** CANADA. 9515, RCI with the harmonica music filler we used to hear for a 
minute or two, but April 2 at 1744, this went on uninterrupted until cut back 
into French programming in progress at 1817. We enjoyed that CD when they would 
play different trax, but this was one single track in a loop over and over; I 
think it was one of Brahms` Hungarian Dances, with piano accompaniment, not 
something you really want to hear for 33 minutes straight. I didn`t really 
listen to it continuously, as evidenced by all the other logs in this report, 
but kept a second receiver on it low, and made a point of checking 
periodically, especially at 1804-1805 when there is normally a program 
transition. Just the harmonica music. They must have lost the feed and 
defaulted to this. Noble West in TN was hearing the same earlier in the day at 
1400, but says there was French on the frequency at 1800, which I certainly did 
not hear when I checked at 1800 in case of a break then. At
 1904 in Arabic, no harmonica again yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. 13760, Chinese echoing and cutting out, April 2 at 0535, 
much better signal than VOR 13775 to North America, altho 13760 is CNR1 jamming 
against R. Free Asia in Mandarin via Saipan, hardly intended for NAm at all. I 
thought Voice of Korea might be in there, but altho they use 13760 a lot, not 
at this hour.

Then I tried 19m, and found the only signal audible on the band was 15130, 
April 2 at 0536, not // 13760. This is CRI via Beijing site, 150 kW at 95 
degrees; strangely enough, IBB Tinian is also scheduled on 15130 at 250 kW, 317 
degrees with RFA in Mandarin. So that takes care of blocking two of RFA`s 
frequencies in China, and no doubt the others are too: 15615 15635 17615 17880 
21550 21690. 

What a loss of face for China! Won`t let its greatest trading partner get a 
free word into China; can`t risk anything contradicting the Party Line. 
Meanwhile, CRI in English and Chinese is unimpeded all over the SW dial in USA, 
even relayed by domestic stations.

Another check of the 7100-7200 range, April 2 at 1255 found only one frequency 
occupied by broadcasters, the China/Taiwan collision on 7185

** CUBA. RHC, Arnie Coro wrapping up his newscast on the half hour, April 2 at 
0538, quite undermodulated on 6000 but quickly checking 6060 and 6140, 
modulation was at normal level; on two receivers I did also notice that 6060 
and 6140 are synchronized, but an echo apart from 6000, from a different site. 
Then into weekly mailbag presented by Isabel García.

Another SNAFU: 9550 on the air at an hour it should not be, 1748 April 2, 
Spanish talk about Cuba, but audio cutting off and back on a few times as of 
1750. Did not find any // on the air, checking 25 and 31 meters. Sometimes for 
a special event they do put some transmitters on at mid-day (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** CUBA [and non]. Since I heard jamming and Spanish on 9545 the night before, 
I was standing by for it April 1: Nothing as early as 2200. At 2258, jamming 
already going, and R. República carrier popped on atop it at about 2259:50, 
brief sign-on without mentioning frequency, then Encuentro Informativo. The 
audio was sticking/skipping a bit as if it had something digital in the feed 
chain. Jamming seemed to be building up bit by bit and/or the Sackville(?) 
signal was fading bit by bit. At 2301, could hear RHC IS inverted bleeding over 
from 9550 opening English hour, tsk2. Meanwhile some jamming was still running 
on ex-9810 against nothing, just in case. Still need to confirm how long 9545 
runs and whether R.R. changes to any other frequency before finished in the 

Also DentroCuban jamming against nothing (except maybe the wailing Brazilian 
preacher David Miranda) on 9565, April 2 around 0600, not only grinding and 
pulsing, but with faux-Morse-code-like intermittent tones; same at 1317, still 
against nothing. But when there was jamming against something on 9565, R. Martí 
at 1743, no such tones (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** IRAN. 15085, VIRI at 1801 April 2, fair in fluttery German as scheduled 
1730-1830, 500 kW, 310 degrees from Kamalabad, so also usward (Glenn Hauser, 

** KUWAIT. 11990, R. Kuwait English service, April 2 at 1829, music with heavy 
beat, 1830 accurate 5+1 time signal, news theme and news by YL; unfortunately I 
was trying to hear it on the lunch table`s DX-390 with inside reel-out antenna 
only, and that was not enough; just occasional words at fadeups, and by 1839 
when I got back to the FRG-7 with external longwire, news was done and back to 
rap. Who needs that all the way from Kuwait? By 1901 it had faded to just 
barely audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Quite by chance I discovered a new FM station in Enid. At 1625 UT 
April 2, as I was bandscanning in a store parking lot, came upon WECS on 97.7. 
WECS??? Turned out to be a loop repeating every 75 seconds, and no, Brucey, I 
failed to note whether it was in stereo. WECS stands for the Voice of Emmanuel 
Christian School as per ID also giving frequency. All voiced by kids, having 
trouble reading the script, which included: please return your report cards, US 
population in 1860, happy birthday greetings to several individuals in the week 
of March 30-April 4, citing Titus II: 7-8. 

Turned out this was from the closest thing in Enid to a mega-church, Emmanuel 
Baptist, in the same block. Signal was noisy and at first I thought it was 
adjacent channel slop from 97.5, but as we drove closer the noise was still 
there, so apparently being broadcast that way. We spotted a ground plane on the 
roof, seemingly flanked by loudspeakers, but could not hear any audio by 
compression aeronautical propagation in the parking lot. 

The antenna looked to be a bit higher than several lightning rods elsewhere on 
the extensive roof, which may mean ``WECS`` is blessed by God. It really must 
be very low power, as range on the caradio is about one km, not including the 
nearest intersexion with RF-noisy traffic lights. Cannot detect it on a 
portable at home several times that distance, but instead a spur or mixing 
product from licensed gospel-huxter translator on 98.3. Per FCC FM Query, the 

WECS 211 A FM 90.1 MHz LIC WILLIMANTIC CT US BMLED-20060227AEK - 18298 0.43 kW 

I had never heard of Enid`s `WECS`, tho I confess to not reading thoroughly the 
extensive religious news pages in the Enid Eagle, where coverage of local 
broadcast media is spotty, to say the least. And searching their archive on the 
call turns up nothing. The kids had a strange accent, from excessive non-public 
schooling or perhaps transplants from the East where they would think a faux 
W-call is what they should come up with in K-land (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** ROMANIA [and non]. 11970, April 2 at 1816 a collision between a station with 
Farda-like song, and some romance language. Looking it up later, I see we have 
Bible Voice Broadcasting via Jülich, GERMANY in Persian at 100 degrees, and RRI 
in Romanian at 285 degrees, a `share` that may look OK on paper, but crossing 
beams are not likely to be interference free in the target-areas either. 
However, I thought I heard ``Family`` and ``Oakland`` mentioned, so really YFR 
instead of BVB? At 1900 RRI was alone, VG with news in Romanian (Glenn Hauser, 

** RUSSIA. I hope it`s working better on the west coast, but the only frequency 
now on the VOR English to NAm schedule between 0400 and 0600, 13775, was 
inaudible the first night I tried; April 2 at 0534 it was just barely audible 
with music, and I could recognize the voice of a VOR announcer, but that`s it. 
This is from a Far East site, listed as Vladivostok, a far cry from the 
abandoned Montsinéry (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. Saut ul-Buzz, which I normally hear starting around 1500 on 
15435, was still going with strong signal at 1754 check April 2, overriding the 
Arabic modulation which is presumably the exclusive intent for transmission; 
off at 1801 recheck (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SYRIA. 12085, R. Damascus, April 2 at 1808 with big S9+15 carrier, 
hum/whine, modulation just barely audible, but sounded German as scheduled in 
this hour. If also on 9330, blocked by WBCQ. At 1857 on 12085 nothing but open 
carrier audible, or rather accompanied by clix and hum/whine; 1859 a YL was JBA 
in French saying `bonsoir`, 1900 choral anthem(?). If it were decently 
modulated, this would have been quite listenable, better than Kuwait on 11990 
or Iran on 15085 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY [and non]. 7325 via Canada, VOT still in English for a second night 
running April 2 at 0312. Unless there are more mixups, no further reporting 
about this should be required. But if anyone notices this transmission in 
non-English again, please say so!

11835, very good S9+18 signal with tango music, but lyrix in Turkish(?), April 
2 at 1814, concluding VOT`s German service from 1730, as per sign-off at 1822, 
IS until 1824*. Better signal than the English service on 9785, only P-F at 
1845. 11835 is on the 310 degree beam from Emirler, same as for NAm at 2200 on 
9830 among other transmissions (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9317.4, woman singing hymn with piano, April 2 at 1745, weak signal. 
Must be a spur. Is it // 9370 WTJC? No. But it IS // 9385 WWRB, so is there a 
match on the other side, plus 67.6 kHz? Yes, there it is, equal strength on 
9452.6. And at 1752 check all three with Brother Scare after a musical respite 

** U S A. WRMI, 9955, Thursday April 2 at 1500 with Happy Station, a few 
minutes later Keith Perron mentioning my report of jamming at 0100, and a also 
from someone in Cuba about the jamming. Good now, no jamming heard. 
Unfortunately, I had to go out, and WRMI stream is down, so will have to pull 
show from archive like last week`s. 

WRMI is still off the air in the afternoons, weekdays 16-24 UT when it would 
otherwise be filling unsold time with WRN relays, as noted April 2 at 1846. Our 
condolences to Jeff White whose mother died last week, and so he has been away 
from Miami (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 7176-SSB, The Rocky Mountain RV Service Net, after 1300 UT 
Thursday April 2, good signal from NCS Rob, W2EMA in Tucson using the 
facilities of N4YWR while his own were unavailable. Interrupted at 1307 by a 
call from JH3NGD, whom I doubt had any real interest in RVs in the Rockies, but 
courteously contacted, after several tries at copying his call correctly.

The closest I could find to this in Nets To You, which was last updated two 
years ago, showing winter and summer UT timings, are:
But nothing at all listed on 7176. There are several other such nets for 
different regions on different bands at different times.

WBCCI is: Wally Byam Caravan Club International, Inc.
where the net info page
is also out of date:

``Rocky Mountain Net, W2EMA, George "Robby" Robinson, 5324 1st St. #278, Tucson 
AZ 85711, (520) 293-6652, robw2ema @ msn.com
0700-0900 MST [1400-1600 UT] 7263 (first 1-½ hr) 7268.5 (last ½ hr)`` 

** VATICAN [non]. 9900, VR IS, April 2 at 1314-1315*, `Laudetur` and to open 
carrier for a while. This is conclusion of the half-sesquihour in Chinese via 
Novosibirsk, RUSSIA at 111 degrees.

15235, at 1353 April 2, song in Vietnamese, 1355 talk, with lotsa mentions of 
``kilosik``, 1357 VR IS. This is conclusion of the half-sesquihour in 
Vietnamese direct from SMG at 72 degrees, and way off-target here (Glenn 

UNIDENTIFIED. 11945, with a bad collision, April 2 at 1812, music and talk, but 
hard to make out details. Apparently during this hour we have NHK in Japanese 
via Issoudun, France, and CVC in Russian via Jülich, Germany (Glenn Hauser, OK, 


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