified WWCR. Not until 0358 did I check 5070, and it 
was finally back on too (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VENEZUELA [non]. Sunday March 15 checking the Aló, Presidente service via 
Cuba: at 1440 on 11875 they were just announcing frequencies: 13680, 13750, 
11680, 11875, 17750. Also audible on 13750 and much weaker 13680 with CCI. 
Nothing on 11680, but has really been using 11690 which had too much QRM to 
confirm this date. Then joined in progress someone speaking; if it was the 
would-be president-for-life, he was unusually subdued. Meanwhile, mainstream 
RHC was running on 11760, 12000, 13760, 15120, 15360, 15370 --- but for a few 
minutes just some rustling noises, apparently feed cutting out, then weak audio 
on 13760 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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