** ANGUILLA [non]. Caribbean Beacon (as it never axually IDs) still missing 
from 11775 at 1228 May 13; could hear DCJC pulses QRMing weak Chinese signal, 
Commie jammer vs Commie jammer since the Chinese is on there to block All India 
Radio in Tibetan via Goa! Is 6090 also missing at night or are DGS/PMS stuck on 
that frequency also in the daytime? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. Thanks to the imminent 20th anniversary of June 4, jamming 
is building up. Now we are hearing two separate Firedrakes --- same type of 
music but being fed from non-synchronized sources. May 13 observations:

At 1205, new FD on 9400 underneath something in Chinese, per Aoki FEBC 
PHILIPPINES, which would not normally be jammed, and Aoki does not yet have it 

At 1208, FD on 9000, stronger than 9400, and not //; however, FD on 8400 was // 
9400 but not to 9000 as it previously had been.

At 1231, FD on 13970 // 8400, not // 9000. No FD found higher than 13970.

At 1336, FD on 9000 stronger than not // 8400. At 1412 both of these were off.

And the non-FD jamming by CNR1 echoes: May 13 at 1234 on 15255, burying VOA via 

At 1304 on 17515 heard Chinese talk and music, which must be jamming against 
BBC`s Uzbek service at 1300-1330 via Cyprus. Yes, the ChiCom even block 
broadcasts in languages of neighboring countries, the excuse being that some 
Uzbek-speakers reside in China (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Altho RHC was back on 15370 May 12, it had resumed the newer frequency 
13780 on May 13, at 1305 check; and along with it the leapfrogs over 13680 
landing on 13880 by itself, and under R. Prague on 13580. Meanwhile, 15120 was 
still missing; what has become of that transmitter? 

Also, at 1411 check, 6000 was still on the air and just barely audible in the 
growing daytime noise level. Per all versions of RHC schedules in DXLD 9-039, 
it is supposed to go off at 1400; it was an echo apart from // 15360 (Glenn 

** INDONESIA. After a disastrous sesquiweek on 11785, colliding with 
double-ChiCom jamming and VOA, Voice of Indonesia finally took our advice and 
returned to 9525 on May 13, first noted at 1204 in Indonesian, no QRM from 
Poland via Germany or anything else. At 1227 checked 11785 just in case and 
heard Chinese echoing but no fast SAH as had been the case with slightly 
off-frequency VOI. 

At 1301, ``Sound of Dignity`` still on 9525 in VOI transition from Indonesian 
to English, still clear. Now the major obstacle resumes: heavy concentration 
needed to try to make out the heavy accents in English, plus the hum. 1327 
started ``Indonesian Wonders`` segment but couldn`t figure out about what. 1331 
into language lesson. 

Final check at 1414 found the usual situation after 1400 on 9525 --- VOI Malay 
mixing with CRI in Russian. The smarter thing for VOI to do would be to switch 
to 11785 at 1400 when it clears up (except for BBC). BTW, whatever became of 
VOI`s Korean service, which used to be at 1200? Now it`s totally missing from 
the WRTH A09 Update (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA [and non]. Habana 12000 at 1339 May 13 had hum and heavy distorted 
QRM from something in Chinese, spreading 11985 to 12015. Could not find any // 
from ChiCom jamming or non-jamming frequencies on 25m or anywhere else. Was 
wondering if a ChiCom feed was somehow getting into the RHC transmitter itself. 
But at 1359, ahá, VOR IS and 1401 more Chinese mixing, but now not distorted. 
Per Aoki, here`s the explanation:

Until 1400 it`s VOR in Chinese via Khabarovsk, 100 kW at 220 degrees but plenty 
of signal here in opposite direxion off the back at 40 degrees. After 1400 the 
Chinese on 12000 is CVC Darwin, 250 kW at 340 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A [non]. 9760, VOA via Philippines, Wednesday May 13 at 1318-1323 with 
Wordmaster feature, interviewing someone from Burkina Faso at a TESOL 
conference in Denver about English teaching. Interesting feature added to my 
MONITORING REMINDERS CALENDAR. But searching the VOA site on Wordmaster you get 
zero hits! If you look under W in the seemingly exhaustive A-Z list of VOA 
program titles in all languages, it is not there! Instead you have to find it 
under Special English, even tho as heard it was NOT in S.E., and not part of an 
S.E. program block. http://www.voanews.com/specialenglish/wordmaster/index.cfm

And this week`s item is at the top, audio available, 
where we also see that TESOL stands for Teachers of English to Speakers of 
Other Languages (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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