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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. BBC and radio rivals join forces in battle (Jaisakthivel)
   2. BBC New partnership for British radio (Jaisakthivel)
   3. 15345 ARG RAE German on test at 1700-1755 UT (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   4. ClewistonUSA DX (
   5. Radio Pakistan comes to the aid of Dalits in India (Jaisakthivel)
   6. LOG (Jorge Freitas (Yahoo))
   7. A QSL list and info from Latin America stations
      (Giampiero Bernardini)
   8. Glenn Hauser logs April 28-29, 2009 (Glenn Hauser)
   9. Re: LOG 7335 Firedrake (Glenn Hauser)
  10. FIPB defers decision on Worldspace web services proposal
  11. New ideas form a key part of BBC programming policy (Jaisakthivel)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 11:06:20 +0530 (IST)
From: Jaisakthivel <>
To: dxld <>
Subject: [HCDX] BBC and radio rivals join forces in battle
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

BBC and radio rivals join forces in battle

The BBC is to join commercial radio operators to form a new industry body to 
promote digital radio.

The Radio Council, which will be unveiled at the Radio Reborn conference in 
London today, will develop initiatives between the BBC and the private sector 
to try to fuel uptake of digital, which currently accounts for 18.3 per cent of 

It initially will comprise the BBC, GMG, Global Radio and Bauer Media, the 
three largest commercial groups, as well as RadioCentre, representing the rest 
of the commercial sector.

The first project the group will work on will be the development of an online 
radio player, similar to the BBC iPlayer, which will stream all live radio 
stations in the country via the same online platform. 

Plans for a common standard, known as ?Radio Plus?, which will allow listeners 
to record shows in a similar manner to Sky Plus, will also be developed.

A big challenge for the Radio Council will be to increase listening to digital 
audio broadcasting (DAB). Just under 30 per cent of adults claim to own a DAB 
set, but the medium accounts for only 11.4 per cent of listening and commercial 
operators have struggled to make a return.

The group is expected to liaise with Lord Carter of Barnes, the Communications 
Minister, to appoint a chief executive for the Digital Radio Delivery Group 
promised in his interim Digital Britain report, to promote DAB and work towards 
analogue switch-off.

The chairmanship of The Radio Council is expected to rotate annually between 
the BBC and its commercial rivals, with Tim Davie, director of BBC Audio & 
Music, as the inaugural chairman. It is expected to meet quarterly.

Mr Davie said: ?The partnership between the BBC and Commercial Radio is crucial 
to the future of the medium. Radio is unique and much-loved, but the media 
environment is changing and we have to work together to make sure it remains as 
popular and relevant as ever.?

Andrew Harrison, chief executive of RadioCentre, said: ?We will, of course, 
remain competitors for listeners with the BBC, and RadioCentre will continue to 
lobby for the commercial and regulatory freedom to compete on level terms, but 
today we recognise that we need to work together in a new partnership to 
deliver a thriving radio sector for listeners.?

Although industry revenues have doubled in the ten years up to 2005, Stephen 
Miron, Global Radio?s chief executive, said last month that the radio sector 
was plagued by a lack of creative and commercial ambition.

He said: ?It has been navel-gazing far too long. We have got to sell our medium 
harder. Our challenge as an industry is to make sure we provide absolutely 
compelling reasons why listeners should go from analogue to digital.?
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India)

      Now surf faster and smarter ! Check out the new Firefox 3 - Yahoo! 


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 11:05:00 +0530 (IST)
From: Jaisakthivel <>
To: dxld <>
Subject: [HCDX] BBC New partnership for British radio
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

New partnership for British radio

The BBC and commercial radio groups have agreed to form a new partnership body 
designed to push forward new projects.

The Radio Council will initially be made up of the BBC, Global Radio, Bauer 
Media, GMG and trade body RadioCentre, and will push forward as its top three 
priorities the development of: an open platform for the streaming of live UK 
radio in one player; a common user interface and electronic programme guide for 
radio across all digital platforms; and a calendar of exclusive digital-only 
content for DAB Digital Radio listeners.

"The partnership between the BBC and Commercial Radio is crucial to the future 
of the medium," said the BBC's Tim Davie, who will chair the council for the 
first year. "Radio is unique and much-loved, but the media environment is 
changing and we have to work together to make sure it remains as popular and 
relevant as ever."

All projects pushed forward by the Council will be subject to the usual 
approval procedure involving the BBC Trust and RadioCentre prior to launch.

"This exciting new initiative kick-starts our collective approach to ensuring 
radio is at the heart of Digital Britain," said RadioCentre's Andrew Harrison. 
"We will of course remain competitors for listeners with the BBC, and 
RadioCentre will continue to lobby for the commercial and regulatory freedom to 
compete on level terms, but today we recognise that we need to work together in 
a new partnership to deliver a thriving radio sector for listeners."
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India)

      Now surf faster and smarter ! Check out the new Firefox 3 - Yahoo! 


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 11:37:05 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "HCDX" <>, "DXLD" <>
Subject: [HCDX] 15345 ARG RAE German on test at 1700-1755 UT
Message-ID: <828bb618994b4924be9eac4e448f7...@hnpc2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

ARGENTINA   15345  RAE German service on SW test transmission in May, June,
and July 2009:

1700-1755 15345 kHz + Livestream (repeat of the previous transmission)
2100-2155 15345 kHz + Livestream (Live program)

Rayen Braun von RAE aus Buenos Aires teilt gerade mit, dass es ab 4. Mai
2009 eine Neuerung beim Auslandsdienst Argentiniens gibt. Ab diesem Datum
wird das deutsche Programm zusaetzlich um 1700 UT (bis 1755 UT) auf 15345
kHz und auf dem Livestream


gesendet. Hierbei handelt es sich um die Wiederholung der jeweils letzten
Sendung. Das aktuelle Tagesprogramm wird weiterhin auf den selben Frequenzen
um 2100 UTC live gesendet.

Also nochmal zum Mitschreiben: Ab 4.5.2009
1700-1755 15345 kHz + Livestream (Wiederholung der vorherigen Sendung)
2100-2155 15345 kHz + Livestream (Livesendung)

Die zusaetzliche Sendung wird testweise fuer drei Monate durchgefuehrt, wenn
die Resonanzen der Hoerer positiv sind, wird die neue Sendezeit beibehalten.

<RAEdeutsch @>

Weiterhin gibt es natuerlich den Podcast:
entinien&catid=36:laenderauswahl&Itemid=82>  (inkl. netten Fotos).
(via Douglas Kaehler-D, A-DX Apr 28)

Initiative von Christian Milling von Radio 700 Euskirchen.


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 10:02:56 -0000
From: <>
To: "worlddx" <>, "Shortwaveworld Shortwaveworld
        Shortwaveworld" <>, "Robert Wilkner"
        <>,   "Marie Lamb" <>,
        "CUMBREDX" <>, "Chuck B" <>,
        "Anker Petersen" <>, <>,
        <>, "Logs DSWCI Logs DSWCI Logs DSWCI"
Subject: [HCDX] ClewistonUSA DX
Message-ID: <004001c9c8b1$ac365be0$fac8a...@hp98588948284>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Peru, 6019.30, Radio Victoria, 0830-0859,  With a clear frequency and a fair
signal, Radio Victoria was an easy catch this morning.  Noted a male in
mostly Spanish language news.  Periodically he gave a TC and ID.  At 0859
Radio Australia tunes up and begins broadcasting with their IS.  Victoria is
blocked, but not completely ending up with a poor signal.  (Chuck Bolland,
April 29, 2009)

Russia, 5920, Radio Rossii, 0910-0920,  Tuned in to music which was mainly
Jazz with a male in Russian comments between tunes.  Believe he was 
the music since a few bars from the tune were repeated during his comments.
Signal was fair with QRM and was in parallel with 5940 KHz and 7320 KHz. 
(Chuck Bolland, April 29, 2009)

Russia, 5940, Radio Rossii, 0916-0930,  Noted the same program here as on
5920 Khz with a male in Russian comments and Jazz music.  Signal on 5940 was
fair but without QRM as 5920 KHz had. Also parallel on 7320 KHz.  (Chuck 
Bolland, April 29, 2009)

Russia, 7320, Radio Rossii, 0919-0930,  Noted a male in Russian comments.
 At 0920 signal begins to fade slightly as the noise increases here.  At 
a female comments.  Signal was fair.  (Chuck Bolland, April 29, 2009)

Indonesia, 4790, RRI Fak Fak,(pres) 0928-1001,  Radio Vision not on the air 
and never came up during the listening period. Noted a period of music until 
0931 when a female comments in Indonesian language. This is followed by more 
comments from others.  Signal is plagued by noise and  crashes from 
electrical storms somewhere.  At 0933 back to music until 0953 when a male 
begins talking in Indo.  Was hoping to hear the "Song of the Coconut Island 
on the hour, but signal was too poor.   (Chuck Bolland, April 29, 2009)

Clewiston, Florida


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 16:57:51 +0530 (IST)
From: Jaisakthivel <>
To: dx india <>
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Pakistan comes to the aid of Dalits in India
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

 Radio Pakistan comes to the aid of Dalits in India 

Instead of looking at its country?s depleting reputation in the world for being 
a haven for terrorists and the Taliban in Swat Valley, Radio Pakistan?s prime 
concern is the welfare of lower caste people in India.

In the latest Punjabi Durbar programme, Radio Pakistan has alleged that people 
belonging to the SC (Scheduled Caste) and ST (Scheduled Tribes) in India are 
subjected to inhuman treatment in India.

The programme has alleged that upper caste Brahmins don?t allow the lower 
castes to pray in temples or fetch water from their wells.

The allegations have been dismissed as baseless by Dr. Kuldeep Singh of Bahujan 
Samaj Party (BSP).

?Pakistan is trying to create divisions in the country by asserting that the 
concept of casteism overpowering India. As the district head of Bahujan Samaj 
Party I want to say that the system of casteism is the issue of the past. At 
present, in Bahujan Samaj Party people of different castes like Brahmins, 
Thakur, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Jatt Sikh to the people of lower castes like 
schedule castes and schedule tribes work together for the betterment and the 
progress of the country,? said Dr. Kuldeep Singh.

?I want to ask Pakistan about its system of casteism, where people are fighting 
one another. Such conditions will not be there in any other country of the 
world,? said Dr. Singh.

?At a time when India and Pakistan were united, the situation was very bad. Dr. 
Bhim Rao Ambedkar wrote our Constitution, which came into force on 26th January 
1950. Since then the concept of casteism has been reduced to a great extent. He 
created a feeling of togetherness and brotherhood in the people of different 
castes and helped them in getting their rights.?

The broadcasters of Raido Pakistan need to study the Indian Constitution before 
airing baseless allegations about India. It must remember that that all 
Indians, irrespective of caste, creed, and religion have the Right to Equality.

In Uttar Pradesh, the people irrespective of their caste or creed or without 
any pressure of any community elected their leader Ms. Mayawati.

Moreover, people of the lower castes, today enjoy reservation in almost all 
government jobs and education institutes across the country. (ANI)

      Now surf faster and smarter ! Check out the new Firefox 3 - Yahoo! 


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 11:36:48 -0000
From: "Jorge Freitas \(Yahoo\)" <>
To: <>,       "Hard Core DX"
        <>,        <>,
Subject: [HCDX] LOG
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

7335 04/29 0955 (TWN) TAIWAN, Xi Wang Zhi Sheng SOH, *presumed*, Firedrake,
according to Aoki with 1 kW, only folk music, end of the transmission 1000
UTC, to restart in 1005, 25332 (JJFS-Feira de Santana BA-Brasil)


12085 04/29 1021 (MNG) MONGOLIAN, Voice of Mongolian, in Chinese, from
Ulaanbaatar, with 250 kW, an interview in a studio of YL a OM, end of
transmission with the ID by OM, the 1030 UTC start the program in English by
YL, new interview in the studio, 35333 (JJFS-Feira de Santana BA-Brasil)


12105 04/29 1012 (GUM) GUAM, KTWR, in Chinese, from Agana, with 100 kW, YL
Talk and said address, at 1015 UTC short music and OM talks, degrading
signal, 25332 (JJFS-Feira de Santana BA-Brasil)


15800 04/29 1105 (BUL) BULGARIA, R Bulgaria, SS, from Plovdiv, with 170 kW,
YL with nx, at 1110 UTC ID, short mx and YL e OM Talk, at 1114 UTC pop mx,
25332 (JJFS-Feira de Santana BA-Brasil)




Jorge Freitas
Skype jorge.freitas.fsa
Escutas (listening):
Feira de Santana Bahia - Brasil
12?? 15' 1.57" S 38?? 58' 40.30" W
Degen 1103
Antena Dipolo de 16 metros e balum 4:1 em toroide.
Dire??o Leste/Oeste

"De Certa forma, as pessoas s?o como esponjas; elas t?m a tend?ncia de
absorver o que est? ? sua volta. ? muito f?cil adotar, mesmo sem querer, as
atitudes, os padr?es e os tra?os de personalidade daqueles com quem temos
muito contato" Portanto procuremos sempre ser uma  pessoa melhor a cada dia.



Message: 7
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 17:29:59 +0200
From: "Giampiero Bernardini" <>
To: "HCDX" <>
Subject: [HCDX] A QSL list and info from Latin America stations
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

On my Latin America on Short Wave blog I added a section with several
QSL information about LA stations. The list can be useful to DXer
looking for QSL from this continent. It was possible thanks to PlayDX
list of QSL received in last 12 months.

If you are interested:





Giampiero Bernardini






Message: 8
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 09:21:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 28-29, 2009
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** CHINA [and non]. 15635, at 0616 April 29, two programs in Chinese mixing. 
Per Aoki, this is a R. Free Asia Chinese frequency at 0300-0700, 500 kW, 152 
degrees via Irkutsk, RUSSIA, plus ChiCom jamming. I cannot be sure whether I 
was hearing RFA at all or just double jamming. See also USA [non] 11605.

Firedrake check April 29: At 1436, just barely audible on 13970, where we used 
to hear it months ago; At 1438 stronger on 15150, and even stronger on 15600, 
all // and presumably against inaudible Sound of Hope. At 1440 I thought I 
heard a couple of words spoken among all the music. At 1451, still audible on 
two more //, 8400 and 9000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. RHC must have changed their program feed routing, and/or transmitter 
site arrangement for English, checked at 0622 April 29. Previously, 6000 and 
6010 had been an echo apart, but now they are synchronized, altho 6000 is still 
modulated very much less than 6010. 6000 also has a squeal audible on the low 
side. 6140 is also undermodulated, 6060 normal modulation, and all of them 
synchronized. BTW, after about four days, the outdated schedule on their 
redesigned website has been replaced by more or less correct one (Glenn Hauser, 

** CUBA [non]. Radio Rep?blica added another broadcast. Tnx to tip from Jos? 
Miguel Romero, Spain that it was very strong on 9840 during the 21 UT hour 
April 27, I started checking the frequency April 28. During the 19 UT hour, 
WHRI was still on it; nothing heard after 2000. At 2115-2135 I was getting R. 
Rep?blica, only fair signal with deep fades, no jamming, so suspect UK site 
instead of Canada. 2200 ID with no frequency announcement, ``Entre J?venes`` 
show. Not heard at 2302 recheck. So schedule on 9840 is tentatively 2100-2300, 
then over to jammed 9545. I expect the jamming on 9840 will start ASAP.

Lingering jamming against R. Mart?, 7365, instead bothering WHRI at 0627 April 
29, ID in English with contact info atop jam pulses.

1431 April 29 on 12000, monitored RHC frequency announcement. Got most of it 
right, but omitted 11760, which I quickly confirmed was really on the air as 
usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1458, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY [non]. DRM on 6125-6130-6135 outstix like a sorethumb in middle of 
49m, April 29 at 0623. Surely strong enough to decode, altho listed as DW 
English via Sines, PORTUGAL, 0600-0700, 90 kW at 30 degrees, far from usward 

** TAIWAN. 11875 in soft Indonesian talk about saxophone, then sax music, 1418 
April 29; 1428 ID as RTI. Good signal in the clear. Per Aoki it`s 250 kW, 205 
degrees from Tainan at 1400-1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. KJES, Vado NM, again audible April 29, at 1415 on 11715, YL 
proclaiming Biblical quotes, immediately repeated robotically by OM. Very 
undermodulated still, and also with SAH, which per Aoki is VOA English via 
Tinang, PHILIPPINES at 1400-1500, 50 kW, 220 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A [non]. 9760 via Tinang, Philippines, VOA English at 1250 April 29, 
report on Kokomo vs auto industry cuts, 1255 USG editorial on LTTE. But marred 
by audio dropouts every few seconds. Standard remarx about weakest link, anyone 
paying attention, need for backup feeds. Same programming repeated two hours 
later at 1450 without the dropouts; at least they have redundancy.

11605, April 29 at 1315, a total mess, must be at least three programs mixing. 
Two of them would be ChiCom jamming as the only thing really scheduled is R. 
Free Asia in Tibetan via TINIAN, 250 kW, 309 degrees at 1300-1400. Recheck at 
1414 found Vietnamese in the clear, which is also RFA, but now 250 kW, 250 
degrees via Tanshui, TAIWAN, at 1400-1500, per Aoki. Moral: Tibetans should 
learn Vietnamese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###



Message: 9
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 12:20:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
To:, Hard Core DX
        <>,,,        "Jorge Freitas \(Yahoo\)"
Subject: Re: [HCDX] LOG 7335 Firedrake
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


So from your description, you were hearing the ChiCom Firedrake jamming against 
Sound of Hope, NOT Xi Wang Zhi Sheng, Sound of Hope itself.

73, Glenn Hauser

--- On Wed, 4/29/09, Jorge Freitas (Yahoo) <> 

> 7335 04/29 0955 (TWN) TAIWAN, Xi Wang Zhi Sheng SOH,
> *presumed*, Firedrake,
> according to Aoki with 1 kW, only folk music, end of the
> transmission 1000
> UTC, to restart in 1005, 25332 (JJFS-Feira de Santana
> BA-Brasil)



Message: 10
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 09:32:40 +0530 (IST)
From: Jaisakthivel <>
To: dxld <>
Subject: [HCDX] FIPB defers decision on Worldspace web services
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

FIPB defers decision on Worldspace web services proposal

The Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) has deferred its decision to 
allow Worldspace to  provide/undertake web based services in India.

At its meeting held on 20 April, the FIPB approved 22 proposals of foreign 
direct investment amounting to an estimated Rs 5.41 billion.

While South Asia FM Ltd (SAFL) has got the FIPB (foreign investment promotion 
board) nod to increase its foreign direct equity, the Worldspace proposal has 
been put on hold.

Says Worldspace India managing director, "We had sought clarification from FIPB 
on our plans to provide web based services. As you know, there is some 
confusion regarding the current regulatory scenario in this regard. I am not 
sure why FIPB deferred its decision again as all the ministries had given 
positive feedback when this issue came up for discussion at FIPB. We hope it 
will be cleared soon."
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India)

      From Chandigarh to Chennai - find friends all over India. Go to


Message: 11
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 09:30:53 +0530 (IST)
From: Jaisakthivel <>
To: dxld <>
Subject: [HCDX] New ideas form a key part of BBC programming policy
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

New ideas form a key part of BBC programming policy

Drama, comedy and entertainment programmes with fresh new ideas will remain a 
hallmark of UK pubcaster the BBC's output.

Series include a BBC One drama called Occupation, which tells of the lives of 
soldiers returning from Iraq, as well as a new BBC Two drama which will attempt 
to tell the story of the collapse of the Lehman Brothers bank. BBC

Three will continue to cement its reputation as the digital channel for new 
comedy talent with new studio comedy from We Are Klang and a new narrative 
comedy called The Gemma Factor. 

The BBC's Statements of Programme Policy (SoPPs) has been published. These 
statements outline the commitments and editorial priorities across BBC services 
for the year ahead and explain how each service will deliver the requirements 
of their Service Licence and Purpose Remit.

They also aim to demonstrate the BBC's ongoing commitment to meeting audience 
needs and to delivering excellence and value across all of its services.

Arts and culture programming will be further enhanced in the year ahead across 
BBC services. Among a plethora of additional series and formats that will 
exclusively focus on the arts and culture genres, the most ambitious season on 
poetry, in the history of BBC, will roll out across BBC Two, BBC Four and 
CBeebies, BBC Radio 3, BBC Radio 4 and online.

Factual output will remain at the core of BBC's TV schedules with new 
commissions such as The Science Show (working title) on BBC One bringing 
science to a family audience. BBC Two will also play a role in strengthening 
our factual offering with new programmes such as South Pacific, a six-part 
natural history series, and Recession Britain, a documentary series which 
tackles different areas of the UK's changing economy. BBC Three will feature a 
range of programmes in The Grown-Up Season examining at what age one should be 
treated as a grown-up.

Highlights in radio programming include a series of social action campaigns 
focusing on issues such as drugs and bullying which will be developed in a 
partnership between BBC Radio 1, 1Xtra and BBC Switch. Radio 4 is also set to 
feature landmark factual series and a partnership with the British Museum will 
be rolled out. New programming on Radio 2, 3 and 4 will also explore the impact 
of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Following the recent BBC Trust review of BBC Online, the corporation will 
become better connected to sites and services outside of the BBC. There are 
also plans to make the successful BBC iPlayer available on a wide range of 
platforms and devices.
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India)

      Own a website.Get an unlimited package.Pay next to nothing.*Go to

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 76, Issue 31

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