? Obviamente Vds. no leen DX Listening Digest para enterarse de todo ---
73, G. Glenn Hauser

** U S A [and non]. Another afternoon of KVOH providing us eight 
frequencies for the price of one! Possibly assisted by sporadic E, but 
which did not reach VHF, 17775 was inbooming at 2035 March 5, S9+20. 
Except I first ran across it on 17487 in an upward bandscan, as that`s 
normally where I start monitoring the 16m band, 17485 being the lowest 
intentional frequency. 

In the next few minutes I tuned around to many other multiples of 144 
kHz away from the fundamental and found KVOH on most of them, not 
necessarily in the order reached, using the FRG-7 and E-W longwire:

17055 (-5 x 144): not audible
17199 (-4 x 144): S9
17343 (-3 x 144): S9+10
17487 (-2 x 144): S9+10
17631 (-1 x 144): S9+15
17919 (+1 x 144): S9+15
18063 (+2 x 144): S9+ 5 peaks
18207 (+3 x 144): barely audible
18351 (+4 x 144): not audible

These are all approximately the centers of the big filthy distorted 
FMy blobs, worst when KVOH was playing peppy Mexican music with a 
heavy beat, which was most of the time, apparently with a live DJ, 
with a local L.A. timecheck at 2039, ID as La Voz de Restauración [no 
la], even giving phone number, apparently for requests. 

I was sorely tempted to phone and tell him about his seven extra 
frequencies, but figured I would be taken as a kook, or he would 
simply not understand what I was talking about. Nor would it do any 
good to try to reach their chief engineer, since they obviously do not 
have one, at least one who is competent, since these spurs have been 
heard repeatedly here for years and duly reported in DXLD. The 
transmitter is surely a piece of crap, which ought to be overhauled or 
dumped. Now which other gospel huxter did the original owner, High 
Adventure, get it from? Was it an HCJB discard?

I knew the major victim of this would be R. France Internationale, 
which has a Spanish semihour at 2100 on 17630 --- see FRANCE [non]. So 
I was standing by when at *2058:50 the French Guiana carrier cut on. 
It`s a big signal too, 250 kW at 295 degrees, targeting CIRAF zones 
7S,8S,10,11S,12N, i.e. the southern half of the eastern 2/3 of the 
conterminous USA, including Enid; Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, 
and NW S America, while KVOH`s official targets on their 100 degree 
beam with 50 kW are all of zones 10, 11 and 12, i.e. Mexico, Central 
America, Caribbean and more of NW S America. 

But RFI 17630 was not big enough to blot out the KVOH spur centered 
only 1 kHz away; it was still bothering when I side-tuned as far down 
as I could on the DX-398`s bandwidth and still hear RFI, 17627. 

Why hasn`t RFI raised hell about this with KVOH, FCC, ITU, HFCC? Why 
hasn`t FCC fined them on its own initiative? Why haven`t aeronautical 
interests on 17921 complained, where the spur could be a threat to 
safety? Ditto maritime interests impacted by 17199 and 17343? Possibly 
because no one gives a damn about this but yours truly. Why haven`t 
hams done so about 18063? Answer to the latter: because it`s 5 kHz 
away from the edge of the so-called 17-meter band starting at 18068! 
And who cares what happens below there? Anyone who knows how to reach 
relevant powers that be is free to forward my observations.

Searching my DXLD archive on 17919, 17921, 17629, 17631, for the spur 
frequencies have varied slightly over time, I get hits on the 
following issues: 5-014, 5-078, 7-020, 7-024, 7-064, 8-063, 8-114, 8-
118, 8-123.

At 2124 recheck on 17921, the DJ claimed to be broadcasting on only 
one frequency, ``17.775``. When I rerechecked an hour later at 2225, 
none of these were heard, as 17775 itself had apparently closed down 
in the meantime, altho authorized to run until 0100, silencing its 
phalanx of spurs. Until next time.

Unlike the day before, KVOH much weaker on 17775 and no spurs audible 
March 6 at 2156 check; fundamental also somewhat distorted with hymn. 
2200 English and Spanish legal IDs, and remained on air, 2202 starting 
show ``Mujeres de Restauración``, signal weakening noticeably. So 
maybe yesterday it outfaded completely by 2230 rather than offsigned, 
having been assisted by sporadic E which can go from super-strong to 
zilch in a short time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST 9-021)

** U S A. Re 9-021. KVOH: ``The transmitter is surely a piece of crap, 
which ought to be overhauled or dumped. Now which other gospel huxter 
did the original owner, High Adventure, get it from? Was it an HCJB 

Yes. It's a meanwhile forty-year-old rig, thrown out by HCJB more than 
15 years ago and replaced by their own HC100 model. The same happened 
with two identical transmitters which went to Palau and are still in 
use at what is now WHR's T8WH plant, run at 80 kW if I recall 
correctly (Kai Ludwig, Germany, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. KVOH, 17775, ditto my report of March 5, again putting out hefty 
filthy spurs at multiples of 144 kHz plus and minus, March 13 at 2013, 
strongest on 17631 and 17919, also audible considerably weaker on 18063 and 
17487, but not heard on 3x and 4x 144 kHz further out, tho they might have been 
if I had turned off a noisy computer. 17775 fundamental was also somewhat 
distorted. However at 2106 recheck could not hear the spurs, luckily for RFI 
17630, tho 17775 was still audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST 
pendiente 9-024)

--- On Mon, 3/16/09, Cdxa Internacional <cdxainternacio...@yahoo.es> wrote:

> Hoy domingo 15 de Marzo de 2.009,  Santiago San Gil capto
> una radio no identificada en idioma español    en
> Barrancas - una zona campestre  distante a unos 20
> kilómetros de Barinas la capital del Estado Barinas,
> Venezuela -  La frecuencia fué la de los 17920 Khz. con
>  una programación  musical con intervenciones de  un
> locutor dando la hora e identificando las canciones y
> saludando a los oyentes a las 21/45 UTC con un SINPO 25322
> pero con demasiada distorsión del audio. El  receptor
>  utilizado es un portátil marca Grundig G5 y su antena
> telescópica.
> Posteriormente a las 21/00 UTC me comunique con Jorge
> García Rangel en Barinas para que grabara esa
> transmisión,  quien me confirmo que también escuchaba la
> emisora con  música de baladas e inclusive cumbia peruana
> pero con muchísimo ruido. El la    captó con un
> receptor Kaito 1103 y una antena de hilo largo con un SINPO
> 25111 . Cuando regrese a Barinas escuche la grabación y
> evidentemente Jorge tenia mas ruidos estáticos y
> atmosféricos que yo. De hecho la siguiente  grabación
> alojada en el servidor de audio TooFiles  es
> prácticamente  inservible:
> http://www.toofiles.com/es/oip/audios/mp3/emisoramisteriosa-17920khz2100utc15-03-2009.html
> Tanto Jorge como yo presumimos que ésta transmisión
> “pudiera”  sea el tercer armónico de alguna estación
> que opera en los 5973v kHz  o sus alrededores desde
> Colombia, Ecuador o Perú. Y aunque chequeamos también esa
> frecuencia ninguna señal había allí. Verificamos en  el
> Libro Passport to Worldband Radio 2009 y no hay ninguna
> estación listada de esos países en esas  2 frecuencias.
>  Alguien más la pudo captar ?.Será una nueva estación ?.
> Seguiremos monitoreándola a ver si podemos identificarla,
> pero mucho agradecemos a los colegas diexistas, vecinos de
> los países andinos, que nos ayuden. 
> Santiago San Gil
> Jorge García Rangel
> Editores del Blog “Diexismo Venezolano”
> http://diexismovenezolano.blogspot.com
> V E N E Z U E L A 


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