** AFGHANISTAN [non]. R. Free Afghanistan, 9990 via Sri Lanka, March 18 at 1311 
with several Radio Azadi IDs; fair with flutter, being almost trans-polar, 
aimed 340 degrees from Iranawila. 1327 playing some music very reminiscent of 
the late lamented Radio Solh, cut off abruptly at 1330 without so much as a 
goodbye, retune-to-next-frequency, or anything, and carrier off at 1331:10. 
Initially, WWCR 9980 was no problem but by the end it was starting to build up 
to its usual daytime super-power desensitizing and splattering signal (Glenn 

** AUSTRALIA. The VL8s are still `showering` far beyond their up-and-down 
NT-only target area. March 18 at 1252 check, 2485 best with discussion in 
English, barely audible on 2310, and nothing but a carrier detectable on 2325 

** SAUDI ARABIA. Not having looked for it the past week, I made a point of 
checking for Sout ul-Buzz, March 16 at 1509: yes, there it is on 15435, the 
frying sound detracting from but at the moment not totally overriding the Word 
of God, Who speaks only Arabic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY [non]. 7325 at *0400 March 16 with nice Turkish (?) music, but still 
not the scheduled English broadcast. Several people at TRT should have received 
my E-mail on Monday, so perhaps we`ll see some axion on this misfeed which has 
now gone on for at least two weeks since I first noticed it (not three). I then 
heard from frequency management, who were going to look into it, but a lower 
priority than working on the A-09 schedule. So again at 0407 check March 17, 
Turkish music. At 0450 check March 18, talk in Turkish(?), not English (Glenn 

** U S A. Yet another VOA/IBB SNAFU: Greenville 15590, which is supposed to 
carry the Spanish service, was in English at 1304 Wed March 18 ending VOA News 
Now with Austrian incest item, 1305 to VOA Music Mix, also introduced in 
English. VG signal here, but no signals on the two // scheduled, 13715 and 

Has Spanish been moved an hour earlier without notice due to DST in Washington, 
which is irrelevant in the LAm target area? Last Oct/Nov some unexpected 
schedule changes were also made to this broadcast. Guess what? The VOA language 
schedule for B-08 now shows: Spanish 
1130-1200 UTC 9885 13715 15590 M-F
1200-1300 UTC 9885 13715 15590 
2300-0000 UTC 5890 5940 9690

So that is exactly what has happened, but the 15590 transmitter is still being 
run for an extra hour on the pre-DST schedule!

The program schedule on the Spanish site ignores SW, but for webcasts:
``Buenos días América, 20kbps, duración 00:30:00, Lunes a Viernes 1330 UTC, 
09:30 Hora de Wáshington`` --- so that is long outdated.

Rock music in English, such as M. Cyrus, continued on 15590 only, but at 1333 
recheck there was an announcement in Spanish, and again a few minutes later, so 
sometime in the interim, a switch was made from English to Spanish feed, the 
so-called Éxitos Latinoamericanos show I usually hear until abrupt 1400*

Eibi shows the way it was until March 8:
1230 1300 Mo-Fr   USA Voice of America S LAm 13715g 9885g 15590g 
1300 1400 [daily] USA Voice of America S LAm 15590g 9885g 13715g 

** U S A. WEWN, 7555, defective modulator hi-pitched squeal getting worse to 
the point of driving away even motivated listeners, March 18 at 1339 check 
during Spanish discussion. Why have they let this go on and worsen for years 
without fixing it? If they can afford the juice for all those 500 kW 
transmitters, they should be able to afford a replacement part. But hey, the 
fewer listeners being misled by this nonsense, the better (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 13935-13960, weak OTH radar pulses, presumed, 1308 March 18. This 
area is one of its favorite ranges just below 20m hamband (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 


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