Hello from the Radio Heritage Foundation, you'll find us at
www.radioheritage.net. We keep radio's memories alive. Will you help

In case you missed our earlier email about our website, here it is
again! We know many of you are very busy and it's easy to overlook
some mails.

Our thanks to those of you who have already responded! Thanks
for your encouragement and support. If we haven't personally replied
to you already, we will do so as soon as we can.

Radio touches us in so many ways. That's why it's important that
someone takes the time to keep a track of the voices, people, events
and so much more connected to radio. It's so easy to forget and lose
part of our cultural heritage, our understanding of who we are and
how we got here.

There are so many lost stories, but we're so very grateful
that so many people help us capture some of these stories before it's
too late.

We put these stories on www.radioheritage.net. Will you help us
continue to share these stories about radio heritage from around the
Pacific? Here's how you can make a real difference with as little as
US$10 today. 

   Can you help us find US$795 by the end of March to bring much
more wonderful new content online at www.radioheritage.net? Just use
our donation button, and your VISA, Mastercard or American Express
card from anywhere in the world...please see below for details of how
you can help add 16 new stories and much more...and receive a free
copy of the wonderful Voices in the Air book as a thank you......


You may be one of the thousands of people who visit our website every
week, checking some facts about radio heritage around the Pacific,
searching for stations in our radio guides, tracing famous people and
events or even family genealogy...in fact, nearly 17,000 separate
search terms entered into search engines during 2008 led people to
our site.....or you may even work at one of the thousands of radio
stations around the Pacific region listed at www.radioheritage.net

   Many of you congratulate us on our volunteer based website, saying
you like the stories, the photos, the information you can find, and
much more! We're really pleased to know that the site is useful, and
that, even if you only visit us once or a few times, we've helped you
in some way.

  As we've matured, so have the demands on our resources grown. The
technologies available to us now were almost imaginable in 2004. 
To unlock more from our growing collections and let us provide more
services such as on-line radio sound archives, the new searchable
database, more radio guides, new ways for you to talk with us and
other users of the site, we're having to rebuild our site......and we
need your help to keep more stories and content flowing onto our
existing site over the coming six months whilst this work takes place
behind the scenes.

  Before March 31, we need to find US$795 to add a backlog of
exciting new content to the site...16 great new radio stories, more
of our popular Long Lost Australian Radio Stars series, 15 fantastic
Long Lost Radio Images, great book reviews, news items,
anniversaries, events and much more.....

We've got a great web designer willing to put in many hours of work
for us to do this at greatly reduced rates, and so we're asking if
you'd be prepared to make a specific donation of US$10 or more
towards getting this job done.

  If just 80 readers pledge US$10 each or 8 readers of this email
pledge US$100 each, we've got the cost covered. Or, 16 of you pledge
US$50 each....you can see that a few can have a large impact.....

For many people, a visit to www.radioheritage.net is a nostalgic trip
down memory lane to see old radio friends again, and over the past
four years, we've had nearly half a million people stop by the site
and find something useful. All up, you've looked at millions of
pages and registered millions more hits, and spent hundreds of
thousands of hours on the site!!

  We've only brought you the tip of a very large iceberg of materials
already in our collections, and we've done this as a free
service......something that's central to our whole approach, and one
we'll continue in the future. 

We'd like to honor and acknowledge everyone who is able to contribute
in some way towards funding this US$795 we need, and we'd like your
permission to name you and your location as part of the new content
we begin adding. If you prefer, you can remain anonymous. 


   If you can help us today, please visit www.radioheritage.net and
use our online donation button with your VISA, Mastercard or American
Express card. If you live in New Zealand, make a direct credit to our
bank account: 02-0568-0025796-000 at the Bank of New Zealand if it's

  We also accept payment by check drawn on any currency. Please
make payable to 'Radio Heritage Foundation' Our mailing address: PO
Box 14339, Wellington 6241, New Zealand.


   Your funds will be used to meet the immediate need for US$795 to
bring forward our backlog of new content before the end of April. Our
web designer will also add more new material over the following
months as additional funds become available [we need US$355 each
month] and whilst our new site is being designed and built. This
content will, of course, be transferred over to the new site.

  If you enjoy our site, and support our non-profit approach to
connecting radio heritage and popular culture across the Pacific,
please send your contribution of US$10 or more today.....it will make
a very big difference!

  Thanks so much, we really appreciate your support in so many ways.

PS....see below for our special thank you gift for the first two
donations of US$50 or more.......

The Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit
organization. In New Zealand, we are registered with the Charities
Commission [CC25951]. Donations of NZ$5 or more made by New Zealand
residents are tax deductable, and donations made before March 31 2009
will be
eligible for rebate of one-third up to your net annual income. The
previous restriction of NZ$630 maximum has been removed. Receipts
will be issued on request. To be removed from this mailing list email
i...@radioheritage.net with 'remove me' in the subject line. However,
we hope you find our mailings of interest.

PPS....the first two donations of US$50 or more towards our US$795
target before March 31 will each receive a free copy of the classic
'Voices in the Air' book telling the history of radio broadcasting in
New Zealand up to the mid-1970's. We will ship this anywhere in the
world as a special thank you for your generous support this month. 
   Your donation of US$10 or more will help us bring you 16 new
stories, 15 more Long Lost Radio Images, more Long Lost Australian
Radio Stars series, more news, events and info, please donate today
at www.radioheritage.net...

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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
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