** BELARUS. 7255, Radio Station Belarus, 2105-2205+, April 19,
tune-in  to English news. Local music. IDs. Program about local 
music. Into Russian  at 2200. Good signal strength & in the clear 
but audio somewhat muffled.  No sign of Nigeria on 7255. Poor to
fair on // 7210 but covered by China at  approximately 2155 sign on.
Very weak-threshold copy on // 7390. (Brian  Alexander, PA) 
** MALI. 5995, RTVM, 0740-0801*, April 19, vernacular talk. Flute
IS  & closing French announcements at 0800. Weak. Australia 
usually signs on  at 0758 on 5995 but tonight they did not come on 
the air until after 0801.  (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** MALI. 9635, RTVM, *0801:30-0820, April 19, sign on with flute IS
and  opening French announcements. Local African music at 0802.
Vernacular talk at  0803. Weak. Lost in noise by 0823. Listed // 7285
not heard due to strong DRM  signal on frequency. (Brian Alexander, 
** SYRIA. 12085, Radio Damascus, 2134-2200, April 19, English  
programming. Local music. News brief at 2158. Poor with low 
modulation and hum. Very low modulation on // 9330. 
(Brian Alexander, PA) 
Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA,  U.S.A.  
Equipment:  TenTec RX-340, two 100 foot longwires 
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