4790   PERU   Radio Vision    May 24  0445.   Signal was there with om in 
Spanish, but the broadcast was barely surviving the mortal attacks of CODAR.  
It was still disrupting the program on several rechecks.   (Barker-PA) 

6000   CUBA   Radio Havana  May 24 0500-0520.  Nothing extraordinary as YL gave 
usual ID in EE and continued with news headlines.  But about halfway through, 
she abruptly left the air.  Carrier remained but there was no audio for a full 
two minutes until she returned with more headlines.  Maybe she dropped her 
script and was rooting around on the floor for it.  Everything else went fine 
for the broadcast.  Tuned out as 'World of Stamps' came on at 0520.   

6010   COLOMBIA   Radio Conciencia or La Voz de tu Conciencia,  Puerto 
LLeras.   May 23  0830-0900.   OM and two YL's in SS in bible discussion 
group.until 0845.  This was followed by non-stop religious music until 0900.  
Several "Radio Conciencia" ID's were heard throughout the 30-minutes of 
monitoring, but no "La Voz de tu Conciencia" SS id's or id's in EE "This is the 
Voice of your Concience" which are usually heard.  No sign of Radio Mil, Mexico 
or Radio Inconfidencia, Brazil which usually mix with the Colombian.   

7250   IRAN   Voice of the Islamic Republic  May 24,  0520-0600   According to 
PWBR this program is called "Voice of Palestine."    At tune-in there was a 
pleasantly-voiced Muezzin chanting passages from the Qur'an.  Very artfully 
done.  This continued until 0530 when a man began talking briefly in Arabic, 
mentioning Palestine twice, and then there was more Qur'an chanting.  At 0555 
prayers were recited with responses from the congregation.  OM was talking at 
0600 tune out.  Passport says this program airs from 0345-0415.  Eibi 
says 0330-0430.  (Barker-PA) 

9575   MOROCCO   Radio Mediterrainee or Medi 1.  May 24 0415-0435.  Qur'anic 
chanting was heard at tune-in, with each prayer followed by a response from the 
congregation.  At 0425 music was played but thre usual 0430 ID was skipped and 
chanting resumed.  Tune-out t 0435. 

9580   GABON   Afrique Numero un   May 24  0601-0630.   OM with News in French, 
which included correspondent reports and actualities.  Nx continued until 0615 
followed by a station ID "Ici Libreville...?..." and contemporary French 
music.  Tuned out at 0630 as music continued playing.  (Barker-PAA) 

Bruce Barker, Broomall, PA.   Equipment:  NRD535D and an Alpha Delta dx sloper 
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