Forwarding message from Mr. Gautam Kr. Sharma, Avayapuri, Assam, India.
Thanks to Mr. A. M Bain of Durg, Chattisgarh, India also for this info.

Swopan Chakroborty
Kolkata, India

Its my pleasure to inform you I heard Bangladesh Betar's Domestic Services
Relay on 7250kHz around 0215UTC onwards on April 23rd.Initially, there was
hum like sound was there as observed by me & however later the sound was not
heard louder became somewhat faded.I recorded its  audio around
0215,0216,0220,0245 & 0310UTC perhaps. And while checking around 0319UTC, I
didn't find its signal there on 7250kHz. And slight noise i.e. QRM from a
radio station on 7240kHz could be found during my monitoring period
i.e.0215-0310UTC.And I identified the station from its contents & language
of broadcasting i.e. Bengali.But the signal varied from fair to poor in
strength not strong as heard during their previous shortwave frequency i.e.
On April 24th, after several checking on 7250kHz from 0200UTC, the signal
was very weak & initially around 0200UTC onwards hum sound was there.
On April 24th morning, the signal was too weak to copy & the hum sound was

73 & 55
Gautam Kumar Sharma (GK)
Abhayapuri(Assam) (India)
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